Reply Tue 22 Jul, 2008 03:09 pm
So, that was nice and easy, then.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Jul, 2008 03:27 pm
Yup. Even allows everything to remain rather pleasant too. I prefer pleasant.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Jul, 2008 11:40 pm
I'm a bit puzzled as to why the "unpleasant" label attatches to me, particularly.
We're not discussing a pleasant subject, granted.
Would you care to give any examples?

Maybe my posts are too taxing for you. Maybe you don't like being asked to consider facts unpalatable to you. Maybe you don't like your fantasies being contradicted.

Yes, that could be unsettling, even unpleasant.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Jul, 2008 02:43 am
foxfyre wrote:
It's pretty hard to accuse Israel of ethnic cleansing when there are between and one and two million Palestinian Arabs living happily and prosperously as full Israeli citizens in Israel. Has there been shady periods in Israel's past? Of course there has and I know nobody who has done much reading on the history who would deny that. Are all the Jews guilty of that? No they are not.

What the Zionists did through the ethnic cleansing of Palestine is establish a demographic majority of Jews in the areas they controlled right before their declaration of independence, and further cleansed those areas after the war broke out.
It goes without saying that "all the Jews" aren't guilty of that. Ethnic cleansing was perpetrated by the Zionist leadership in Palestine, however.

Have militant Arabs been plotting and contemplating and at various times attempting ethnic cleansing of the Jews since 1948? Yes they have. But somehow the anti-Israel, Palestinian sympathisers ignore that.

If there are any militant Arabs that think about and try to ethnically cleanse Jews since 1948, then they haven't been very successful. But so what? militant Arabs thinking about ethnically cleansing Jews do not justify the Zionists' ethnically cleansing Palestinians.

If past history was justification for modern atrocities, the Jews would be justified in trying to kill Germans--any Germans, men, women, and kids-- whenever or wherever they can. Does anybody think that would be a good thing? If Polish Jews were sneaking across the border to kidnap and kill German citizens or blow up markets or crowded busses or were regularly firing rockets into Germany trying to kill somebody, and Poland refused to do anything to stop it, would it not be appropriate for German to build walls to keep out Polish Jews or otherwise deal with the situation militarily?

But Germany is no longer the nation it was during the 1930's and 40's and Israel is no longer the nation it was many decades ago. No matter what grievances the Jews once had with Germany, those no longer exist. And the Jews are not retaliating against Germany for past sins. There would be no justification for the Jews to do so now.

Germany is no longer an oppressive ethnocentric state. It has problems with discrimination against its minorities, but its raison d'etre is no longer a homeland for Aryans. Israel continues to be one, and in order to perpetuate that status it oppresses the Palestinian people. That is the difference between Germany and Israel.

There is no justification of any kind for Palestinians attempting to kill Israel men, women, and children whenever and wherever they can either. And if they were not, there would be no justification for Israel doing whatever it must to protect itself.

I agree with you. There is no justification of any kind for Palestinians attempting to kill Israeli men, women, and children, period. There is justification when the militants attack legitimate targets like the military personnel and conscripts.

The problem with violence as a means to achieve political ends is that it tends to promote the "might makes right" mentality. Might does not make right, necessarily. The problem with the Palestinian militant groups, from which most of their leadership have come, is that they've tended to become mired in militancy, with its bravura and its attendant glory to the detriment of prosaic and quotidian civil leadership.

Those who sympathise with the Palestinians but who can also show sympathy to Israel and who can appreciate who Israel is and what they have become are not those who are anti-Israel.

One can sympathize with Israel in that the Zionists created it as a response to late 19th to mid 20th century anti-semitism. That response was as hateful as the anti-semitism the Zionists were reacting against, however. This irony is hypocritical. With that said, the state's purpose has become obsolete. As Gil Troy, writing for the Hagshama department of the World Zionist Organization asks rhetorically as he ruminates upon Israel's 60th anniversary, "Has Zionism become irrelevant? In this golden age of liberal democracy, with Jews welcomed and thriving in so many Western countries, why do Jews need a Jewish state? American Jews and Canadian Jews, Australian Jews and Argentinean Jews feel so comfortable that the major threats to the Jewish future have become assimilation and intermarriage not anti-Semitism. But wasn't Israel created as a refuge for Jews who feared persecution not for those who feared being loved to death?" and then answers with admitted illogic, "At its simplest the answer is circular: Jews need a Jewish state because Judaism always had Israel as a homeland," and "Beyond this existential, moral justification lies a more relevant, utilitarian argument. Even modern Jews who are happily acculturated in the lands of their birth need a Jewish state because, whether from near or from far, Israel provides the fullest expression of Jewish civilization in all its dimensions." What? That's Israel's raison d'etre? Even "modern Jews" need Israel because it provides the fullest expression of Jewish civilization in all its dimensions? That's the justification for the existence of the necessarily oppressive and discriminatory Zionist state? Oy vey! I wonder how many of the world's Jews agree with Troy.
Those who understand and objectively consider the history from both sides are not anti-Israel.

I take it you include yourself with those who understand and objectively consider the history from both sides, what with your gross generalizations, lack of references, and assertions pulled from out of (well, you know where)?
Those who use only the history from one side to condemn Israel and the Jews, however, are anti-Israel and they seem to have an irrational hatred of Israel and the Jews. I don't pretend to understand that.

So then those who don't make gross generalizations the way you do; don't lack references the way you do, and don't pull assertions from out of you know where the way you do seem to you to have an irrational hatred of Israel and "the Jews"? You seem to be equating bullshit and bluster with love for Israel and "the Jews."

As Germany is a much different place with a much different government than is was in the 1930's and 1940's, so is Israel.

You're getting redundant. See my response to your third assertion.

Again, at such time as the Palestinian leadership will officially recognize Israel's right to exist and do whatever it must to stop the Palestinian terrorist from attempting ethnic cleaning of the Jews, then I will expect Israel to be a good neighbor and friend to the Palestinians. If they are not, then my criticism will be directed toward them in the harshest terms.

I must have missed something. When did the state of Israel appoint you as their spokesperson? Do they know of your predilection for ridiculous straw men arguments and pulling half-brained assertions from out of regions only you know about?

By any chance, are you related to ican?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Jul, 2008 06:25 am
reading your post I wonder if you even have an idea what "ethnic cleansing" even means. It certainly does not appear so based on your postings.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Jul, 2008 07:26 am
McTag wrote:
I'm a bit puzzled as to why the "unpleasant" label attatches to me, particularly.
We're not discussing a pleasant subject, granted.
Would you care to give any examples?

Maybe my posts are too taxing for you. Maybe you don't like being asked to consider facts unpalatable to you. Maybe you don't like your fantasies being contradicted.

Yes, that could be unsettling, even unpleasant.

Or perhaps you are an anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian shill uninterested in any point of view other than whaever slanted source you can find to make Israel look bad. And when I don't believe you have never commented that Israel is anything other than evil? And when you have made it quite clear that you hold me in 100% contempt?

Not too much incentive there for me to engage in 'pleasant' conversation is there?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Jul, 2008 07:59 am
Foxfyre wrote:
McTag wrote:
I'm a bit puzzled as to why the "unpleasant" label attatches to me, particularly.
We're not discussing a pleasant subject, granted.
Would you care to give any examples?

Maybe my posts are too taxing for you. Maybe you don't like being asked to consider facts unpalatable to you. Maybe you don't like your fantasies being contradicted.

Yes, that could be unsettling, even unpleasant.

Or perhaps you are an anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian shill uninterested in any point of view other than whaever slanted source you can find to make Israel look bad. And when I don't believe you have never commented that Israel is anything other than evil? And when you have made it quite clear that you hold me in 100% contempt?

Not too much incentive there for me to engage in 'pleasant' conversation is there?

I'm pro-Israel, anti-Zionist.

And anti-bullsh*t.

Did you read Gordon Brown's speech to the Knesset this week? I come from the same place as him.
But we must be aware of, and react to, what the Israelis are doing.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Jul, 2008 08:24 am
Correction on my immediately previous post. "Never" should be 'ever'. I don't believe McTag has EVER posted anything favorable to the Jews or Israel or anything they have ever accomplished or given them credit for having a valid defense about anything. This leaves his pro-Israel claim pretty empty of crediblity.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Jul, 2008 09:21 am
Foxfyre wrote:
ican711nm wrote:

1918 AD: Ottoman governance of Palestine ends.
1918 AD: British Protectorate of Palestine Begins.

1920: 5 Jews killed, 200 wounded in anti-zionist riots in Palestine.
1921: 46 Jews killed, 146 wounded in anti-zionist riots in Palestine.
1929: 133 Jews killed, 339 wounded; 116 Arabs killed, 232 wounded.
1936-1939: 329 Jews killed, 857 wounded; 3,112 Arabs killed, 1,775 wounded; 135 Brits killed, 386 wounded; 110 Arabs hanged, 5,679 jailed.
1947: UN resolution partitions Palestine into a Jewish State and into an Arab State.
1948: Jews declare independence and establish the State of Israel.
1948: War breaks out between Jews defending Israel and Arabs invading Israel.
1948: State of Israel successfully defends itself and additionally conquers a part of Palestine originally granted by the UN to the Arabs.

You're wasting your breath, Ican and MM. To some it doesn't matter that innocent Israelis are killed--on purpose--or what the history is. It doesn't matter that the Palestinian terrorists place their munitions and rocket launchers in the middle of women and children to be sure that some are killed when they intentionally draw Israeli fire. It doesn't matter that Israel does not target women or children and the Palestinians do. It doesn't matter that Israel does not make war on the Palestinians but does retaliate when the Palestinians make war on Israel.

When the only criteria for who is good and who is evil is determined by who kills the most of the other, there is no basis for rational discussion of any kind.

It matters to you, MM, and me. So we're not "wasting our breath!"

In particular, your very accurate summary here of what "doesn't matter" to the apologists for the Palestinian Terrorists matters a great deal to me.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Jul, 2008 12:14 pm
The incompetence of the collectivist left is incredible.

They show themselves repeatedly incapable of correctly interpreting the magnitude and significance of the sequence and timing of events.

When some PAs (i.e., Palestinian Arabs) initiate the mass murder of some non-murdering Israelis, they characterize retaliation by some Israelis as the cause of the PAs initiating their mass murder of some Israeli non-murderers.

They show themselves repeatedly incapable of correctlly understanding that retaliators have zero obligation to limit the magnitude of harmful effects of their retaliations to the magnitude of the harmful effects of the previous actions of the initiators.

They show themselves repeatedly incapable of correctlly understanding that the primary cause of PAs fleeing from Israel prior to and during the 1948 war was the the threat of initiation and the actual initiation of the 1948 war by non-Israelis.

They show themselves repeatedly incapable of correctly understanding that the cause of the Israeli refusal to allow back those PAs that did not return to Israel soon after the 1948 war, was their justifiable suspician that many of the PAs later demanding to return would be recruited to mass-murder Israeli non-murderers.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Jul, 2008 01:06 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Correction on my immediately previous post. "Never" should be 'ever'. I don't believe McTag has EVER posted anything favorable to the Jews or Israel or anything they have ever accomplished or given them credit for having a valid defense about anything. This leaves his pro-Israel claim pretty empty of crediblity.

You still haven't come up with any examples of me being unpleasant.

My presence here is not to praise, though there is plenty that's praiseworthy. That's not the point.
The point here is, Israel has taken Palestinian land and is terrorising and murdering protestors.
The land-grab is continuing, while UN resolutions are being ignored.

By the way, you seem to be aligned with Ican here, and that's enough to give anyone pause for thought.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Jul, 2008 04:01 pm
McTag wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
Correction on my immediately previous post. "Never" should be 'ever'. I don't believe McTag has EVER posted anything favorable to the Jews or Israel or anything they have ever accomplished or given them credit for having a valid defense about anything. This leaves his pro-Israel claim pretty empty of crediblity.


The point here is, Israel has taken Palestinian land and is terrorising and murdering protestors.
The land-grab is continuing, while UN resolutions are being ignored.

The true point here is that neither the Palestinian Arabs or the Palestinian Jews owned Palestine from 1100AD to 1947AD. In 1947, UN resolution 181 was adopted by the UN. It stated that the Palestinian Arabs and the Palestinian Jews should each have their own independent states in Palestine and specified the parts of Palestine each state should include. In 1948 the Palestinian Jews agreed with UN resolution 181 and declared their independence. In 1948, the Palestinian Arabs disagreed with UN resolution 181, and initiated war against the newly independent state of Israel. Israel retaliated by winning that war and expanding its territory in Palestine.

By the way, you seem to be aligned with Ican here, and that's enough to give anyone pause for thought.

Foxfyre and I are not aligned. We merely agree with each other from time to time.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Jul, 2008 11:26 pm
McGentrix wrote:
reading your post I wonder if you even have an idea what "ethnic cleansing" even means. It certainly does not appear so based on your postings.

The fact that you wonder about me having an idea as to what ethnic cleansing means based on my postings demonstrates that you certainly do not.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Jul, 2008 06:43 am
InfraBlue wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
reading your post I wonder if you even have an idea what "ethnic cleansing" even means. It certainly does not appear so based on your postings.

The fact that you wonder about me having an idea as to what ethnic cleansing means based on my postings demonstrates that you certainly do not.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Jul, 2008 03:51 pm

Main Entry: ethnic cleansing Pronunciation Guide
Function: noun
Etymology: probably translation of Croatian etnicko cicenje
: the expulsion, imprisonment, or killing of an ethnic minority by a dominant majority in order to achieve ethnic homogeneity

What ethnic minority was expelled, imprisoned, or killed by Israel in order to achieve ethnic homogeneity?

If you think the ethnic minority that has been expelled, imprisoned, or killed by Israel in order to achieve ethnic homogeneity is Arab, you are wrong, because a large Arab etnic minority lives in Israel in peace and has representatives in Israel's parliament.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Jul, 2008 03:55 pm
But they used to be a majority.

Ican, George and others have explained this to you, on this very thread, but you evidently have not read it yet, did not understand it, or have forgotten.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Jul, 2008 04:04 pm
McTag wrote:
But they used to be a majority.

Ican, George and others have explained this to you, on this very thread, but you evidently have not read it yet, did not understand it, or have forgotten.

The Arabs in Israel used to be a majority until most of them chose to flee Israel prior to and during the 1948 war initiated by Israel's neighbors.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Jul, 2008 06:44 pm
McGentrix wrote:
InfraBlue wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
reading your post I wonder if you even have an idea what "ethnic cleansing" even means. It certainly does not appear so based on your postings.

The fact that you wonder about me having an idea as to what ethnic cleansing means based on my postings demonstrates that you certainly do not.


And this is what foxfyre is refering to when she wrote
Numerous members on this thread have already posted ample evidence disputing virtually every anti-Israeli allegation in your post. . .
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Jul, 2008 12:18 am
ican711nm wrote:
McTag wrote:
But they used to be a majority.

Ican, George and others have explained this to you, on this very thread, but you evidently have not read it yet, did not understand it, or have forgotten.

The Arabs in Israel used to be a majority until most of them chose to flee Israel prior to and during the 1948 war initiated by Israel's neighbors.

A convenient myth, believed by almost no-one except those living in elderly communities in Florida.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Jul, 2008 10:43 am
McTag wrote:
ican711nm wrote:
McTag wrote:
But they used to be a majority.

Ican, George and others have explained this to you, on this very thread, but you evidently have not read it yet, did not understand it, or have forgotten.

The Arabs in Israel used to be a majority until most of them chose to flee Israel prior to and during the 1948 war initiated by Israel's neighbors.

A convenient myth, believed by almost no-one except those living in elderly communities in Florida.

Your post is Malarkey!

The Arabs in Israel used to be a majority until most of them chose to flee Israel prior to and during the 1948 war initiated by Israel's neighbors, and chose not to return soon after that war ended.

The only people who deny that truth are those people who either cannot deal with their own fallibility, or are easy victims of other people's and their own biases.
0 Replies

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