The Israelis are obviously a bunch of paranoids. They for no good reason keep demanding that the non-Israeli Palestinian Arabs declare that Israel has a right to exist before they will negotiate with those Arabs.
The Israelis are incapable of recognizing that the non-Israeli Palestinian Arabs would cease harboring terrorists in their midst dedicated to terminating Israel, if only they were granted by the Israelis full civil rights to come and go as they please in Israel, and were returned all that land Israel seized in the '67 war to its rightful owners.
The Israelis are in desperate need of strong persistent counseling. They cannot by themselves forget that 87 and 86 and 78 years ago hundreds of Jews were mass murdered by Palestinian terorists. Hell, that's old news. Besides almost all those Jews mass murdered in the 1920s would all be dead by now of natural causes anyway.
Just because some fringe groups of fanatic terrorists tried to terminate Israel after Israel declared its independence 59 years ago, is no reason for anyone to suspect those fanatics will do that again. So what that a bunch of neighboring states massed troops on Israel's borders and thereby threatened to terminate Israel 40 years ago, those states are no longer doing that. Besides, Israel should have waited until all those massed troops actually attacked Israel. Israel's preemptive strikes against those massed troops was extremely intolerant, cruel and inhuman treatment of those massed troops, who after all had families of their own.
The Israelis should realize by now that those Arab folks currently harboring Israeli hating terrorist fanatics, are only doing so to rehabilitate them, and encourage Israel to return land it conquered 40 years ago, plus let those Arab folks govern themselves without Israel's interference.
The solution is clear. The humane thing to do is send the population of Israel to competent rehabiltation facities in the diaspora.