Foxfyre wrote:You didn't cite WHO the terrorists were in Columbia nor did I. I asked you a question if you were sure there were no Islamic fundamentalist connections in the attacks in Columbia. This is offensive to you? Why?
Because it appeared to me that you implied that there
was some kind of connection, and because you're apparently making no distinction between South American countries. The region between Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay is about 3,000 kilometers and, if you don't want to cross the Amazon Basin, at least 4 borders away from Colombia, yet you're lumping it all up as if there was no distinction between countries.
Too me, it appeared as if you wanted to construct a connection between the Revolutionary Armed Forces guerilleros-turned narco-terrorists in Colombia and the islamic extremists in the Middle East. Of course you can
construct such a connection, but it is non-existent in reality. That's why I gave the USA-Sinn Féin-Middle East-UK connection as an example. You can find evidence for its existence, yet it would be dishonest to generalize and claim that in reality, the USA in connection with Middle Eastern terrorists were behind the IRA terrorism in the UK.
Another part of why I get mildly irritated by the mere suggestion of an islamist-FARC connection is personal experience. There are a quite a number of problems people in Colombia are facing, but islamic terrorism is not among those, and I kind of see it as a distortion of reality to suggest thus.
So, in summary (and I probably should have merely give this answer in the first place): Yes, I am you quite sure there is no Muslim extremist connection there.
Foxfyre wrote:And when I did my best to answer your question about what was different about Islamofacist terrorism, you ignored that. Why?
Yes, I saw that. Didn't mean to ignore it, but the Colombia thingy kind of got in the way....
Foxfyre wrote:I don't want this to become another insult spitting match so prevalent on A2K. But that requires us to allow different perceptions and different points of view in the discussion don't you think?
Yeah, let's try not to...