InfraBlue wrote:foxfyre wrote:The answer to is make sure the terrorist are unable to terrorize, threaten, injure, maim, and murder. So we do whatever is necessary to accomplish that whatever it takes within reason. I think there will be different processes for different situations of course, and I think decent people will mitigate collateral damage to innocents as much as possible in those processes, but the ugly part is that no war has ever been fought nor will ever be fought in which no good people are harmed.
One way to to start to make terrorists unable to terrorize, threaten, injure, maim, and murder is to take away their reasons for doing so. Israel can begin by abandoning it's ethnocentric
raison d'etre that necessarily discriminates against, and oppresses the Palestinian populations in Israel and the Occupied Territories. It should dismantle its oppressive regime, and emplace a truly democratic and egalitarian government that incorporates and enfranchises all of the peoples therein.
Taking away what one believes are the reasons--but are not the actual reasons--why terrorists terrorize, threaten, injure, maim, and murder, cannot make terrorists
unable to terrorize, threaten, injure, maim, and murder, unless one also takes away their lives. The terrorists say the reason they terrorize is because they believe it to be their obligation to Allah to eliminate disbelievers. How do you take away that reason without killing the terrorists?
As for the Israelies, their reason for discriminating against those who say they want to eliminate Israel from Palestine and the entire Middle East, is their conclusion that discriminating against such people is the least worse available way for them to survive. The Israelis understand the horrible reality with which they are confronted. To be indiscriminate, will make them even more vulnerable to being terrorized, threatened, injured, maimed, and murdered than they are now.
While the leaders of the terrorists are probably motivated more by their quest for supreme power than are the terrorists they lead, there are only three ways to eliminate that reason to lead terrorists to terrorize, threaten, injure, maim, and murder. Either you grant such leaders the supreme power they quest, you offer them a large enough bribe to satisfy their quest for power in the naive hope that bribe will prove permanently sufficient, or you kill them.
Watch out for any reliance on panaceas.
Main Entry:
Pronunciation: "pa-n&-'sE-&
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, from Greek panakeia, from panakEs all-healing, from pan- + akos remedy
: a remedy for all ills or difficulties : CURE-ALL
- pan·a·ce·an /-'sE-&n/ adjective