Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2006 06:44 pm
What do you want to bet that if the Palestinians opted to be good citizens, stopped fire bombing crowded busses and market places, etc. they won't be oppressed or discriminated against? At least Israel's track record with other Arabs would suggest that.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2006 07:04 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
What do you want to bet that if the Palestinians opted to be good citizens, stopped fire bombing crowded busses and market places, etc. they won't be oppressed or discriminated against? At least Israel's track record with other Arabs would suggest that.

As long as the state of Israel's raison d'etre is "a state for Jews, of Jews and by Jews," it will necessarily be discriminatory and oppressive towards its goyish (Arab in particular) population.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2006 07:10 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
What do you want to bet that if the Palestinians opted to be good citizens, stopped fire bombing crowded busses and market places, etc. they won't be oppressed or discriminated against? At least Israel's track record with other Arabs would suggest that.

As long as the state of Israel's raison d'etre is "a state for Jews, of Jews and by Jews," it will necessarily be discriminatory and oppressive towards its goyish (Arab in particular) population.

Then how do you account for the 12% of the Israeli population who are Arabs who don't feel oppressed including those who serve on the Knesset and hold land and run businesses and enjoy full citizenship privileges in Israel? How many Arab countries do you think have Jews among their leadership structure? You want me to suggest a number?

And what do you want to bet that if the law abiding Arab citizens of Israel start fire bombing crowded busses and marketplaces, they will very quickly be feeling oppressed and discriminated against?

And given Israel's track record on that score, I would bet a nice wage that if the Palestinians stopped fire bombing crowded busses and market places, they would no longer feel oppressed or discriminated against.

You see, I see it is a more reasonable approach for the Palestinians to stop doing violence and then negotiate for peace and full citizenship.

Israel has already tried negotiating for peace amidst the terrorist attacks, and it only resulted in more violence.

For the life of me, I can't see why the anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian crowd can't see that.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2006 07:32 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
As long as the state of Israel's raison d'etre is "a state for Jews, of Jews and by Jews," it will necessarily be discriminatory and oppressive towards its goyish (Arab in particular) population.

Is that in the countries charter somewhere?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2006 09:17 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
What do you want to bet that if the Palestinians opted to be good citizens, stopped fire bombing crowded busses and market places, etc. they won't be oppressed or discriminated against? At least Israel's track record with other Arabs would suggest that.

As long as the state of Israel's raison d'etre is "a state for Jews, of Jews and by Jews," it will necessarily be discriminatory and oppressive towards its goyish (Arab in particular) population.

An A-rab or other slammite living under Israel oppression can walk out of it in a couple of hours:


People living under slammite oppression are nowhere near so fortunate.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2006 09:18 pm
By the way, the term "people living under slammite oppression" includes all women in the slammite world, at least half a billion people.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2006 09:30 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Then how do you account for the 12% of the Israeli population who are Arabs who don't feel oppressed including those who serve on the Knesset and hold land and run businesses and enjoy full citizenship privileges in Israel?

Arabs in Israel do not enjoy full citizenship privileges in Israel no matter how much you try to parrot that line to yourself. Some Arabs in the Knesset do argue against Israel's oppression of the Arabs there and in Palestine.

How many Arab countries do you think have Jews among their leadership structure? You want me to suggest a number?

The number of Arab countries that I think that have Jews among their leadership structure does not negate the fact that Israel is discriminatory and oppressive against its Arab population, and the Arabs in the Occupied Territories. The number of Jews among the Arab countries' leadership structure that you suggest also does not negate the fact that Israel is discriminatory and oppressive against its Arab population, and the Arabs in Palestine. These are non sequitur, red herring arguments.

And what do you want to bet that if the law abiding Arab citizens of Israel start fire bombing crowded busses and marketplaces, they will very quickly be feeling oppressed and discriminated against?

That you assert that law abiding Arab citizens of Israel would start feeling oppressed and discriminated against does not negate the fact that Israel is discriminatory and oppressive against its Arab population, and the Arabs in the Occupied Territories. This is yet another non sequitur, and red herring argument.

And given Israel's track record on that score, I would bet a nice wage that if the Palestinians stopped fire bombing crowded busses and market places, they would no longer feel oppressed or discriminated against.

You see, I see it is a more reasonable approach for the Palestinians to stop doing violence and then negotiate for peace and full citizenship.

Israel has already tried negotiating for peace amidst the terrorist attacks, and it only resulted in more violence.

You are blaming the Palestinians in general the actions of a few extremists among them. There are violent extremists on both sides of the issue. The state of Israel has used the violence perpetrated by those few extremists as a pretext to stop negotiations and pursue a "unilateral" approach in regard to Palestine and the Palestinians.

For the life of me, I can't see why the anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian crowd can't see that.

What you see varies to a striking degree from the reality of the situation there.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2006 09:53 pm
McGentrix wrote:
InfraBlue wrote:
As long as the state of Israel's raison d'etre is "a state for Jews, of Jews and by Jews," it will necessarily be discriminatory and oppressive towards its goyish (Arab in particular) population.

Is that in the countries charter somewhere?

What's in the country's by-laws is this:

7A. A candidates' list shall not participate in elections to the Knesset if its objects or actions, expressly or by implication, include one of the following:

(1) negation of the existence of the State of Israel as the state of the Jewish people;

The issues that I've brought up concrning the Arabs in Israel and Palestine, and specifically the case of Knesset Member Azmi Bishara, and the Or Commission report center around this assertion.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2006 10:28 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
InfraBlue wrote:
As long as the state of Israel's raison d'etre is "a state for Jews, of Jews and by Jews," it will necessarily be discriminatory and oppressive towards its goyish (Arab in particular) population.

Is that in the countries charter somewhere?

What's in the country's by-laws is this:

7A. A candidates' list shall not participate in elections to the Knesset if its objects or actions, expressly or by implication, include one of the following:

(1) negation of the existence of the State of Israel as the state of the Jewish people;

The issues that I've brought up concrning the Arabs in Israel and Palestine, and specifically the case of Knesset Member Azmi Bishara, and the Or Commission report center around this assertion.

How do you get those 2 to equal out? What warped thinking leads you to that conclusion?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2006 10:32 pm
To Infrablue or anyone else:

Playing Devil's advocate for a moment, let's assume you're right and Israel does insist on a Jewish state which was precisely why Israel was chartered by the UN, and let's assume that all those Arabs in the Knesset are disgruntled and all Arabs living in Israel or oppressed and discriminated against despite what they themselves say. . . .

What would be wrong with that?

Are you demanding that the Arab nations include Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, and all races in their governments and afford equal rights to everybody? Are you demanding the Arab countries not discriminate against Jews?

If not, why not?

Please provide your rationale for why Israel should not be Jewish but all their neighbors are okay if they insist on being Arab and/or Muslim.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2006 11:19 pm
They Can't foxfy6re because they are left over from the SS troopers who put the Jews on the trains headed for the concentration camps, and then the ovens! Somewhere in their possessions, they have Swastika armbands and the writings of Alfred Rosenberg!!!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Sep, 2006 01:00 am
McGentrix wrote:

How do you get those 2 to equal out? What warped thinking leads you to that conclusion?

According to its by-laws, Israel is the state of the Jewish people.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Sep, 2006 01:01 am
Bylaws? Which Bylaws? Have you read them? Can you replicate the pertinent section? If not, I don't believe you!!!!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Sep, 2006 01:14 am
Foxfyre wrote:
To Infrablue or anyone else:

Playing Devil's advocate for a moment, let's assume you're right and Israel does insist on a Jewish state which was precisely why Israel was chartered by the UN,

So, by what you are saying, mine isn't an assumption.

and let's assume that all those Arabs in the Knesset are disgruntled and all Arabs living in Israel or oppressed and discriminated against despite what they themselves say. . . .

What would be wrong with that?

Discrimination and oppression are violations of peoples' human rights. That is what is wrong with discrimination and oppression.

Are you demanding that the Arab nations include Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, and all races in their governments and afford equal rights to everybody? Are you demanding the Arab countries not discriminate against Jews?

Of course. Human beings are entitled to human rights.

If not, why not?


Please provide your rationale for why Israel should not be Jewish but all their neighbors are okay if they insist on being Arab and/or Muslim.


If Israel really wants to show its neighbors what a true and full democracy is, one that is egalitarian and pluralistic, a Western one just like the USA, then it should lead the way and make itself a true and full democracy, egalitarian and pluralistic for all of its citizens.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Sep, 2006 01:19 am
Bylaws? Which Bylaws? Have you read them? Can you replicate the pertinent section? If not, I don't believe you!!!!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Sep, 2006 01:21 am

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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 10 Sep, 2006 01:40 am
It may be a bit catious to call Israel a state of Jewish people according to its by-laws, but actually e.g. immigration is regulated so:
the Law of Return is based on ethnic heritage and grants anyone with a Jewish grandparent automatic citizenship. (The Israeli Supreme Court has held that one is not eligible for the Law of Return if one has adopted the Christian religion, because in the complex area of Jewish identity, Jews who become Christians have left the Jewish people.)

Law of Return
Law of Return (Jewish Library)
Law of Return at Wikipedia
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Sep, 2006 01:44 am
You are correct, Walter Hinteler, but you really must note that despite the law of return far more Arabs and Muslims live in peace INSIDE Israel than Jews do inside Iraq and Iran!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Sep, 2006 05:59 am
InfraBlue wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
To Infrablue or anyone else:

Playing Devil's advocate for a moment, let's assume you're right and Israel does insist on a Jewish state which was precisely why Israel was chartered by the UN,

So, by what you are saying, mine isn't an assumption.

and let's assume that all those Arabs in the Knesset are disgruntled and all Arabs living in Israel or oppressed and discriminated against despite what they themselves say. . . .

What would be wrong with that?

Discrimination and oppression are violations of peoples' human rights. That is what is wrong with discrimination and oppression.

Are you demanding that the Arab nations include Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, and all races in their governments and afford equal rights to everybody? Are you demanding the Arab countries not discriminate against Jews?

Of course. Human beings are entitled to human rights.

If not, why not?


Please provide your rationale for why Israel should not be Jewish but all their neighbors are okay if they insist on being Arab and/or Muslim.


If Israel really wants to show its neighbors what a true and full democracy is, one that is egalitarian and pluralistic, a Western one just like the USA, then it should lead the way and make itself a true and full democracy, egalitarian and pluralistic for all of its citizens.

Israel's Arab neighbors are under no threat whatsoever from Israel if they choose to leave Israel alone. Israel is under constant threat from its Arab neighbors because the majority of the Israeli population are Jewish. Nevertheless, any persons living peacefully in Israel regardless of race, ethnicity, or country of origin, even Arabs, are afforded full citizenship rights.

The Jews have nowhere else in the Middle Eastto go where they will have any guaranteed rights at all. No other developed country anywhere is going to allow all of them to immgirate to that country either, at least all at once.

You persistently denounce the evils of Israel who DOES afford human rights and affords full rights of citizenship to its Arab citizens, but I've seen no posts at all where you make a point to denounce or criticize any of the Arab/Muslim countries for their policies. This appears to reflect a strong prejudice against Israel with little or no concern about human rights anywhere else.

Your argument claiming concern for human rights is simply not persuasive.
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Sun 10 Sep, 2006 07:11 am
Foxfyre wrote:
old europe wrote:
Criminals, by definition, do not abide by the law either. Should the police therefore be exempt from following the law when prosecuting a criminal? How would you feel about that?

Speaking of straw men, how does police prosecuting criminals relate to terrorists fire bombing busloads of mostly kids? You honestly think the two things are comparable?

Now, however, if those criminals are methodically shooting into crowds of civilians or firebombing markets or trying to kill me or my kids and/or other loved ones, then yes, again, I really don't care what methods the police have to use to stop that.

I think the two things are absolutely comparable. It has happened often enough that the police had to prosecute crimes far worse than theft or robbery, and I don't think I'll have to remind you of the specific examples. If we let the magnitude of the crime or our emotions determine whether or not the police are bound by the law, then the very basis of our society becomes questionable.

I'm actually quite shocked that you don't care what methods the police could use.

If the police wouldn't be bound by the law, then nothing would prevent the formation of death squads who swarm out to kill the perpertrator, or his family, or his friends, or all the people in his village. It has happened before in so many countries, and it has often happened with the consent of a majority of the populations of those countries.

And even the fact that you're living in a democracy doesn't make any difference once you're willing to cross that line.
0 Replies

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