Thoughts on gun control

Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 11:20 am
i suggest we adopt the practice of british parlamentarians :
...cries of : "shame , shame ! " were heard ...
that should stop those having a different opinion from mine Laughing
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Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 12:33 pm
Setanta wrote:
That's hardly fair, although i don't expect fairness from Snood. Personally, i like to poke trollish people with a variety of sticks on a variety of topics. The Big Bird, however, carefully chooses the battles in which he is willing to engage. That silliness about "know it all omniscience," apart from being rather naively redundant, is simply not a charge you're going to be able to make stick--the Big Bird is far less active and in far fewer topics, even than Snood--who can't resist the impulse to play pitbull with anyone who has ever criticized the religious. I've seen Snood stalk folks on a regular basis--with Lash being his favorite target.

Oh bug off, Setanta - you troll my threads as much as ever you accuse me of doing. You stick your prodigious nose into whatever conflict I have, and take the opposite side like a little bitch. You and Lash have been stalking me for over a month, booby trapping evey thread I started. I used to have some speck of respect for you, but you have no shame about slurring, then accusing someone else of it. Take your criticism and shove it. I can count on one hand everyone I have any conflict with on A2K - and not use all the digits. Can you say the same?

timberland doesn't need your defense, and neither does Lash, but you do it because you have something against me. and you don't even have the balls to admit that.
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Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 12:38 pm
gustavratzenhofer wrote:
snood, what's happening?

Hey, gustav - I'm presently in heated pissing contests with three people, and you know what they say, if more than one person calls you an ass, you might need to look in the mirror. I'll probably see an ass if I look in my mirror. I have to admit that I'm not in the best state of mind I've ever been in, since I got back from seeing my mom in NC last week. I've been trying to get a compassionate reassignment to be near her (she lives alone, and is in bad health), and taking leave to travel back and forth from San antonio.

I just don't have the sense to drop the stupid back-and-forth... but maybe I can, now. thanks for asking...
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Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 12:40 pm
Snood, sorry to read about your mom. As for the other. Couldn't you at least pick some worthy opponents? Razz
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Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 01:02 pm
Honestly the forum would be drab as hell without timber, setanta, Frank Apisa, and I'd even probably miss Lash. I'm going to see if I can let my end of the sparring drop for today...
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Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 01:37 pm
snood -

I really hope your mom - and your entire personal situation - improves greatly and soon. You and yours have my sincerest best wishes. Good luck.
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Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 02:57 pm
snood wrote:
Oh bug off, Setanta - you troll my threads as much as ever you accuse me of doing. You stick your prodigious nose into whatever conflict I have, and take the opposite side like a little bitch.

I'm sure you know what it means to be a little bitch from personal experience--it does not describe me. Keep up the good work, boy, you'll get yourself banned again.

You and Lash have been stalking me for over a month, booby trapping evey thread I started.

You started a thread about redlining, and apparently didn't even know that it was called redlining, or that it has been well-known and well-discussed for years. Both Lash and i reponded, wtihout a single comment about you personally, and on topic. So you felt the need to attack Lash, even though her comment was directly related to Slappy's post. I have no regrets at all about telling you just how shitty your behavior is toward her.

When you got childish and whiney about it, i went away and left you to wallow in the mess you'd made in your own diaper.

I used to have some speck of respect for you, but you have no shame about slurring, then accusing someone else of it. Take your criticism and shove it. I can count on one hand everyone I have any conflict with on A2K - and not use all the digits. Can you say the same?

timberland doesn't need your defense, and neither does Lash, but you do it because you have something against me. and you don't even have the balls to admit that.

I wouldn't want your respect, because i have none for you. What i have against you is your vicious and puerile attacks on other members based soley upon your perceptions of their personal defects. In the case of the Big Bird and me, the defect you see is that we have "attacked" religion. In the case of Lash, it's because--as you made clear in a series of unsolicited PMs--you think she's a racist.

But you don't have the balls to admit that publicly.
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Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 03:39 pm
Setanta wrote:
snood wrote:
Oh bug off, Setanta - you troll my threads as much as ever you accuse me of doing. You stick your prodigious nose into whatever conflict I have, and take the opposite side like a little bitch.

I'm sure you know what it means to be a little bitch from personal experience--it does not describe me. Keep up the good work, boy, you'll get yourself banned again.

You and Lash have been stalking me for over a month, booby trapping evey thread I started.

You started a thread about redlining, and apparently didn't even know that it was called redlining, or that it has been well-known and well-discussed for years. Both Lash and i reponded, wtihout a single comment about you personally, and on topic. So you felt the need to attack Lash, even though her comment was directly related to Slappy's post. I have no regrets at all about telling you just how shitty your behavior is toward her.

When you got childish and whiney about it, i went away and left you to wallow in the mess you'd made in your own diaper.

I used to have some speck of respect for you, but you have no shame about slurring, then accusing someone else of it. Take your criticism and shove it. I can count on one hand everyone I have any conflict with on A2K - and not use all the digits. Can you say the same?

timberland doesn't need your defense, and neither does Lash, but you do it because you have something against me. and you don't even have the balls to admit that.

I wouldn't want your respect, because i have none for you. What i have against you is your vicious and puerile attacks on other members based soley upon your perceptions of their personal defects. In the case of the Big Bird and me, the defect you see is that we have "attacked" religion. In the case of Lash, it's because--as you made clear in a series of unsolicited PMs--you think she's a racist.

But you don't have the balls to admit that publicly.

There seems to be a 'breathing space' in all of the little firefights I have, except with you and lash, Setanta.

I have p-ssing contests with Frank Apisa, but then we have weeks where we can exchange thoughts without firing shots. I have differences with timberland, and dyslexia, and cjhsa, and a couple of others, but none of those relationships (for lack of better term) seems as poisoned as that with you and Lash.

Setanta, you seem to really have something against me that goes pretty deep.

You say its because I viciously attack those who attack religionists. I could say you don't lack at all in vicious attacks yourself, but I don't think you would have any of it.

I "have the balls" to admit anything I've done, but I have the feeling that you would find some exception to something else with no time to waste.

Let's see - I asked you in a PM if Lash is a racist because of the depth of dislike she has for me, and you said that you think she has those tendencies (I think you made reference to conversations in which she talked of her black "homies", or some such) - or do you deny telling me that?

The truth is, I'm afraid, that you and Lash won't take "yes" or "no" for an answer from me. I am in the same irredeemable category for you that you two have put Arella Mae in - you two will never let things go with her, or me.

Now, I expect that you'll reply to the effect that this is all in my mind, and that you have no interest in answering me at all, except to not let me get away with any "special pleading" for religionists.

But there is something very unhealthy about the way you simply cannot let the hostility toward me go. It's not good, man.

I said earlier that these forums would be very drab without the spice you and some others provide, and I meant that.

But if you and Lash and I never exchange the kind of going-for-the-jugular darts that all three of us have ever again, I wouldn't miss that at all.
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Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 03:41 pm
By the way, Craven (if you're watching out there somewhere) I'm thinking furiously of a comment about gun control!!

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Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 05:47 pm
California banned .50 BMG weapons, so the only U.S. manufacturer selling to the public, Barrett Arms, has designed a gun of slightly smaller caliber, and they're heading west with it. Sure, the cartridge is unique and thus expensive, but it sure makes their point, that gun control is almost always created by and for people who don't understand guns.

Safe handling of firearms and shooting skills should be taught in school, just like sex education and PE. The rules in school right now, where kids are expelled for having a plastic knife in their lunch, or a squirtgun in their backpack, have been created by retards. Just more miserable failure on the part of public schools (they like to blame parents, but remember, they taught those parents).
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Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 06:34 pm
cjhsa wrote:
California banned .50 BMG weapons, so the only U.S. manufacturer selling to the public, Barrett Arms, has designed a gun of slightly smaller caliber, and they're heading west with it. Sure, the cartridge is unique and thus expensive, but it sure makes their point, that gun control is almost always created by and for people who don't understand guns.

The ONLY thing that the fifty can do which a 270 WSM costing $450 on gunbroker can't is, in theory, defeat hardened targets. I mean, the LAST thing I'd ever consider using against a hard target would be some sort of a rifle-in-name-only weighing 40 lbs. The most likely result of doing ANYTHING with such a weapon would be the user having to see a chiropractor. The biggest mystery is how Barret or anybody else sells the things.
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Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 06:43 pm
cjhsa wrote:
California banned .50 BMG weapons, so the only U.S. manufacturer selling to the public, Barrett Arms, has designed a gun of slightly smaller caliber, and they're heading west with it. Sure, the cartridge is unique and thus expensive, but it sure makes their point, that gun control is almost always created by and for people who don't understand guns.

Safe handling of firearms and shooting skills should be taught in school, just like sex education and PE. The rules in school right now, where kids are expelled for having a plastic knife in their lunch, or a squirtgun in their backpack, have been created by retards. Just more miserable failure on the part of public schools (they like to blame parents, but remember, they taught those parents).

Sure. Why not create another Columbine et al. You don't have to understand guns to understand that their sole purpose is to kill.
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Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 06:46 pm
The whole point is to raise good, aware kids, to avoid things like that happening. But you'd never understand that.

Canada is full of people like you. Subjects.
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Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 06:48 pm
cjhsa wrote:
The whole point is to raise good, aware kids, to avoid things like that happening. But you'd never understand that.

Canada is full of people like you. Subjects.

Canada is full of people who know how to get along in a multicultural society. Sure, we have some shootings up here. The authorities have identified the U.S. as the source of the weapons. What we need is tighter border control.

Your arrogance supercedes your passion.
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Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 06:50 pm
Canada has far more guns per capita than the U.S.

Your ignorance supercedes your logic.
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Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 06:55 pm
Here's some more thoughts on Canada.

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Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 06:56 pm
cjhsa wrote:
Canada has far more guns per capita than the U.S.

Your ignorance supercedes your logic.

Where did you get your information? You are not showing any logic here and are shooting from the hip with an empty gun. The truth of the matter is opposed to what you postulate.

Canada-US Comparaison

Canada has always had stronger firearms regulation than the United States, particularly with respect to handguns. In Canada, handguns have been licensed and registered since the 1930's, ownership of guns has never been regarded as a right and several court rulings have reaffirmed the right of the government to protect citizens from guns. Handgun ownership has been restricted to police, members of gun clubs or collectors. Very few (about 50 in the country) have been given permits to carry handguns for "self-protection." This is only possible if an applicant can prove that their life is in danger and the police cannot protect them.

As a result, Canada has roughly 1 million handguns while the United States has more than 76 million. While there are other factors affecting murder, suicide and unintentional injury rates, a comparison of data in Canada and the United States suggests that access to handguns may play a role. While the murder rate without guns in the US is roughly equivalent (1.8 times) to that of Canada, the murder rate with handguns is 14.5 times the Canadian rate. The costs of firearms death and injury in the two countries have been compared and estimated to be $495 (US) per resident in the United States compared to $195 per resident in Canada.

Guns per capita 1997
Canada .25
United States .82
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Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 07:00 pm
cjhsa wrote:
Here's some more thoughts on Canada.


This is bogus and not true. The only thing that may have any effect is the total overspending on the gun control program. Canadians were not against the gun laws, they were against the mismanagement of funds by the Liberal government. Your knowledge of Canada is conspicuous by it's absence.
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Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 07:14 pm
Canada and its fear of guns is killing its own hunting tourism.

Air Canada now charges $60 on each leg of their flights for "special handling" of firearms, yet a golf bag flies for free.

Your per capita numbers are for handguns only and not long guns.

BTW in the U.S. in every state where CCW laws have been enacted, crime rates have dropped.
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Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2006 07:18 pm
What is your point on guns and golf bags? Do you ship guns in golf bags? You certainly seem to be grasping for straws in your attempt to prove your points that you have so far failed miserably at proving.
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