boomerang wrote:We are hoping to have it all finished by the time school starts in September but honestly it could be as long as six months.
The social worker has to write up and file the report and our attorney has to file the adoption. The court has to review it. If all this takes a long time there might have to be a second home visit.
The social worker thought she should be able to get the report done right away but cautioned that if a placement came up that it could go on the back burner for a bit. I know our attorney is ready to go.
Fingers crossed that everything gets done quickly!
Gosh, Boomer!
That is tough.
I know you know they know you are the right people for Mo, and what a lucky little fella he is, but even knowing that, until every last t is snotted and i made cross, I imagine there will be tension and lack of final rest in your hearts.
Still, it is kind of good to know that, even with the hurry and lack of placements, the interview was serious and careful, no?