Quote:So she was just a replacement. Think I'll stick to various web sites who watch fox so I don't have to. I'm glad that I had a chance to see that clip though.
Olberman on msnbc ran the clip last evening.
She's really a despicable individual. Her techniques have their corollary in Joe McCarthy and Joe Goebbels. And, of course, in the Amsterdam redlight whores sitting, legs descended, in their windows.
But it's interesting to watch what she does.
First, disregard facts ("Afghanistan is going swimingly"). As her goals are entirely and extremely partisan, she can't acknowledge any fact which might work against such partisan goals.
Second, disruption through over-talking or changing subject. An orderly and clear discussion moving logically must be thwarted whenever it gets near a fact or logical conclusion which might jeopardize the propaganda point she's pushing.
Third, use of logical fallacies, most obviously the ad hominem. This too works in the service of disruption.
Four, always attack and do it loudly. The effect is to disrupt and intimidate.
Five, never back down on any significant point. Utilize any means available to achieve this. This one and the previous two points are the main tricks that bullies attempt. If she was to honestly answer a question as to why she has this policy of never backing down, I suspect she would answer that it would be a sign of weakness and once you demonstrated any weakness, then you open yourself up for sustained attack. Of course, this heads in the opposite direction of discovering or forwarding truth. One wouldn't want to have an MD whose fundamental intellectual process involved never admitting his medical ideas had error.
Six, never allow yourself to be seen as "losing face". Much of the above relates to this goal, and so does her constant "laughing" and "lightheartedness" and hair swishiing. "I remain unmarked, unbruised, unbeaten. I am too mercurial" is the intended suggestion. Just Wonders used to imitate this trick here with the ubiquitous "LOL" in her posts.