Ann Coulter Attacks 9/11 Widows

Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 04:40 pm
blatham wrote:
You'll want to check out this video up top... poor Ann. Imagine, someone speaking over her...interrupting her...it is so unkind...so liberal.


Unbelievable, I haven't watched Fox news in a couple of years, maybe I should start with this Kristen Powers on there. Is she normally that good?

(I couldn't make out the one on C&L too well but I watched it here
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 04:44 pm
Oh my God. Bear got the virus......is there a doctor in the house, we need Henny Youngman vaccine stat.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 07:09 pm
revel wrote:
blatham wrote:
You'll want to check out this video up top... poor Ann. Imagine, someone speaking over her...interrupting her...it is so unkind...so liberal.


Unbelievable, I haven't watched Fox news in a couple of years, maybe I should start with this Kristen Powers on there. Is she normally that good?

(I couldn't make out the one on C&L too well but I watched it here

This is the funniest bit of news I've seen in a long long time. Hilarious and encouraging. Finally, the bitch meets her match. How did this happen? Where were the guard dogs at Fox? Yippee!

"Things are going swimmingly in Afganistan." Amazing. Bold faced stupidity. Laughable..........and she got a good laugh from the other participants. Where was Hannity? Did he go to the John?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 07:21 pm
I have a clip floating around somewhere of Colmes beating up on her a few weeks back. I'll see if I can't find it.



maybe here


Colmes asks for her condemnation of a quote from a Republican who likened Dean to an Al Qaeda brand terrorist.

Coulter, after initially dodging the question altogether, in pure wing nut fashion responds, "I refuse to respond to your characterization of the facts because you lie." (Nevermind that it's a FRIGGIN' QUOTE!!)


Furious, Colmes cranes his head in a fashion I've never seen and asks, "ARE YOU CALLING ME A LIAR?"

Coulter: (quivering laughter) Come on, you can't be serious.

Colmes: (Stares intently, looking DEAD serious)

I have never seen someone stop Coulter in her tracks so effectively. She glances toward Hannity for support, he remains silent. Coulter whithers into dust and proves, once again, just how hypocritical, how absolutely spinelessly hypocritical the Right has become.

Funny stuff

0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 07:44 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I have a clip floating around somewhere of Colmes beating up on her a few weeks back. I'll see if I can't find it.



maybe here


Colmes asks for her condemnation of a quote from a Republican who likened Dean to an Al Qaeda brand terrorist.

Coulter, after initially dodging the question altogether, in pure wing nut fashion responds, "I refuse to respond to your characterization of the facts because you lie." (Nevermind that it's a FRIGGIN' QUOTE!!)


Furious, Colmes cranes his head in a fashion I've never seen and asks, "ARE YOU CALLING ME A LIAR?"

Coulter: (quivering laughter) Come on, you can't be serious.

Colmes: (Stares intently, looking DEAD serious)

I have never seen someone stop Coulter in her tracks so effectively. She glances toward Hannity for support, he remains silent. Coulter whithers into dust and proves, once again, just how hypocritical, how absolutely spinelessly hypocritical the Right has become.

Funny stuff


wow, what a bad summary of that interview. Did you bother watching the video? Anne holds herself up quite well, as is expected.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 07:51 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I have a clip floating around somewhere of Colmes beating up on her a few weeks back. I'll see if I can't find it.



maybe here


Colmes asks for her condemnation of a quote from a Republican who likened Dean to an Al Qaeda brand terrorist.

Coulter, after initially dodging the question altogether, in pure wing nut fashion responds, "I refuse to respond to your characterization of the facts because you lie." (Nevermind that it's a FRIGGIN' QUOTE!!)


Furious, Colmes cranes his head in a fashion I've never seen and asks, "ARE YOU CALLING ME A LIAR?"

Coulter: (quivering laughter) Come on, you can't be serious.

Colmes: (Stares intently, looking DEAD serious)

I have never seen someone stop Coulter in her tracks so effectively. She glances toward Hannity for support, he remains silent. Coulter whithers into dust and proves, once again, just how hypocritical, how absolutely spinelessly hypocritical the Right has become.

Funny stuff


wow, what a bad summary of that interview. Did you bother watching the video? Anne holds herself up quite well, as is expected.

Absolutely amazing, McG that you can cling to this perspective. Not only is she half baked and just plain silly, but she also looks like paranoid giraffe with darting eyes. However, no one can help how they look. I wouldn't even notice if she weren't so unbelievably deluded.
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Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 08:07 pm
My bias is better then yours. Razz
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 08:40 pm
So sez you................. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 08:54 pm
revel wrote:
blatham wrote:
You'll want to check out this video up top... poor Ann. Imagine, someone speaking over her...interrupting her...it is so unkind...so liberal.


Unbelievable, I haven't watched Fox news in a couple of years, maybe I should start with this Kristen Powers on there. Is she normally that good?

(I couldn't make out the one on C&L too well but I watched it here

It seems she was a replacement for combes (sp?). I'm not very familiar with the fox crowd, though I try to get a taste most days of what O'Reilly is up to. I found the link to that video from Alterman's column, I think.
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Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2006 09:12 pm
sp - Alan Colmes

0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 08:54 am
blatham wrote:
revel wrote:
blatham wrote:
You'll want to check out this video up top... poor Ann. Imagine, someone speaking over her...interrupting her...it is so unkind...so liberal.


Unbelievable, I haven't watched Fox news in a couple of years, maybe I should start with this Kristen Powers on there. Is she normally that good?

(I couldn't make out the one on C&L too well but I watched it here

It seems she was a replacement for combes (sp?). I'm not very familiar with the fox crowd, though I try to get a taste most days of what O'Reilly is up to. I found the link to that video from Alterman's column, I think.

So she was just a replacement. Think I'll stick to various web sites who watch fox so I don't have to. I'm glad that I had a chance to see that clip though.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 09:32 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
sp - Alan Colmes


0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 10:05 am
So she was just a replacement. Think I'll stick to various web sites who watch fox so I don't have to. I'm glad that I had a chance to see that clip though.

Olberman on msnbc ran the clip last evening.

She's really a despicable individual. Her techniques have their corollary in Joe McCarthy and Joe Goebbels. And, of course, in the Amsterdam redlight whores sitting, legs descended, in their windows.

But it's interesting to watch what she does.

First, disregard facts ("Afghanistan is going swimingly"). As her goals are entirely and extremely partisan, she can't acknowledge any fact which might work against such partisan goals.

Second, disruption through over-talking or changing subject. An orderly and clear discussion moving logically must be thwarted whenever it gets near a fact or logical conclusion which might jeopardize the propaganda point she's pushing.

Third, use of logical fallacies, most obviously the ad hominem. This too works in the service of disruption.

Four, always attack and do it loudly. The effect is to disrupt and intimidate.

Five, never back down on any significant point. Utilize any means available to achieve this. This one and the previous two points are the main tricks that bullies attempt. If she was to honestly answer a question as to why she has this policy of never backing down, I suspect she would answer that it would be a sign of weakness and once you demonstrated any weakness, then you open yourself up for sustained attack. Of course, this heads in the opposite direction of discovering or forwarding truth. One wouldn't want to have an MD whose fundamental intellectual process involved never admitting his medical ideas had error.

Six, never allow yourself to be seen as "losing face". Much of the above relates to this goal, and so does her constant "laughing" and "lightheartedness" and hair swishiing. "I remain unmarked, unbruised, unbeaten. I am too mercurial" is the intended suggestion. Just Wonders used to imitate this trick here with the ubiquitous "LOL" in her posts.
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Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 11:49 am
Ticomaya wrote:
Interesting that her/his first post at this site was a reply to Glitterbag concerning acid reflux.

Then 11 posts later she discovers "what the cat drug up here."

Drama queen indeed.

Tico, I missed the remark about acid reflux....I remember (at least I think I did this) asking A2K folks if they ever had to have the surgery to correct the hiatal hernia which sometimes causes reflux. After that, my remarks showed up on SB but not by KAK, it was someone else who is a moderator and has rewritten my questions or responses from time to time to suit himself. I had to complain to Kevin to get that to stop. So, my apologies to KAK, I don't think dramaqueen is KAK. But I have a much better idea who it really is now.

I don't want anyone to deviate from the tread about this stuff between drama and me. Please don't waste anymore time, I don't care what DQueen has to say or allege. But I do thank everyone for the support. GB
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Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 01:43 pm
Olbermann gave his "Worst Person[s] Award" to the operators of the San Francisco zoo who named their petting-zoo horse "Coulter." He said this is a slander against the horse.

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Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 01:45 pm
Ann Coulter meets her match, and on Fox no less.


This is fun to watch.
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Reply Mon 28 Aug, 2006 08:58 am
blatham -- I enjoyed your Saturday morning post about the speaking/debating techniques of the right. It sounded like a description of the way my former husband handles himself! I always said his main problem was having been born into a Republican family!
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Reply Mon 28 Aug, 2006 10:29 am
blatham wrote:
So she was just a replacement. Think I'll stick to various web sites who watch fox so I don't have to. I'm glad that I had a chance to see that clip though.

Olberman on msnbc ran the clip last evening.

She's really a despicable individual. Her techniques have their corollary in Joe McCarthy and Joe Goebbels. And, of course, in the Amsterdam redlight whores sitting, legs descended, in their windows.

You hate her, don't you Bernie? Why don't you refer to her Adam's Apple, or say something about her resembling a horse, or something, like so many of the rest of her leftist critics?

But it's interesting to watch what she does.

First, disregard facts ("Afghanistan is going swimingly"). As her goals are entirely and extremely partisan, she can't acknowledge any fact which might work against such partisan goals.

As opposed to leftists, who are competely open to the possibility that they might be wrong?

Second, disruption through over-talking or changing subject. An orderly and clear discussion moving logically must be thwarted whenever it gets near a fact or logical conclusion which might jeopardize the propaganda point she's pushing.

Absolutely hilarious that you say this. If you watch the clip again, you will note that the persons talking over her are the leftists on the panel. She couldn't get a word in edge-wise, which is why she reacted the way she did.

Third, use of logical fallacies, most obviously the ad hominem. This too works in the service of disruption.

You mean like referring to people as "Amsterdam redlight whores sitting, legs descended, in their windows"? Is that kind of ad hominem you are complaining of?

Four, always attack and do it loudly. The effect is to disrupt and intimidate.

Again, the only effort at loud intimidation on the clip in question was made by the leftists, of whom it's clear you have no complaint.

The most amusing thing about this is your continued hypocrisy, blatham. You are completely oblivious, one must assume, to the fact that you are so often guilty of what you criticize others for.
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Reply Mon 28 Aug, 2006 11:37 am
Again, the only effort at loud intimidation on the clip in question was made by the leftists, of whom it's clear you have no complaint.




Now what were you saying about the only loud voice on there? Maybe the leftist are just finally learning to fight fire with fire, about time in my opinion as long as what they say is correct, unlike the loud voices of the far right.
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Reply Mon 28 Aug, 2006 12:42 pm
Here is a montage of Coultergeist video from that day and an earlier interview with Brenda Buttner, an outrageously biased one in which Buttner astoundly sets up Coultergeist:


BUTTNER: Well, you do a great job in your editorial of -- kind of listing it all out, and when you do, it's very interesting to see -- they're really good at saying what they're against, aren't they?

From media matters:

Your World guest host Brenda Buttner invited Coulter to discuss her "great job" of bashing Dems; later on Fox, Coulter bristled over more challenging questions
Summary: On Your World, discussing her latest column, Ann Coulter repeated numerous false claims to assert that Democrats do not support the Bush administration's fight against terrorism. However, hours later on Hannity & Colmes, when she was challenged on her claim that Osama bin Laden "was handed to Bill Clinton twice," Coulter abruptly cut short her appearance on the show.
While interviewing right-wing pundit Ann Coulter on the August 24 edition of Fox News' Your World with Neil Cavuto, guest host and Fox News senior business correspondent Brenda Buttner invited Coulter to elaborate on the "great job" she had done, in her most recent column, of bashing Democrats for not supporting the Bush administration's fight against terrorism. Later that day, in stark contrast to her interview on Your World, Coulter abruptly cut short her appearance on the August 24 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes after Democratic strategist and Fox News political analyst Kirsten Powers, who was guest co-host, challenged Coulter's false assertion that former President Bill Clinton turned down the opportunity to capture Osama bin Laden.

In her August 23 column -- "What Part of the War on Terrorism Do They Support?" -- Coulter repeated the false claims that Democrats "oppose the National Security Agency listening to people who are calling specific phone numbers found on al-Qaida cell phones and computers" and "oppose the Patriot Act." Introducing Coulter on Your World, Buttner stated: "You do a great job in your editorial of ... listing it all out, and when you do, it's very interesting to see -- they're really good at saying what they're against, aren't they?" Buttner later appeared to concur with Coulter's false assertion that Democrats are "against every part of the war on terror," saying: "You've said it well. The problem is that the [Bush] administration doesn't always go out there and sell this. It doesn't always go out there and say, 'What are the Democrats for in this war on terror?' " Buttner then asked Coulter: "Do you think the getting out there and selling themselves and fighting against the Democrats -- that finally we're going to get the Republicans out there to fight?"

However, as the weblogs Think Progress and Crooks and Liars noted, hours later on Hannity & Colmes, Coulter found it difficult to participate in a discussion of the Democrats' position on terrorism when challenged. Coulter asserted that things are going "swimmingly" in Afghanistan, even though a British military commander said the situation in Afghanistan is "close to anarchy," as Think Progress noted. When Powers later challenged Coulter's claim that bin Laden "was handed to Bill Clinton twice," a claim Media Matters for America has previously debunked, Coulter unexpectedly ended her participation in the segment.

Transcript of Buttner interview available at media matters linked above.
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