Stalker? Is that what you call others who make casual observations? Well so be it, but keep in mind it doesn't change the truth. Glitterbag was kicked off the site and everyone knows how bad you have to be to get kicked out, just ask Bernie.
That might be relevant if Glitterbag said something on this site which you found to be an attack on someone. Then bringing up what happened on a different site might show a pattern.
Frankly, I am surprised that happened to her over there because I have seen Glitterbag post in both places, and she always seemed very civil. Maybe she made one or two angry posts over there, I don't know. But unless you find her exhibiting uncivil behavior on this site, I really don't see the need to bring this up.
Interesting that her/his first post at this site was a reply to Glitterbag concerning acid reflux.
Then 11 posts later she discovers "what the cat drug up here."
Drama queen indeed.
I have known glitterbag since Abuzz days and have always found her to be a nice and charming person. You on the other Dramaqueen I don't know from ****. Why not let people get to know you before coming on so strong?
Ticomaya wrote:Interesting that her/his first post at this site was a reply to Glitterbag concerning acid reflux.
Then 11 posts later she discovers "what the cat drug up here."
Drama queen indeed.
Whenever possible I try to help :wink:
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:since bernards entire life is based on what he reads and repeats...... if he didn't read it.... it didn't happen....

It's a knee-jerk response. Mention anything . . . how about trimming toenails for starters . . . and Bernie/Massa asks for a link. I mentioned hearing a radio debate and this dude with his poor memory and more limited ability to reason asks for a link. The program was broadcast prior to the internet!
Dramaqueen wrote:Stalker? Is that what you call others who make casual observations? Well so be it, but keep in mind it doesn't change the truth. Glitterbag was kicked off the site and everyone knows how bad you have to be to get kicked out, just ask Bernie.
Are you Bernie's mistress?
PlainOldMe is absolutely deluded. "Old Radio Debate" indeed!!! Plain Ol Me reminds me of another brainless old lady who would post something like the following:
"I don't remember where I heard it, but it was on TV last year--Vice President Cheney was, at one time, a member of the Ku Klux Klan."
If PlainOlMe thinks that garbage like that is acceptable on these threads, she is even more senile than she appears to be.
But- I'll play her game--
Here is what I HEARD on a Radio Debate--Hillary cannot be elected since she will soon be outed as a Lesbian.
What stupid nonsense!!!!
If you can't offer evidence, Plain Ol, go back to munch grass in the meadow!!
The Dr. DrillsargentPossumsir,
was going to tell us all about those bars,
not the stars and bars,
but the
answer to the
the bear posed
directly to him.
Posted: Post: 2218965 -
This one.
When was that?
Twas on Sunday, and here it is Thursday and we thirst.
Joe(though it could be salivation)Nation
The bars? Yes, if I recall correctly- One was called- Up Notion's Derriere and the other was called Fags with Sunglasses!
Hmmm. Another non-answer to the question. Hmmm.
The number of negative comments my avatar receives is interesting. All I did was go to the avatar selection page when I joined and pick the single cow avatar. Truthfully, I prefer dignified cows and the sunglasses do not appeal to me. However, that was the choice. Furthermore, I am not the only poster using this avatar. I wonder if Algis receives as many negative comments . . . but, of course, the criticizers have nothing else to criticize.
I like cows. I like elephants as well, but because the elephant is the symbol of the Republican Party, I decline to use that animal as an avatar.
I couldn't fail to notice that Bernie/Massa can not post without resorting to crudity.
Dramaqueen wrote:glitterbag wrote:Ann is our opportunity to watch someone completely inflame herself. She is not as informed as Phyllis Schaffly, but probably almost as much as a nutcase. We can all sit back and watch her head explode, but most of us won't enjoy it. God Bless, poor ol Ann Coulter and her hatred of everything (maybe it's just her fear of independent thinking) (or critical thinking)) Let's just hope she manages to review the original Constitution and Bill of Rights, and after she does that, hopefully she can find an actual intellectuall to explan it to her. I guess she has our country in her heart, I just hope she understands the intent of the founding fathers in 20/20 review.
Well look what the cat drug up here. Rumor has it you were booted out of the west coast forum and everybody over there is having a good laugh about it. I guess you got too high and mighty and the adminstator knocked you down to size.
Sorry Drama, I didn't get kicked out, I asked Kevin to remove my name. If you would like, I can show you the emails (Kevin refused to remove me from the membership) So I can still post there. Send me a link and I respond to you. And of course it goes without saying how hurt I am that the gang of 6 (the only people posting over there) are laughing at my expense. Sob....It's made a huge difference in my life (what a bunch of sad sacks you SB folks are) Boo freaking Hoo
Hello fellow posters, I just logged after being gone for awhile and the first post I saw was from DramaKAK. It was very gracious and I thank you all for stating nice things about my posts. I didn't get kicked off, hell you can't even resign over there. I still have my correspondence with Kevin if anybody wants to see my request and his concern that he didn't want me to leave. Anybody can post on SB and the current set of moderators have a combined IQ of 93, they still think their responses constitute spirited exchange.
glitterbag -- So, dramaqueen is the always uppity Dr. Kak. Some people never change, do they? Glad to have helped you. Her attack was so unwarranted, as the response here shows.
Hi plainoldme,
I'm guessing KAK, but there are a few other queens who used to show up about a nanosecond everytime I posted on SB. Sometimes I wondered if a bell didn't ring in their homes to let them know I was onboard. I could say something as mild as milk is good for your bones and the fan club would show up with the usual song and dance. Don't get me wrong, I really wasn't insulted, it's just that they tried so hard and got in the way of any discussion regardless of the topic. Since the dramaqueen title is fairly new and has only 14 posts, I'm guessing it's another old poster loyal to another forum trying to start over.
By the way, as nice as it was to see you folks defend me, I must admit that I can be difficult when annoyed. I don't think I have been too cranky on A2K, but I suppose that could change if my anti-entourage started looking for me here. But it wouldn't be blanket cranky, it's just that sometimes those folks make it toooooooo easy. All the best, GB
Do you think Ann is incensed?
Was Horse Named for Ann Coulter? S.F. Zoo Won't Say Aye or Neigh
By E&P Staff
Published: August 24, 2006 12:10 PM ET
NEW YORK "A horse is a horse, of course, of course. And horses don't talk trash to liberals, of course. Unless, of course, the name of the horse is the famous Ms. Op-Ed."
Those aren't exactly the lyrics from the theme song for the 1960s sitcom "Mister Ed." But the San Francisco Zoo has named a horse "Coulter," and people are wondering if Universal Press Syndicate Op-Ed columnist Ann Coulter is being "honored."
The zoo has another newly famous occupant, an eagle named Stephen Jr., oft-mentioned by Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central's "Colbert Report."
A blog item notes: "While looking for celebrity eagle Stephen Jr. in the children's area at the San Francisco Zoo, a colleague at the [San Francisco] Chronicle ran into a different conservative icon: 'Coulter,' an American cream draft horse who bears a not-so-subtle resemblance to a certain controversial conservative pundit by the same name.
"A follow-up visit shows that the similarities are plentiful: Both have a long mane of blonde hair and legs that are thin enough to comfortably slip a LiveStrong silicone bracelet on the lower thigh. And whether it's fair or not, many a liberal blogger has pointed out that Ann Coulter's head does have some equine qualities.
"Then again, the horse appears to have a much better appetite than the pundit, and there's also the little issue of the zoo's Coulter being male -- although I suppose Ann Coulter's detractors will have a quick comeback for that as well. ...
"The zoo keepers I talked to were mum on the issue, refusing to confirm or deny that the horse was named with Ann Coulter in mind. But it's worth noting that there's another part of the zoo called the 'Coulter Family Acacia Plaza,' suggesting the horse's name could also be linked to a generous zoo patron."
The item is titled: "Children's Zoo Horsey Wants Liberal Media Traitors Executed by Firing Squad?"
"Mister Ed" began its run in 1961 -- the same year Coulter (the columnist, of course, of course) was born.
Ann Coulter and Mr. Ed walk into a bar.... bartender says "Hey! Why the long face?"
an oldie but a goodie.....
Ann Coulter walks into a bar and says "Give me a beer and a mop"....
is this thing on?
You'll want to check out this video up top... poor Ann. Imagine, someone speaking over her...interrupting is so liberal.
glitter -- We all get uppity or plain old angry from time to time. But we all need to be cut some slack and not stalked or subjected to a constant barrage of foul language.