Ann Coulter Attacks 9/11 Widows

Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 01:33 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Dookiestix wrote:
Meanwhile, someone with a notable accent which may suggest stupidity to some merely exemplifies an obvious rush to judgement.

So did Tom Hanks or Billy Bob Thorton "sound stupid" in the movies I cited? You never did answer that question.

Um, Tom Hanks and Billy Bob Thorton are ACTORS. I think McGentrix was referring to actual residents of North Carolina.

Ticomaya wrote:
Since their characters were supposed to be "stupid," do you suppose there was a reason the actors chose to speak as they did while portraying those characters?

I had no idea their characters were supposed to be "stupid." You seem to have quite a black and white perspective on movies with multiple layers of sub-context.

Ticomaya wrote:
Dookie wrote:
Therefore, the conventional wisdom here is based more on a knee jerk perception rather than a sincere grasp of another's intelligence and insight.

Nobody is saying that the way a person speaks is a yardstick by which one can measure their intellect.

McGentrix said exactly that. What are you ACTUALLY trying to defend here? "the accent makes them sound stupid."

Ticomaya wrote:
Dookie wrote:
Cannot possibly grasp? You're reaching today, Tico. Besides, McGentrix specifically said that the "accent makes them SOUND stupid." Now, whatever do you think he meant by that? It would appear that McGentrix is expressing his personal views on this, not somebody else's.

Yes, he said they "sound" stupid, he didn't say they "were" stupid. And I think he was expressing his personal views on that. Frankly, if John Kerry were to read the very same text as George W. Bush, Bush would sound stupider ... to me, and probably to most people, I would imagine.

But I guess you would disagree, and think Bush would sound as intelligent as Kerry .... right?

Stupider? :wink:

Ticomaya wrote:
Dookie wrote:
Perhaps a better wording by McGentrix would clear things up. Unfortunately, you've latched onto the typical "cannot possibly grasp the concept" style of debate.

I still think you've missed the point.

No, I think I'm getting the point quite well here at this stage of distraction from the idiocy of Ann Coulter, the rightwinger's personal spokesperson on the MSM.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 01:46 pm
apparently I speak or write with a western accent, ergo, i am stupid. Makes sense to me.
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Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 02:26 pm
Except that you shouldn't use "ergo" - people as dumb as you must be with that accent can't possibly know what that means.
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Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 02:27 pm
dyslexia wrote:
apparently I speak or write with a western accent, ergo, i am stupid. Makes sense to me.

I KNEW you were stupid. I could hear that accent in every word you typed.

Now, the question remains; shall I call you a Macaca now or wait until you get a mohawk?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 02:32 pm
Dookiestix wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Dookiestix wrote:
Meanwhile, someone with a notable accent which may suggest stupidity to some merely exemplifies an obvious rush to judgement.

So did Tom Hanks or Billy Bob Thorton "sound stupid" in the movies I cited? You never did answer that question.

Um, Tom Hanks and Billy Bob Thorton are ACTORS. I think McGentrix was referring to actual residents of North Carolina.

Yes, I know McG was referring to actual residents of North Carolina.

Knowing you have a little difficulty following logical arguments, I tried breaking it down to little bites that I thought you could handle. You really should just answer the question, rather than try and perform an analysis.

I'll try it again: Did Tom Hanks or Billy Bob Thorton "sound stupid" in the movies Forrest Gump and Sling Blade? I'm looking for a "yes" or "no" type of response from you here.

Dookie wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Since their characters were supposed to be "stupid," do you suppose there was a reason the actors chose to speak as they did while portraying those characters?

I had no idea their characters were supposed to be "stupid." You seem to have quite a black and white perspective on movies with multiple layers of sub-context.

"Stupid is as stupid does," huh?

Did you miss the part when Forrest Gump said: "I am not a smart man"? Were you under the impression that Karl Childers (Thorton's character in Sling Blade) was pursuing his Ph.D. before being admitted to the psychiatric hospital?

Even though their characters are not supposed to be intelligent, it appears neither of those two actors, both Academy Award winners, managed to portray their characters well-enough for you to grasp this fact.

Dookie wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Dookie wrote:
Therefore, the conventional wisdom here is based more on a knee jerk perception rather than a sincere grasp of another's intelligence and insight.

Nobody is saying that the way a person speaks is a yardstick by which one can measure their intellect.

McGentrix said exactly that. What are you ACTUALLY trying to defend here? "the accent makes them sound stupid."

No, McG did not say that. You have completely FAILED to grasp what McG meant. And I don't have to hear you speak to conclude why that is.

He said: "It's just the accent makes them sound stupid." He even italicized the word "sound" for you.

"Sound stupid." Do you get it? He isn't saying they are stupid. As a matter of fact, if you go back and reread his post (HERE'S A LINK) you will see he is saying they aren't stupider than anyone else in any other place is. They just sound stupid.


Had he said, "Their accent means they are stupid," then you would have a valid point.

But he didn't, and you don't.

Dookie wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Dookie wrote:
Cannot possibly grasp? You're reaching today, Tico. Besides, McGentrix specifically said that the "accent makes them SOUND stupid." Now, whatever do you think he meant by that? It would appear that McGentrix is expressing his personal views on this, not somebody else's.

Yes, he said they "sound" stupid, he didn't say they "were" stupid. And I think he was expressing his personal views on that. Frankly, if John Kerry were to read the very same text as George W. Bush, Bush would sound stupider ... to me, and probably to most people, I would imagine.

But I guess you would disagree, and think Bush would sound as intelligent as Kerry .... right?

Stupider? :wink:

Yes ... stupider. Let me use it in a sentence for you: "Dookiestix is stupider than Ticomaya." I hope that illustration was helpful.

You really should look up words if you're having difficulty with the vocabulary. Try dictionary.com.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 09:51 pm
dyslexia wrote:
apparently I speak or write with a western accent, ergo, i am stupid. Makes sense to me.

If that's what you think either McG or I have been saying, then I'm not about to argue with you.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 10:32 pm
Anyone who has the slightest acquaintance with the rudiments of the measurement of cognitive ability( This, of course, is ability which is expressed, and not just potential ability) knows that there is a correlation between affluence and Intelligence and also between social class and intelligence.

Given the fact that many( not all) of the denizens of North Carolina were below the US median in affluence and that the population of NC, when compared to the population of the other 49 states of the USA, had a higher percentage of persons in what is commonly called "blue-collar" activities in the sixties and seventies, the state can be classified as a place with more than the average amount of underachievers. Some, to be cruel, would say Stupid!!!!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 12:58 am
Isn't it a little silly to argue that a Southern accent denotes stupidity, when two of the past five presidents had Southern accents, and the current president works so hard to affect one?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 01:11 am
I am very much afraid that you did not read my post. I will replicate if for you so that you understand!

Anyone who has the slightest acquaintance with the rudiments of the measurement of cognitive ability( This, of course, is ability which is expressed, and not just potential ability) knows that there is a correlation between affluence and Intelligence and also between social class and intelligence.

Given the fact that many( not all) of the denizens of North Carolina were below the US median in affluence and that the population of NC, when compared to the population of the other 49 states of the USA, had a higher percentage of persons in what is commonly called "blue-collar" activities in the sixties and seventies, the state can be classified as a place with more than the average amount of underachievers. Some, to be cruel, would say Stupid!!!!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 02:27 am
Possum, do you have problems with blue collar workers?

People who awake early in the morning, go to work at a physically demanding job, work hard, obey the law-you have problems with these people?

If so, please explain why.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 03:59 am
Tico said "I'll try it again: Did Tom Hanks or Billy Bob Thorton "sound stupid" in the movies Forrest Gump and Sling Blade? I'm looking for a "yes" or "no" type of response from you here. "

And he is dead right in this allusion, of course. We do make assumptions about people dependent on how they speak.
I learned recently that a well-known locally-based TV presenter was in fact also a nationally-renowned cryptic crossword compiler possessed of great wit, subtlety, breadth of knowledge and sophistication, and I to my shame had never suspected that, my assumptions being all based on the sound of his voice, and his broad local accent. Embarrassed
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 06:26 am
plainoldme wrote:
Although this is off the topic, I feel the need to defend North Carolina. There is a 'school' of North Carolina writers who are impressing the so-called Eastern Intellectual Establishment. The state is home to many potters and musicians.

I've spent only a week there, visiting the college age daughter of a friend. Absolutely loved the place and the people I met. Could live there quite happily.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 06:43 am
Dookiestix wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Dookiestix wrote:
BernardR wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
I am in North Carolina this very moment. I do not believe people here are any more or less stupid then they are everywhere else. It's just the accent makes them sound stupid. But, you will find stupid people all around the globe, the US or NC hardly have a monopoly.
Have you ever been to Fayetteville?

Why should one's accent cause one to automatically assume that they're stupid?

In order to understand this, you must first acknowledge that the way a person sounds while speaking can tend to cause some people listening to them speak draw a conclusion about the speaker's level of intelligence.

Do you acknowledge that?

Why must I acknowledge this? What's wrong with listening to their words, rather than their accent?

Yeah, tico's right and you ought to acknowledge the point.

It is pretty ubiquitous for cultures to hold a particular dialect as the "proper" example of language use. Other dialects, particularly the ones with lots of local uniqueness (in accent, sentence structure, idiomatic expressions, etc) are amost always, perhaps even always, considered uneducated and unsophisticated. In Canada, for example, the unique dialects found in Newfoundland (and area) hold this derogatory position (a reflection of attitudes from England where both the Newfoundland variety of dialects originate and are held in negative contrast with the "queen's english").

Lola, my partner here in New York, originates from Texas. She avoids speaking in that dialect because, to her, it sounds "stupid". Then, there are the dialects found all over the US that seem or sound similarly "backward".

Likely you've read Pygmallion or seen My Fair Lady. Shaw's story centers on precisely this tendency to attribute lack of intelligence to speakers of dialects.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 06:51 am
Oh..ok...looks like you guys have talked this through a bit further. I find the matter quite interesting.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 10:18 am
blatham wrote:
plainoldme wrote:
Although this is off the topic, I feel the need to defend North Carolina. There is a 'school' of North Carolina writers who are impressing the so-called Eastern Intellectual Establishment. The state is home to many potters and musicians.

I've spent only a week there, visiting the college age daughter of a friend. Absolutely loved the place and the people I met. Could live there quite happily.

People who create pottery and are in the beginning of music careers or who are folk and blues musicians as are the people around Asheville or who writing novels generally fall below Bernie/Massa's 49%-ile of affluence. Earnings do not equal intelligence.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 10:23 am
BernardR wrote:
I am very much afraid that you did not read my post. I will replicate if for you so that you understand!

Anyone who has the slightest acquaintance with the rudiments of the measurement of cognitive ability( This, of course, is ability which is expressed, and not just potential ability) knows that there is a correlation between affluence and Intelligence and also between social class and intelligence.

Given the fact that many( not all) of the denizens of North Carolina were below the US median in affluence and that the population of NC, when compared to the population of the other 49 states of the USA, had a higher percentage of persons in what is commonly called "blue-collar" activities in the sixties and seventies, the state can be classified as a place with more than the average amount of underachievers. Some, to be cruel, would say Stupid!!!!

Wake County however, home to the Triangle along with Durham and Orange , includes a diverse population, first class universities , medical and law schools, research triangle park, home to a great deal of the cutting edge bio medical research going on, and producer of the finest and most life saving drugs. We lso have what is considered the number one comedy club between New York and Miami, the winners of the Stanley Cup, several teams that consistenly dominate the NCAA.

Bernard honey, do a little research or piss up a rope or both why not?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 10:26 am
blatham -- My daughter (graduate of Smith, with work done at Harvard, the Sorbonne) and one of her friends (University of London who now does research with her MIT professor father) recently talked another friend of their's (Rochester Institute of Technology and American University, Paris) into moving to North Carolina.

Now, these young women are all well educated. But, a job came up in NC. Their friend had absolutely no social or intellectual life in New Hampshire where she lived and they persuaded her that a change of scene might do her good. If you are going to live in the south, NC with all it has to offer intellectually and musically is the place to live. The friend in question has already connected with someone in publishing and finds her life improved.

And we do judge people by their accents. There are certain Northern accents that are just as decried as are certain kinds of southern accents. There are also southern accents that people in the north find charming. But, let's drop the accent thing now: it has been done to death.
0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 11:19 am
North Carolina abounds with the arts and artistic people. School of the Arts in Winston Salem, UNCG has a fabulous music school. ECU has a well known art program and technical theater program. Of course, artists don't make a lot of money so we must be stupid right?

Of course, let's not forget the home of NASCAR as well. Yee haw!!!!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 11:53 am
I was with you until you claimed NASCAR. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 11:55 am
snood -- I think he was being satirical . . . and balanced!
0 Replies

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