Did Nostradamus have a good batting average like Craven?
I agreed with Craven's predicts at the time, with maybe one quibble, but I forget what the quibble was, entirely appropriate given my 1/2 brain. Most of his posts seem obvious to me, but then... not to so many else.
At the time of his posting, I thought to myself that he's prolly about fifty percent right. It's not the first time I've had mud on my face.
one thing I think we all learned in this whole thing is to speak up next time.
No, I didn't learn that. I spoke up then.
Craven, why did you predict the WMD's wouldn't be found?
I'll be willing to predict that Craven's response will be well thought out and complete. Not just a shrug and eye roll that is typical of our anti-american bretheren.
I'd like to hear Craven't response too.
Personally, I didn't think they'd be found either. My reasons were more intuitive than based on any one thing. It struck me that the "case for war" was strained and forced and nothing rang true. Everything they presented as a justification appeared manufactured. I also thought that, if Saddam really had WMD, we would not have been so willing to invade. Just my opinion, though, and I don't have any predictions on record to validate or repudiate so I just have to join in with the others and say, good predicting Craven.
Free Duck, Me too! Even after Colin Powell's speech to the UN, I didn't believe of WMDs, becasue the UN Inspectors and the head of the inspectors said as much. They were on the ground in Iraq looking for them.
Yes. To me it looked like Powell could hardly keep from throwing up while presenting it. He looked like he wanted to crawl right out of his skin.
I wish I could find my Iraq predictions but I posted them on someone's thread and I don't have a clue where to look for them. Drat!
I do recall that I predicted strong armed residence from the Sunnis and slowly evolving civil war in Iraq.
I bet the prediction came from the fact that the inept U.N. inspectors gave Iraq the perfect opportunity to perfect their deception.
Keep thinking that way, cjh. It's nice to continue the deceit for the right-wingers. Otherwise, Ms Sheehan's demonstration really has merit; her son died for a lie.
cjhsa wrote:I bet the prediction came from the fact that the inept U.N. inspectors gave Iraq the perfect opportunity to perfect their deception.
I've read this three times. Can you clarify?
Sorry c.i, but your Democratic party has been taken over by fringe left freaks and you're going to continue to lose, lose, lose until you realize that. I write to my senators and congressmen regularly - Boxer and Feinstein - what a double barrel joke.
Duck, I think maybe a fourth try might be needed.
I gave it a fourth and still no beans. I give up.
cjh, I'll repeat it again; I'm not a democrat. I vote for the individual that I trust irregardless of party affililation. Can you remember that simple fact?
I communicate with Senator Feinstein because I trust her.
I trust her to circular file any reasonable opinion.