Civilians Death Rate in Iraq Less Than in Washington, DC

Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 01:47 pm
JustanObserver wrote:
nimh wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
littlek wrote:
Rolling Eyes

Amazing that I do not succumb to the trenchant logic of littlek's airtight disproof of my thesis.

Not so amazing that you choose to respond to littlek's rollingeye smiley and blueflame's Iraq story, but not to any of the posts that actually doublechecked the numbers you quote and found them false - Cyclo's, JustanObserver's, Parados's.

This bears repeating. Brandon posted an article that is based on false and misleading information. That bullsh*t argument was promptly shot down with credible information, and what's the best he can follow up with? That somehow, the mere ability to compare the information makes his argument more valid (or should I say..."less false").

I posted the article, because it seems to support my position - period. My point was not that it's valid because comparison is possible. My point was that the mere fact that the death rates are in the same neighborhood belies the typical liberal image of civilians being killed left and right.

JustanObserver wrote:
He then follows it up by grasping at straws in saying that it downplays the "Liberal" perception that "bodies are flying all over the place every five minutes," and then follows that with a completely random article about four deaths in D.C., as though that somehow supports his argument.

Seriously Brandon, you make this too easy for us sometimes.

I posted the article about murders in Washington, DC only as a response to someone's post of an article giving an account of some civilian deaths in Iraq. My point was that the prior article was an attempt to make a point by presenting an anecdote designed to appeal to emotions, and invalid as a statistical argument.

JustanObserver wrote:
The "Liberal" (translation: realistic) perception is that Iraq is far from a safe country, long after our supposed "victory." Civilians are dying violent deaths daily. That's the point. No one ever said bodies were flying "every five minutes" (seriously, how old are you?).

When I described the liberal view as bodies flying all over the place every five minutes, it was obviously humorous hyperbole. The tendency to take everything absolutely literal is characteristic of children. The fact that victory in Iraq is not easy neither means that the war shouldn't have been started, nor does it necessarily mean that it's being prosecuted incompetently.

JustanObserver wrote:
I'm sure reporters would love to do pieces on another school opening in Iraq, but they can't, because it's still too damn dangerous (look at the CBS reporter in critical condition and her two assistants killed by a car bomb just the other day).

They seem to find it possible, though, to do all manner of negative reporting there.

JustanObserver wrote:
And that posting of the people killed in D.C. the other day reeked of desperation.

No, it reeked of asserting that the post about several deaths in Iraq was anecdotal and not a proper statistical argument.

JustanObserver wrote:
It's clear you know you're losing the argument when you resort to that....

Congratulations on your mind reading abilities.

JustanObserver wrote:
I don't know if its more sad that he goes to such extreme lengths to support ANYTHING Bush does, or that he doesn't seem to realize that he's doing it. I feel bad for the guy.

I actually disagree with the president on one or two issues, such as, for example, tort reform. Your speculation that I support him as a blanket principle is pathetic. I voted for him because he was saying things that I already believed, and I will continue to support him when he has an opinion that I hold too.
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 01:48 pm
Setanta wrote:
You should address that criticism to the member who began taking swipes at Brandon by making snide comments about his scientific credentials. If you had been paying attention, something you apparently continue not to do, you'd know that i was not the one who started this disgusting display of puerile temper.

If Brandon applied the 'credentials' he/you/whoever believe he has, he/you wouldn't be getting the response he/you are.

If he is indeed well-qualified in the area of math and science, he should know better than to expect the initial post to simply be accepted. The numbers are wrong. Posting them was bad form for someone who expects to have their credentials/qualifications given any credence.


I understand that Brandon is a supporter of the current American administration, and that this can have certain side-effects, but bad math presented - and defended - by someone claiming to have a scientific education is not acceptable.

It's not even statistics really - it's simply bad math.

I can't understand why anyone would try to defend its use.
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 01:50 pm
DrewDad wrote:
How someone can claim to be a scientist, and yet regurgitate tripe such as the article that started this thread, is beyond me.

Let me assure you that scientists are as likely as everybody else to be wingnuts, and as likely as anybody else to support their politics with bogus arguments.
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 01:52 pm
Setanta wrote:
"Lest of course"? What the hell is that supposed to mean?

DD made a snide comment about Brandon lacking a knowledge of science, asserting that if he did, he'd not fall for such a transparently false statistical claim. I responded, without heat, simply to the effect that Brandon's scientific knowledge is undoubted, but that he suspends his faculty of disbelief when the topic is politics. DD then proceeded to a series of remarks to the effect that Brandon must have not scientific knowledge. I responded to that as the needless slander that it was.

So you decide to stick your nose in, and demonstrate that you have completely failed to understand the series of remarks which were exchanged. Who the f*ck appointed you hall monitor? Who are you to determine what is or is not appropriate to this discussion. You seem to think it is OK to slander Brandon on the basis of his relative scientific knowledge, but not OK to object to that slander. I entertain as low an opinion of your contribution to these exchanges as i do of DD's.

Hall monitor? That's a hoot! Laughing

So be it. Like I said, science has nothing to do with the political intent of this thread, and therefore you continue to change the subject. If you have a problem, then notify the moderators. Plus, it would seem as though the science is much less reliable then previously thought.

How's the war in Iraq going? Anyone heard lately? Sectarian violence is on the rise, and civilians are being slaughtered left and right.

This is a political FACT that nobody can deny. And it is terrible. It sickens me to hear this same worthless line of debate over and over again to justify this war.
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 01:52 pm
Setanta wrote:
Who the f*ck appointed you hall monitor? Who are you to determine what is or is not appropriate to this discussion.

Irony, thy name is Setanta.
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 01:56 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
...it was obviously humorous hyperbole. The tendency to take everything absolutely literal is characteristic of children.

Can you send Setanta a memo?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 01:57 pm
ehBeth wrote:
It's not even statistics really - it's simply bad math.

I can't understand why anyone would try to defend its use.

I have at no time defended the use of a false statistical analysis. I made a point of saying that Brandon suspend's his faculty of disbelief when the topic is politics. My objection all along has been the attempt to claim that Brandon does not have valid scientific understanding because he suspends his disbelief when the topic is politics. I will continue to deplore slandering him in such a manner because he displays such a failing. DD did not simply point out that Brandon had failed to apply judicious judgment to the value of the statistical analysis presented--he continually attempted to suggest, if not outright to state, that Brandon must have no scientific credentials. I consider that an unjustified slander, and will continue to say as much.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 01:59 pm
DrewDad wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Who the f*ck appointed you hall monitor? Who are you to determine what is or is not appropriate to this discussion.

Irony, thy name is Setanta.

I have never told you that this were inappropriate to the discussion--i have pointed out that you have unjustly slandered Brandon on the basis of his credentials as a scientist.
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 02:01 pm
Setanta wrote:
ehBeth wrote:
It's not even statistics really - it's simply bad math.

I can't understand why anyone would try to defend its use.

I have at no time defended the use of a false statistical analysis. I made a point of saying that Brandon suspend's his faculty of disbelief when the topic is politics. My objection all along has been the attempt to claim that Brandon does not have valid scientific understanding because he suspends his disbelief when the topic is politics. I will continue to deplore slandering him in such a manner because he displays such a failing. DD did not simply point out that Brandon had failed to apply judicious judgment to the value of the statistical analysis presented--he continually attempted to suggest, if not outright to state, that Brandon must have no scientific credentials. I consider that an unjustified slander, and will continue to say as much.

Then you should start another thread in that regard. Otherwise, the rest of us will call him on his unyielding faith for the Bush cabal and his fuzzy math.

But I do find it interesting that you would adamently point out Brandon's expertise and then not defend the numbers in question.

Brandon is not only politically wrong, IMHO, he also appears to be statistically wrong as well.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 02:02 pm
Go back and read my post. At no time did I state that Brandon does not have the credentials that he claims.

You have a migraine, or what? You've always been somewhat pompous, bit it's a bit over-done today.
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 02:03 pm
Dookiestix wrote:
So be it. Like I said, science has nothing to do with the political intent of this thread, and therefore you continue to change the subject. If you have a problem, then notify the moderators. Plus, it would seem as though the science is much less reliable then previously thought.

You should tell DD that science has nothing to do with the political intent of this thread--he is the one who has dragged Brandon's scientific credentials into this topic. Your assumption that i am attempting to change the subject of the thread because of a political intent on my part shows just how dull-witted you are--ask Brandon how often he and i have ever agreed on the subject of this war. I have spent more time telling him that his point of view with regard to the war and its justification are idiotic than you have spent at this site altogether.

My objection has been and remains that this political disagreement does not warrant a false slander against Brandon for his scientific credentials.
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 02:07 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
My point was not that it's valid because comparison is possible. My point was that the mere fact that the death rates are in the same neighborhood belies the typical liberal image of civilians being killed left and right.

Do I read that right? In one breath you are admitting that the comparison is not valid. In the next you continue to assert that the article has some kind of meaning beyond being bad prose.

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date.
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 02:07 pm
So I have to wonder, what exactly are Brandons scientific credentials?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 02:11 pm
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 02:12 pm
Dookiestix wrote:
Then you should start another thread in that regard. Otherwise, the rest of us will call him on his unyielding faith for the Bush cabal and his fuzzy math.

But I do find it interesting that you would adamently point out Brandon's expertise and then not defend the numbers in question.

Brandon is not only politically wrong, IMHO, he also appears to be statistically wrong as well.

I am not defending the numbers in question because i consider them indefensible. It just doesn't seem to sink in with you. I have consistently stated that his political blindness is not a basis upon which to slander his scientific credentials.

Since you seem unwilling to read the entire thread, and follow the course of these exchanges, this is how they fell out.

DrewDad wrote:
Brandon proves once again that whatever scientific training he has is sadly lacking.

Setanta wrote:
I'd say he has had good scientific training, and has shown it in these fora repeatedly. However, when the subject is politics and the Shrub, he suspends his faculties of disbelief, and sees only what he wants to see, which is only that which suggests the Shrub and his policies are right.

Brandon9000 wrote:
La la la la . . . i can't hear you ! ! !

Three pages later . . .

DrewDad wrote:
Setanta wrote:
I'd say he has had good scientific training, and has shown it in these fora repeatedly. However, when the subject is politics and the Shrub, he suspends his faculties of disbelief, and sees only what he wants to see, which is only that which suggests the Shrub and his policies are right.

Brandon9000 wrote:
La la la la . . . i can't hear you ! ! !

The primary characteristic of a scientist is critical thinking. Brandon demonstrates again that he sadly lacks this crucial ability.

And that is why i continue to state that he is being slandered because DD disagrees with his politics.

At no time have i defended his original post, nor the faulty statistical slight of hand attempted in the article he quoted.
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Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 02:16 pm
It's only slander if it's not true....
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 02:21 pm
bm. You know the old expression, of course: statistics don't lie; statisticians do.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 02:23 pm
DrewDad wrote:
It's only slander if it's not true....

EXACTLY! It's also off topic to make this thread all about one's scientific expertise in this matter, and defend that at all costs.

This thread presents numbers which are wrong, and which Brandon has already stated as not valid. Brandon then somehow twists all this to say that despite what liberals are stating, that civilians aren't dying left and right in Iraq, when they actually are. Somehow, trying to show this disengenuous aspect in defending this war is what's the most transparent here.

And just because one has scientific credentials by no means indicates a sense of LOGIC in this regard. I really don't understand why you are so fixated on this little tidbit of the debate which has nothing to do with the overall political argument being presented here. And, like I stated, this argument has been used for YEARS, and to no avail.

Meanwhile, our troops are sitting on a powder keg of sectarian violence and serious troop stress. Haditha could very well be just the tip of the iceberg.

I wonder how Brandon would factor in those statistics; our own U.S. troops kill innocent Iraqi civilians.

This war is getting so bad right now, and the Bush apologist seems to be truly cornered at this stage. I wish for once that they'd offer up some real solutions rather than blindly support their worthless leader in this manner.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 02:25 pm

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Jun, 2006 02:26 pm
I have never defended Brandon's scientific credentials in this matter. That was never the point, but you are apparently too thick-skulled for that to sink in. It is slander, because Brandon has a detailed and deep grasp of the principles of physics, which he has displayed on more than one occasion.

What a bunch of idjits--what a political lynch mob.
0 Replies

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