Civilians Death Rate in Iraq Less Than in Washington, DC

Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 01:52 am
Well, when I went to North Carolina and found that they still had separate drinking fountains based on race, I was not really surprised.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 06:58 am
BernardR wrote:
Well, when I went to North Carolina and found that they still had separate drinking fountains based on race, I was not really surprised.

How peculiar. I did not not any such drinking fountains during my recent trip.

New thread suggestion... "BernardR: is he a liar?"
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 07:00 am
BernardR wrote:
Well, when I went to North Carolina and found that they still had separate drinking fountains based on race, I was not really surprised.

This merely proves that Bernard not only hasn't updated his dictionary since 1968, he hasn't left the house and gone anywhere since about 1962 Laughing

A lot has happened while you've been at home playing with your Eisenhower action figures.
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 07:21 am
BernardR wrote:
Well, if you really want to know, if I really had to pick my death, I would much rather be shot by a gangbanger in DC than be beheaded by one fo the savage towel heads in Baghdad. Those murderous bastards are fanatic beasts who cut off the heads of innocent women. If I were in charge I would try to get most of them in one area and nuke them. Then they all could have their 72 or is it 76 virgins!

4 university degrees, who criticizes member for calling Bush a "fukin moron"...and he applies the term towel heads to Iraqis.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 07:30 am
candidone1 wrote:
BernardR wrote:
Well, if you really want to know, if I really had to pick my death, I would much rather be shot by a gangbanger in DC than be beheaded by one fo the savage towel heads in Baghdad. Those murderous bastards are fanatic beasts who cut off the heads of innocent women. If I were in charge I would try to get most of them in one area and nuke them. Then they all could have their 72 or is it 76 virgins!

4 university degrees, who criticizes member for calling Bush a "fukin moron"...and he applies the term towel heads to Iraqis.

Now those degrees.... do the certificates have actual pictures of Sally Struthers on them?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 08:08 am
candidone1 wrote:
BernardR wrote:
Well, if you really want to know, if I really had to pick my death, I would much rather be shot by a gangbanger in DC than be beheaded by one fo the savage towel heads in Baghdad. Those murderous bastards are fanatic beasts who cut off the heads of innocent women. If I were in charge I would try to get most of them in one area and nuke them. Then they all could have their 72 or is it 76 virgins!

4 university degrees, who criticizes member for calling Bush a "fukin moron"...and he applies the term towel heads to Iraqis.

I believe he was using a derogatory term to describe the terrorists/insurgents commiting the crimes detailed. Not Iraqi's. I believe derogatory terms are fitting in those instances to demonstrate one's feelings towards them.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 08:14 am
I believe that last post was bullshit. No offense meant, just demonstrating my feelings towards it. Laughing
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 09:48 am
"Towel heads in Baghdad" certainly sounds like it applies to Muslims in Baghdad to me.

1 entry found for towelhead.
Main Entry: towelhead
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: an offensive term for a person wearing a turban

Oddly enough, the definition doesn't differentiate between "savage towel heads" and other types of "towel heads."
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 09:57 am
Since come of us have parted with commone decency I'll assume Bernard just forgot to make mention of all the n*ggers committing the crimes in DC.
I mean, all is fair in love and war......
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 10:13 am
DrewDad wrote:
"Towel heads in Baghdad" certainly sounds like it applies to Muslims in Baghdad to me.

1 entry found for towelhead.
Main Entry: towelhead
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: an offensive term for a person wearing a turban

Oddly enough, the definition doesn't differentiate between "savage towel heads" and other types of "towel heads."

I am sorry your comprehension skills are so lacking. Not much can be done about that now.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 10:33 am
More foolishness from you, McG. You're really batting a thousand, defending torture, abuse and racism all in just a few days.

Here's some greater evidence that the proposition that Iraq is safer than D.C. is complete idiocy:

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Nearly 1,400 Iraqi civilians died in a wave of targeted killings in Baghdad last month, according to a high-ranking Iraqi Health Ministry official.

The figure does not include civilians killed in insurgent bombings, the official said. Even so, the number is the highest monthly death toll in the capital since the war began three years ago.

1,400, and that doesn't include bombs for god's sake. Just people who were murdered.

The highest number of homicides in DC, per year, was in the early 90's; The number of homicides peaked in 1991 at 482.

I just can't believe the stupidity of the original post. Rep. King should be taken to task for his complete willingness to ignore reality, in order to portray Iraq in a better light.

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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 10:41 am
McGentrix wrote:
DrewDad wrote:
"Towel heads in Baghdad" certainly sounds like it applies to Muslims in Baghdad to me.

1 entry found for towelhead.
Main Entry: towelhead
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: an offensive term for a person wearing a turban

Oddly enough, the definition doesn't differentiate between "savage towel heads" and other types of "towel heads."

I am sorry your comprehension skills are so lacking. Not much can be done about that now.

Are you claiming that "towelhead" is now synonymous with "terrorist?" That seems to be your position here.

If I have it wrong please be so kind as to clearly state your position, as it currently seems that you are condoning racism and epithets.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 11:04 am
DrewDad wrote:
Are you claiming that "towelhead" is now synonymous with "terrorist?" That seems to be your position here.

It really does - and I'm considering of cancelling my Merriam-Webster subscription.
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 11:05 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Here's some greater evidence that the proposition that Iraq is safer than D.C. is complete idiocy:

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Nearly 1,400 Iraqi civilians died in a wave of targeted killings in Baghdad last month, according to a high-ranking Iraqi Health Ministry official.

The figure does not include civilians killed in insurgent bombings, the official said. Even so, the number is the highest monthly death toll in the capital since the war began three years ago.

1,400, and that doesn't include bombs for god's sake. Just people who were murdered.

The highest number of homicides in DC, per year, was in the early 90's; The number of homicides peaked in 1991 at 482.

I just can't believe the stupidity of the original post. Rep. King should be taken to task for his complete willingness to ignore reality, in order to portray Iraq in a better light.



1,400 civilian dead in Baghdad last month -- and over 6,000 in Iraq this year.

This in Dutch newspaper Trouw today (my translation):

6000 Murders already in Iraq this year

This year over six thousand people have already been murdered in Iraq. The murders are often triggered by religious oppositions. Many were tortured.

The number of murders has increased especially strongly after the attack on a Shi'ite holy place in Samarra in February. Since then both Sunnite and Shi'ite Muslims have become victim of religious violence. The Iraqi office of the judicial coroner yesterday announced that this year at least six thousand bodies have been found of people who were murdered [and that m]any were tortured first.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 11:12 am
DrewDad wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
DrewDad wrote:
"Towel heads in Baghdad" certainly sounds like it applies to Muslims in Baghdad to me.

1 entry found for towelhead.
Main Entry: towelhead
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: an offensive term for a person wearing a turban

Oddly enough, the definition doesn't differentiate between "savage towel heads" and other types of "towel heads."

I am sorry your comprehension skills are so lacking. Not much can be done about that now.

Are you claiming that "towelhead" is now synonymous with "terrorist?" That seems to be your position here.

If I have it wrong please be so kind as to clearly state your position, as it currently seems that you are condoning racism and epithets.

Give it a rest. You took the word out of context and chose to be a nitwit about it. You have wasted enough of my time already.
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 12:03 pm
Meanwhile the greater DC and Baltimore area with a population of about 8 million (roughly the same size as Baghdad) had under 1000 murders last year.
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Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2006 01:18 am
I am very sorry you feel that way, Mr. Drew Dad. I don't feel that YOU are a racist, hateful,ugly person. In fact, I find myself admiring your name. Anyone who is a Dad usually has many good qualities.

I can only assume that your epithet- "Ugly" is one that you think refers to my character. I must modestly admit that I was voted the "best looking Senior in my High School Class.

The "hateful" description-"deserving to be hated" is also, I am certain, an exaggeration. I did not realise that Liberalism and Progressiveism allowed for the vice of "hate". I was under the impression that "tolerance" was one of the key virtues in the Liberal panoply of desired characteristics.

And, "racist". I do hope that you are aware of the meaning of the word, Mr. Drew Dad. It means aq person who believes that human races have distincitive characterists that determine their respective cultures. That means immutablity. Anyone who holds that human races have distinctive characteristics that are immutable just hasn't read very much.

Try, Mr. Drew Dad, please try, to counter my arguments. If you wish( and you know that name calling is against the TOS) you can append your name calling at the end of your rebuttal,but first, if you don't mind, try to rebut my arguments.

Thank you , Drew DAD!!!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2006 09:06 am
A Call for Senate Hearings on Haditha
Senator John Warner wants to put an investigation of the alleged massacre of civilians on the fast track

He may be known as a courtly Virginia gentleman, but Sen. John Warner, the powerful chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, is playing hardball. The 79-year-old Republican Senator has just ratcheted up the pressure on the Defense Department to come clean on what happened at Haditha. On Tuesday Warner fired off a stern letter to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, announcing that he wanted to hold hearings on the attack last Nov. 19, in which members of a Marine company are accused of gunning down two dozen innocent civilians in the village northwest of Baghdad. The first witness Warner wants before his panel is Army Maj. Gen. Eldon Bargewell, who has just completed an investigation into whether senior officers in Iraq looked the other way when news of killings trickled up the chain of command or tried to cover it up.

Warner, a former Marine and an ex-Navy Secretary, put Rumsfeld on notice that he expects the incident to "be addressed expeditiously" and that the Pentagon not drag its feet in airing the facts in the case as it did in the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal. "Congress and the American people are entitled to a timely disclosure of the official findings," the Virginia Republican wrote pointedly in his letter. "Delays in getting out the official findings of fact due to a protracted review process will mean a mixture of information, misinformation and unconfirmed facts will continue to spiral in the public domain."
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Debra Law
Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2006 05:57 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Hey, how about you guys stop with the high school antics and try to stick to the subject and not the posters.

Should I quote the TOS for you?

Wow. I remember the topic of our last discussion--Bush: The worst president in History.

In attempt to find the most current information on the topic, I conducted the following google search: Bush worst president.

I had 35,500,000 hits. After reviewing several pages of relevant hits on the thread topic, it became painfully obvious that I simply did not have the time to review page after page after page of relevant hits on our topic. Accordingly, I posted the following:

Google search: Bush worst president

35,500,000 hits

In response to my post, you posted the following:

Google search: Bush best president

159,000,000 hits

But, your comparative google search was no comparison at all. A quick review of the hits generated by your search query was HILARIOUS, e.g., Too Stupid to be President; funny pictures helping President Bush put his best face forward; GW Bush: "the best President money can buy," Bush's best moment? Reeling in perch, etc.


When this was pointed out, you became angry and lashed out in a personal attack upon me:

McGentrix wrote:
Wow. Instead of realizing how fantastically stupid you appeared by posting a google search, you instead chose to continue acting like a fool by thinking my post was intended to do anything more than to mock yours.

How wonderfully retarded you are. I didn't think my opinion of you could go lower, but just goes to prove I was wrong.

Is this NOT a personal attack in violation of TOS?

Should I quote the TOS for YOU?

But here's the hypocrisy, McGentrix. When another poster defended me against your angry personal attack and stated that your opinion of fellow A2K members was unimportant, you became even ANGRIER.

You replied that you REPORTED the poster for his lack of civility to you. And that poster's post was removed while YOUR PERSONAL, UNCIVIL ATTACK upon me remained.

How do you justify your double standards, McG?

BTW . . . I reported you . . . . fair is fair . . . .
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Jun, 2006 06:33 am
Debra_Law wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
Hey, how about you guys stop with the high school antics and try to stick to the subject and not the posters.

Should I quote the TOS for you?

Wow. I remember the topic of our last discussion--Bush: The worst president in History.

In attempt to find the most current information on the topic, I conducted the following google search: Bush worst president.

I had 35,500,000 hits. After reviewing several pages of relevant hits on the thread topic, it became painfully obvious that I simply did not have the time to review page after page after page of relevant hits on our topic. Accordingly, I posted the following:

Google search: Bush worst president

35,500,000 hits

In response to my post, you posted the following:

Google search: Bush best president

159,000,000 hits

But, your comparative google search was no comparison at all. A quick review of the hits generated by your search query was HILARIOUS, e.g., Too Stupid to be President; funny pictures helping President Bush put his best face forward; GW Bush: "the best President money can buy," Bush's best moment? Reeling in perch, etc.


When this was pointed out, you became angry and lashed out in a personal attack upon me:

McGentrix wrote:
Wow. Instead of realizing how fantastically stupid you appeared by posting a google search, you instead chose to continue acting like a fool by thinking my post was intended to do anything more than to mock yours.

How wonderfully retarded you are. I didn't think my opinion of you could go lower, but just goes to prove I was wrong.

Is this NOT a personal attack in violation of TOS?

Should I quote the TOS for YOU?

But here's the hypocrisy, McGentrix. When another poster defended me against your angry personal attack and stated that your opinion of fellow A2K members was unimportant, you became even ANGRIER.

You replied that you REPORTED the poster for his lack of civility to you. And that poster's post was removed while YOUR PERSONAL, UNCIVIL ATTACK upon me remained.

How do you justify your double standards, McG?

BTW . . . I reported you . . . . fair is fair . . . .

That you still don't "get it" is no surprise to me. You posted some silly-a$$ed google search that was supposed to make some kind of point. You probably even felt proud of yourself when you did. My rebuttal was to show you how meaningless hits on a google search are. Yet you didn't understand, and apparently still don't.

I don't become angry over what people post on websites. I get frustrated by the apparent lack of intelligence that some people show when at other times they seem rather bright.
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