BernardR wrote:This was reported in the New York Sun- Is it in error, and if so, why?
"According to Mr. King, the violent death rate in Iraq is 25.71 per 100,000. That may sound high, but not when you compare it to places like Colombia 61.7" per 100,000 death rate, violent death rate. South Africa, has a higher violent death rate per 100,000: 49.6 per 100,000. Even Jamaica has a higher violent death rate than does Iraq: 32.4, and Venezuela comes in at 31.6 violent deaths per 100,000. "How about the violent death rates in American cities? New Orleans before Hurricane Katrina was 53.1," violent death rate per 100,000. "FBI statistics for 2004-05 have Washington" DC's violent death rate at 45.9 per 100,000; Baltimore at 37.7 per 100,000, and Atlanta at 34.9 per 100,000. The figure again from Iraq, 25.71 per 100,000, and that includes the war.
Bernie, if you bothered to check the beginning of this thread you would see why is is error. 25.71 in no way relates to the actual civiliain deaths in Iraq. the actual number using Pentagon figures is over 100 per 100,000. There is no figure anywhere to be found that puts it as low as Rep King claims it is.
Of course Iraq is less than other countries when you don't use the real numbers.
The number is NOT correct. REPEAT. The number is NOT correct which has been discussed here for quite some time including sources. Coming back with the same number that has been refuted and well refuted doesn't suddenly make King's number have any more veracity. It is BOGUS, WRONG, COMPLETELY FALSE.