Butrflynet wrote:Quote:...you cannot force people. You can be blunt and try to show them the error of their ways. But if change is going to come it needs to come from the spirit within. To manipulate people is not so wrong if they want to be manipulated and if they trust you.
That is exactly what I find so objectionable about organized religion and the farce called the bible. It has absolutely nothing to do with anything other than someone's interpretation of some long ago author who made up stories to coerce gullable people into being governed by and acting out of fear. The entity called god is a character created for his purpose of creating fanatics for his version of how other people should live their lives.
I am disappointed to read that you find nothing wrong with abusing people's trust of you to manipulate them. That's why I never ever set foot in a church again after having received first communion to please my father. The more I read about and experienced continuing efforts of manipulation and abuse of trust by fanatics, the more I am convinced I made the right choice long ago.
Sadly, I find myself feeling the same way about the contamination of science with corporate greed.
Even brainwashing can be a positive experience...
Having one's brain washed with truth?
The Bible's new testament was written to correct the spiritual inequality in previous religions. Also it was written to "balance" the sexual decadence of Rome.
Did it go too far? Maybe, but I think it was people not the Bible that caused the dark ages.
What was worse the dark ages or Rome? Before the new testament Bible we did not have a choice. We were locked into a liberal ROMAN society that had absolutely no real boundaries of morality.
The people armed with the Bible swung that around 180 degrees.
There are not ONLY a couple scriptures written by Paul that are against decadence but you may notice that almost everything ever written by Paul was seasoned with a distaste for Roman morality.
It was no wonder, the Roman decadence was being flaunted in the face of any and all moderation. Paul was also against strict Jewish/Islamic(or OT LAW) law...
The world was in real trouble. We can thank the Bible for the more balanced world we now live in.
That is not to say the dark ages did not go too far in rooting out "evil" but if it had not been for the Bible, George Bush would look more like Caligula or Nero today.
I do not blame Paul for trying to counter the Roman culture. It was far too in excess and far too decadent to allow to remain in full power.
I even gasp at the gay bars and circles I RARELY frequent today.
The promiscuous sex and wild abandon is sickening and not representative of civilized people. The straight bars are the same. Meat markets... I told you all, I am a moderate.
"Dirt balls for men and sex machines for women..." (quote Lucille Ball)