Quote:Nowhere in the Bible is a cubit defined.
You need to read another book besides the Bible. The cubit is the length of the forearm of the person trying to measure a cubit. A cubit consists of two spans, which were essentially the distance from the tip of the pinky to the tip of the thumb when stretched out as far as possible. For me a cubit would be 15 inches (span is 7.5 inches), though Bible scholars typically put 17.5 inches as the measurement from ancient times. (I don't disagree with their estimate, my hands are fairly small.) It was horribly inaccurate (as you shall see below) but it was the only thing they had at the time.
By multiplying the amount of cubits for each dimension (L,W,H) against the 17.5 inches estimate by Bible scholars and dividing by 12 one can easily derive the amount of feet.
Length = (300 x 17.5) / 12 = 437.5 feet
Width = (50 x 17.5) / 12 = 72.9 feet
Height = (30 x 17.5) / 12 = 43.75 feet
If I were the one building the ark (15 inches per cubit), this is how big it would be...
Length = (300 x 15) / 12 = 375 feet
Width = (50 x 15) / 12 = 62.5 feet
Height = (30 x 15) / 12 = 37.5 feet
Quote:You ignore that fact that maybe Noah's expertise with wood surpassed that of our today. Just as the pyramids and obelisks of Egypt are still today a wonder to modern architecture. Micro thin copper or aluminum could have been attached to the hull. The wood with some calking and putty and sap could have sealed the boat up quite nicely they did NOT have to have even one leak. The story does not mention that the boat leaked so they must have had that problem licked.
Where is the evidence that naval architecture was better several thousand years ago? With the ark so eloquently described in the Bible, don't you think modern ship builders would use that description to build their own ships? Why it did take so many thousands of years to learn how to harness electricity when the ancients knew how to harnass it? Is everyone in the world stupid except for Bible thumpers? You are making some far-fetched theories here. Proverbially, you are the squirrel who is about to break the ever-narrowing twig it walks on.
Quote:The story does not mention that the boat leaked so they must have had that problem licked.
The story also doesn't mention the corpses floating around the boat either. I guess God had that problem licked.
Quote:Noah was given the job of building the boat as an old man but he may have ALSO been a boat builder by partial trade considering they were near the mediterranean in Turkey.
Where are all of the other boats?
Quote:Also the basin of the black sea is far below the sea level of the Mediterranean. (again something you haven't considered) So if the mediterranean was pouring into the black sea basin it would have looked like it was pouring out of the sky.
It would've looked like it was pouring from a certain direction. The story says it rained (water coming down everywhere), not poured (water coming down from one location).
Quote:Noah may have lived for 600 years because of diet and lack of human pathogens. He may have eaten plants that are extinct now (mana or similar) for instance... that prolonged life sharply.
There is a native plant species in the Sinai peninsula called the tamarisk bush. The insects on the bush excrete sugary sap that then drops to the ground. When it is morning there is dew on the ground and the sap looks like the rest of the dew. When the Sun comes up and evaporates the dew the sap crystallizes and they become white, round, and flaky and looks like hoarfrost. The "raining from heaven" quote is symbolic of how the drops fell to the ground. The people who found them called them Man-hu (Manna), which literally meant "what is it?" Manna is nothing more than insect crap. And trust me, if that insect crap made people live longer it would be a very, very, profitable business.
The claim of extinct plant life is an unproven assertion that is not supported by the Bible or science. It is purely imaginary and is rightfully disregarded until you can provide evidence to support your assertion. And the existence of H heidelbergensis and other pathogens, as farmerman rightfully pointed out, disproves the remaining claim in the above quotation.
Quote:Also when God says EVERY creature (clean and unclean) that does not mean ALL creatures. I bet you didn't consider that. (along with allot of this you have not considered)
You are correct that it may not have meant all creatures. You have now implicitly admitted the world-wide flood part is an exaggeration (you mentioned the Black Sea flood), explicitly stated the "every creature" part may have been an exaggeration, have retreated on the "rain" part like it was also an exaggeration, and one can only wonder: what makes you think the rest is not an exaggeration or a greatly warped retelling of an earlier myth? (Hint: "faith" is an excuse, not a reason.)
Quote:Set you are interpreting the story again with a western mind and with a touch of Hollywood.
And you are interpreting the story again with an apologetic mind without a touch of skepticism.
Quote:It does not have to be floating all this time. Who knows how they calked and puttied the boat. They may have had techniques that are LOST to todays boat builders. The USA has been building boats for 200 years? Noah's people had thousands of years of history.
And the Egyptians used UFO laser beams and grappling beams to build the pyramids. Are you even listening to yourself? All modern architecture is built upon the ideas of past civilizations. Noah's people may have had thousands of years of history but current civilization have been improving on the ideas from the thousands of years before it.
Quote:With a bit of un-coerced brain storming solutions can be provided for most of your objections Set.
You are forcing your ideas to accomodate to the Bible rather than reality. That is quite coerced.
Quote:But you would rather abruptly point out the "errors" in the story which I supply are errors in "your" understanding and not errors in the text.
He points them out because they are errors in the text.
Quote:The only thing typical here is your complete inability to comprehend what has been said to you. The actual size of the boat doesn't matter--it is the proportions of the vessel which make it unseaworthy.
The rest of that is just more of your silly musings, for which you don't have the authority of the text of the bobble. In short, you just make sh!t up as you go along.
I agree.
Quote:There's still that troubling habit you have of calling things you don't believe in, "horsie-poop" and the like, that would be hard to attach to the southern dialect thing...
The stories are "horsie-poop" though. I don't think he needs to apologize, or stop, calling things as they seem.
Quote:Now this is funny. There were no human pathogens in those days. Mind you we are speaking of 2500 B.C. So I suppose no one died of any illness that was caused by bacteria or virus in those days. So when did bacterias and viruses that were deadly to humans first make their appearance?
When Jesus came about to blow his nasty breath in peoples' faces to make demons run out. How could you have missed this obvious answer!?
Quote:"common sense" would dictate that "everyone knows the sun rises every morning and sets every evening" Common sense tells us that and yet we all know that the sun does not rise every morning and set every evening because the earth simply rotates. Common sense is more like mass hysteria much of the time.
I agree. There is no such thing as common sense.