rex, Quote: You ignore that fact that maybe Noah's expertise with wood surpassed that of our today. Just as the pyramids and obelisks of Egypt are still today a wonder to modern architecture. Micro thin copper or aluminum could have been attached to the hull.
Noah prefered DeWAlt portable tools, they use those Li/Cd batteries that are so long lasting and easily charged up.
A pyramid or obelisk are merely curiosities to us. We wonder how did such early people manage to accomplish building them/ Theyre hardly a "wonder" to modern architecture. Ever notice this really huuge obelisk in Washington DC?, we dont wonder too much about the guys who built that.
Microthin copper ok, but they only had the capabilities to smelt high grade ore not oxides, as far as Aluminum,
Noah would have needed electricity to produce that.
IMHO, if Noah really wanted a good stiff boat, he should have used a reinforced concrete hull.