Setanta wrote:Which has what, Rex, to do with the topic of "The Bible vs. Science?"
Figure it out.
The same thing I guess the dimensions of Noah's ark have...
My comment was in regard to Franks broken record.
The only five scriptures he knows in the Bible.
Slaves, gays, teens being brought before the elders and the "booty" of course.
The normal brainless stuff of someone who can't learn.
How can someone learn science when they select only a small portion of the total constructs and scope then blow that out of proportion and close their mind to anything else. I would call that a mental disorder. No easter bunny needed to keep that little fantasy alive. Just narrow mindedness and the vacancy of any reasoning facilities beyond the rut.
The OT is there to show the enlightened that there are really people like Frank that exist... That cannot see the forest for the trees that cannot reason beyond their own spiritual void.
Science has that same void.