I almost always wear no makeup. I did wear eye makeup and blush in high school and through much of college. But even then I wore no lipstick or foundation. In my early 20s I developed adult acne and stopped wearing any makeup. That's gone now, and sometimes if I go out at night I'll put on mascara and lipstick. I suppose I should consider using more as I age.
If your skin looks good without it, why bother?
WD-40 oughtta impart a nice glow to one's complection - has a dandy bouquet, too.
Cheap too, relative to BOTOX.
CalamityJane wrote:Why do men care about womens' make up?
They don't, really. They just want us to be ready to go faster, so they SAY we look better without it. :wink:
Makeup creates ILLUSION! Not reality. Most men want to love
Miller wrote:Cheap too, relative to BOTOX.

I started wearing bangs again a year or 2 ago....instant botox!
No one has seen any wrinkles on my forhead since.
Nonsense. If you live with a woman, you will see her with and without makeup. You gotta love her when she wakes up in the morning just as much as when she goes out for the evening.
We would love it if we could look as good without makeup. Unfortunately, most of us don't. It's a matter of good grooming. Women style their hair, wear flattering clothing, and wear makeup when they want to look their best. Men shave, style their hair, and wear nice clothing for the same reasons. Are you guys trying to create an illusion? Of course not. We're all just making ourselves look our best.
Good makeup isn't about making a woman into something she's not. It's about bringing out her natural beauty. After all, no two women look the same with or without makeup.
hmmmmm .... I don't shave (well, an occasional trim if the whiskers get in the way), don't have enough hair to style, and my idea of nice clothes is clean shirt and levis with no rips or patches. I do shower, with soap (unscented, of course), at least once, and very frequently a couple times, a day on average, though.
What percentage of men wear makeup?
Drag queens, too. Though most wouldn't wear makeup daily, they might wear it more than I do.