eoe wrote:My sister-in-law just returned from Paris with four pairs of beautiful, unique, you'll-never-see-them-here-in-the-States shoes. She loves them.
Y'all just hatin' on the Europeans!
No way.
Like I said, if a product is made in Europe and it works....fabulous.
If a product is made in the US....great.
South America, and it's great.....I'm buying it.
I just don't need someone telling me that what I choose to do with my looks is in or out.
If the French, or Canadians or Russians women think they look great....well I think the same about myself.
I don't need a magazine article to tell me that.
oh yeah, sorry about the geography fubar....getting steamed up messes up my compass.....sorry Alex Trubek, I guess I won't be qualifying for the National Geographic Geography Bee.