Eva, you put it all together in one paragraph. Basic courtesty always makes life much more livable.
Eva's post:
Quote:Well, I intend to post whatever pictures I like of whoever I like. (Unless, of course, they tell me in advance not to.)
If anyone objects to a particular photo being posted, say so and I'll have it removed.
Likewise, if I see one of myself that I object to, I will ask the poster to have it removed.
It's very simple. No problem at all.
Everyone so enjoys seeing photos, I would really hate it if we stopped.
And Soz, with her wonderfully reasonable mind, suggested PMs. That keeps everything at a lower key with less risk of major disagreements.
There seems to be two groups that are at odds; those who refuse to ask permission or to take the time to make deletions and those who hate seeing pics of themselves. Really, there are only a few in each group. I think we all know each other and care for each other, so all we need is an understanding of what will happen when we meet in public. (Thomas, I promise {I think} not to become violent--Dys still won't tell me where he keeps his ammunition).
So far, it looks like Walter and ehBeth are two who very adamately refused to ask permission or to make deletions. Adding few more to that group would bring it up to maybe five or six.
Then there are those who want to barf when they see a bad pic of themselves. There are maybe five or six of us. No, let's say twenty. I have a feeling there are quite a few who just won't admit to their fragile egos.
When you break it down to numbers, it isn't really such an awful problem. As long as both groups know how the other feels, we can maintain what I certainly consider to be priceless friendships while not hurting the others' feelings.
Now I have to add a note to those who don't have a problem. I admire you. You have strong, healthy egos. Men, especially don't usually have a problem or else they won't admit it.
As for the women, PLEASE. Look at Dag. My god, she is gorgeous and when she isn't gorgeous, as when she sticks her tongue out, she is adorably cute. She is also in her twenties.
Littlek, gorgeous. J_B, gorgeous, CJ gorgeous. There are so many of you. Then there are those of us on the far side of sixty. There are far fewer "good" sides than when we were in our thirties or forties, not to mention twenties and thirties. A tllted face means a bulge of jowl. A big smile means chasms where there used to be dimples and a geometrical increase in chins. It just goes on and on. Damn, it's depressing. Get over ourselves??? Hell, we are over sixty, you young twits!! Get over yourselves!!!
Now let me tell you a couple of rules for older women, especially during lovemaking, just to give you an idea of what we have to deal with and what you have to look forward to. Read it and weep...
1. While having sex, if you are the one on top, DO NOT EVER LOOK DOWN AT YOUR LOVER. Your entire face will drop at least three inches closer to him than the rest of your body.
2. When you are finished, try to leave the room quickly, as soon as he rolls over and falls asleep--maybe 30 seconds. If, for some odd reason he doesn't fall asleep immediately and you absolutely have to go to the bathroom, back out of the room so he won't see how far your butt has dropped.
See what I mean? Fragile egos? HAH! REALITY. Cackle, cackle cackle.....
Walter, damn it, you are an adorable sweetie, so if you want to post depressing pics of me, go ahead. Maybe I'll post a few of me in my twenties to counteract the horrible shock.