Thanks for detailing that, Thomas, Walter too. So that was how it fit together. Like I wrote, I hadnt "understood so far if that were the case here", I was going on Diane's post and having seen Osso post a link to a place where the picture still was, and it seemed a reasonable enough point that was being ignored in the coupla posts I responded to. Caching, yes, of course, that would explain it.
Anyway, thanks, and yeah like in the Politics thread I guess it does pay off when someone digs in and specifies, I mean it was an extra on your part Thomas but appreciated I'm sure.
CalamityJane wrote:Looks like you're looking for a scape goat here, nimh.

I'm looking for a
scapegoat? Whatf*ckingever. I wasnt even part of it, and asked the Q purely on the basis of what Diane had said and the link Osso had given, cos it had seemed a fair enough point to me, and hadnt, I dont think, been addressed yet.
Plus I actually also added that I hadnt really gotten what had happened here on that count, myself. But I thought it was a valid enough request, and the McT/JoeNation/Thomas posts I reacted to, which had been going like, "speak up beforehand or forever hold your mouth", werent addressing that. That was about that, wasnt blaming anyone.
<shakes head> What a ridiculous reaction.