Geez, Diane, see what you've gone and done. Now everyone gets to get in on the studly thick of things!
J_B wrote:
[size=7]I'm not sure I really want to know

Something, every German pupil likes when learning French: Tant pis.
Because pis sounds like the German colloquial word for urinate. :wink:
Ah oui, la déclinaison du célèbre M. Jean Foutre :wink:
Studly thick of things.
Ah, isn't it interesting that, with the phrase, "studly thick of things," Walter and Francis both make their charming appearances?
I think neither of us is as charming as your charming self, divine Diane...
Yes, Diane. They are "showing off" the fact that they both speak English, German, and French.
That's okay for them, but I speak English, German, and Mandarin. So there, Walter and Francis!
wandeljw wrote:Yes, Diane. They are "showing off" the fact that they both speak English, German, and French.
That's okay for them, but I speak English, German, and Mandarin. So there, Walter and Francis!

What are trying to demonstrate, Wandel? May I tell you which other languages I do speak?
You can tell me, Francis. :wink:
Let's keep our secrets, first lady. :wink:
It's about a good handful, Eva. (And most of it fluently - proved it e.g. at last year's London gathering :wink: )

Francis :wink:
multilingual men
Wandel, your addition makes this a threesome of charming, multilingual men. Wow!
Wait, wait, I'm married, sort of...well, actually, living in sin which is much more fun. Anyway, I appreciate the charming, intelligent men here on a2k, multilingual or not and, it's always fun to flirt. Hee.