Sun 21 May, 2006 10:32 am
There have always been skirmishes about posting photos of each other here. We meet up in groups and photos are taken. Lots of pressure follows from those A2Kers who didn't attend the gatherings. Want pictures!
1. Some people do not want their photo up for any reason.
2. Some want to preview photos of themselves before they are posted.
3. Some don't care either way.
#1 and #3 are easy categories. But, what do we do with those in the second category? It seems a little difficult to have the #2ers review every photo of themselves. During the Chicago meeting there were a lot of photos taken by many different photographers. But, people deserve their right to reject a photo.
I remember one of the very first get-togethers which included more than just the old abuzz boston crowd. The one held in Salem, MA. Diane very specifically stated that she didn't want her photos posted. We all respected that (I think/hope). After viewing the photos herself, she caved in a bit and allowed us to post some. I know if I were to photograph her now, that I should ask her permission before posting a pic of her. What I would generally do is load up the pix into my photo website, send out the link to the album to those invovled and wait for responses. Unless it's a crew of #3ers (like this boston crowd seems to be).
I'm rambling.....
So, at the start of a gathering, please tell photographing friends if you don't wish to have your picture posted. And, if someone asks you to remove a picture, please do so. Let's try to be repectful to both the photographer and the photographee......
What do you think?
You have my permission to post all pictures of me from the A2K leather orgy gathering.
Except for the one where I'm in diapers.
No wait, you can post that too.
Are you saying people were taking pictures here? :wink:
I am in the #3 category (even though I always get caught with some stupid expression on my face) but can understand people don't want their pics posted. I think that is one of the reasons why Smog didn't show up in Chicago.
There was a leather orgy gathering? I made it to the whipped cream orgy but never heard about the leather orgy. I'm always the last to know.
Slappy, that's great! I'll load them now and post them later.
I think most of us are in category #3. But, we still need to respect one another.
I don't think we can make official policy here (as in, enforced from above), but I'd definitely like to see some courtesy guidelines. That was an issue at the Madison meet too; not re: pictures of myself so much, but pictures of sozlet and pictures of my ASL interpreter. I had a bit of back-and-forth with a person who had posted those without asking me first, who then went back and blacked them out.
Would definitely appreciate (as a courtesy) that nothing be posted without the express permission of the member pictured (or the member most involved, as with sozlet and interpreter). Probably, if both people involved have PM capabilities, it can be handled that way without too much of a delay, necessarily. As in, upload to imageshack or Photobucket or whatever, PM the person in question the images that are planned to be shown here, and then that person can give his or her permission (or not).
Well, since it were obviously my photos which started this discussion, I'm not posting photos of any members here anymore.
I've done so with pics from a couple of previous meetings, where just one person ask me not to post photos with him/her appearing on it.
Which I did.
Until now I had thaught that people noticed that I was photographing.
(Actually, a couple of us talked about exactly this in Chicago.)
It was my fault to take the permission automatically granted.
I'm honestly very sorry about this.
Walter, ths isn't just about you and Osso. This has happened before. I don't think you need to take such drastic measures!
Walter, I for one (and I know not just me) have been enjoying your photos a lot.
I think there are a few different levels to it, as littlek already laid out. Of her categories, only the #2's will take any particular time -- the #1's and #3's can give their response (in person or after the fact) once, to cover all of the photos that were taken. With the #2's, the method I described above can be used; will add some time but not necessarily that much.
littlek wrote:
Ok, but that's too bad!
Some - without A2K'ers on it - will be in exhibition here: you are invited (Big promise: I'll take no photos of you!) :wink:
Walter, I'm firmly in the #3 category.
If your self esteem is so fragile you can't take someone posting an unflattering picture of you you have a problem. C'mon folks we're all friends here.
And in that spirit allow me to present an unflattering picture of myself...
BPB - that's not really helpful.
I've been fine with all the photos posted of me but the one, which was posted twice. I'm a little less horrified this morning, but still don't like it.
I'm not offended by it being posted, not even irritated. I just didn't like the idea of it remaining there in a post in somekind of internet eternity.. it depressed me.
I think having a review of personal photos via pm's is a great idea, and we used to do that. It's pretty unwieldy as an idea though and probably not workable over time.
And most of us, including me, love seeing the photos of people. I don't think you should stop posting them, Walter.
I tend to agree with # 1 - if someone doesn't want their pictures shown -
the reason doesn't matter - photographers should comply. However, it is
imperative that this is made known BEFORE joining into any group pictures. This is especially important when children are involved.
# 2 is more difficult to comply with. If you have 10 to 15 people attending
and each one of them has a different picture they don't want shown, then
it becomes difficult for the photographer, not to mention the time consuming task of emailing everyone the pictures beforehand and waiting for a consent release. This could take weeks to finalize.
I think in all fairness, people should either join group # 1 - no pictures at all, or # 3 - don't care either way, or the very least, ask the photographers BEFOREHAND to have pictures reviewed prior to posting.
To give permission first, and rant afterwards because one of the pictures did not turn out as expected is not fair to anyone. If I don't want my picture taken, I state so! If I give permission, I have to realize that not
every photo is going to be a winner.
My 2 cents.
Walter, I enjoyed your photos very much - and I hope this won't stop
you from showing them.
I enjoyed Walter's pictures as well, but I do understand why people may not want an unflattering picture posted. We all have bad days.
I wanted to see L.E.'s pictures on your thread, Jane. I hated that it didn't work out.
Well, as the situation is now, I'll be pleased to send the photos (for free!) burnt on cd or dvd besides offering to look at just some in that "maybe exhibition" :wink:
(You know, as the "artist", I've some rghts as well
