snood wrote:
Ever hear the phrase "throwing the baby out with the bathwater"?
Well, I don't know if I've ever seen a more hamhandedly clear demonstration of it, as what you did here. There are elements of both control and sex involved in the crime. No need to alienate all those who think control has a part in it, with words like "silly" and "get over it" - but, if you must approach it that way don't be suprised if you're the only one who doesn't think you're a big flaming ass.
Consider this a big virtual kiss on the cheek snood.
Would you tell a rape victim to get over it if she told you that it wasn't about the sex, but about the beating she got before the rape, if THAT was her reasoning for saying ' rape isn't about sex'?
Rape is about many things, because many different people rape.
And yes, rape IS about sex because that is the end result of rape- forced sex.
But, to say that it is only about sex is incorrect. And to say that it could possibly NOT be about " sex" is incorrect as well.
Some may rape out of anger and hatred for the female.
Some may rape out of a closet sexual desire for anal sex with a man
Some may rape out of a need for power
Some may rape out of loss of mental clarity due to drugs, alcohol, or psychosis.
Sometimes, rape is all about the act of sex..for some people .. yes.
But to tell someone that they are 'silly' and to -get over it- when discussing a subject such as rape, where women are OFTEN told those same reasons for dealing with a rape..
you lose a bit of credibility..
I see your point.
Its your choice of words that are a bit off..