smog wrote:Bella Dea wrote:smog wrote:Bella Dea could you know something you've never experienced?
Forgive me if I'm seeing this in terms that are too simplistic, but isn't the attempt at that something that we see (and have grown very used to) in basically every part of human society?
I am not sure I understand your question.
Whenever we try to discuss anything with anyone else, we're pretty much trying to understand things that have never happened to us. And even if similar things have happened to us, we can't ever feel or know exactly what those other people felt in those moments. This is true of all human experiences, I'd say, and I don't think you can fault someone for at least trying to make sense of things he or she has not immediately experienced. Otherwise, there's really no point to any conversation about anything.
Again, though, I might well be wrong.
Honestly Bella, I think you migh well be wrong too.
I think that's not giving at least some people the, oh, not benefit of the doubt, I don't mean that...more like the CAPACITY to be able to feel what someone has gone through.
That's what empathy is all about.
People don't usually for instance, choose a pychiatrist based on whether or not they have gone through the same life situations.
Question...the scenerios I listed before about when I had sex with someone that I didn't want to....knowing that I didn't it might very well turn ugly....would you consider that a rape?
I mean, I consented to the sex, but didn't want it, didn't ask for it, didn't welcome it, didn't enjoy it....but didn't say no because it wouldn't have been in my best interest at that moment to refuse. I guess you could say that, yes, there was a fear of what would happen if I said no.
I don't feel raped, and would never say I was. But someone else might have.
Then again, I'm very pragmatic about stuff like that.