Good post Heeven and thanks for sharing. Working at a rape crisis center does give you quite a different perspective on things, doesn't it? Often, you are the only one that person has told. And from the responses of many here (not just this post but others in the past), you definitely can see why someone would be hesitant about admitting a rape.
Heeven wrote:
However, when a woman blatantly and physically comes onto a man, she does share some responsibility for HER actions. You just cannot treat people like this and think that is okay.
Absolutely. But do her actions
cause the rape? Would he have raped her regardless? Maybe, maybe not. The man who rapes is the
only one who controls whether or not he rapes someone. That's why I can't agree with the victims responsibility thing. It's like getting into an argument with someone, very heated, and you say "I could just kill you". You may want to hurt them but you don't. If you do shoot and kill them, was it their fault for "making" you do it?
I think when people say it's not about sex, they mean that sexual gratification isn't the number one reason men rape. A man can get sex from lots of places. Rape is a power struggle. It's getting off on the power, not the sex.
In fact, sometimes the rapist doesn't even ejaculate in the victim.
I will agree that date rape can definitely start out mostly about sex. But I think that the "I can't stop" of date rape stems from the "This girl owes me now" syndrome. The whole idea of she led me on and now she owes me. Which to me, is more about ego and dominance than sex.
Again, good post Heeven.