OmSigDAVID wrote:
Do either of u believe that some purpose
is served by references to geese or st. jackets ?
Yes. The purpose is that I think you may need some sort of psychiatric help.
OmSigDAVID wrote: Is it that u think I will change my understanding of history,
or of sound reasoning because of such references ?
Not in the slightest. If anything, your posts have demonstrated an utter
lack of "sound reasoning." It's pretty clear that you have absolutely
no desire to look at any argument (no matter how valid) that is less than 100% against restricting gun use. Maybe your not willing to do so. Maybe your not capable. Who knows, who cares.
OmSigDAVID wrote: Maybe u think it has entertainment value.
Oh yes... I find it quite entertaining.
OmSigDAVID wrote: I take it that neither of u can effectively address my pro-freedom posts, but that your innate antagonism to personal freedom moves u to blindly strike out against it, since that is the most that u can do; ( i.e., your anti-freedom point of vu is not supportable ).
Is that what you call your comments? "Pro freedom posts"?

No dice. Your comments demonstrate a
very selective reading of constitutional caselaw and a
very selective understanding of the constitution.
I'm just taking a stab in the dark here, but it seems like you frequent gun sites and get your supreme court cases and talking points from them, without the benefit of understanding them in context, or general concepts of constitutional law. Then you go into "replay" mode and just regurgitate it wherever possible. It makes sense, though. If I throw enough crap on the wall,
some of it is sure to stick.
That you continually refer to anyone who thinks contrary to as "anti-freedom" further shows what I'm talking about.
On another note, I'm just curious...what's up with the style of your posts? The constant bolding I guess I can understand, but the text box wraps the text for you. It looks like you randomly hit "enter" while you type, and your posts wind up with some sort of new age poetry vibe to them. Seriously, I'm just curious.