Fight the U.N. Gun Ban

Mon 22 May, 2006 07:36 pm
cjhsa wrote:
No, it threatens gun ownership in any country that signs it. Period.

Only if you maintain that it means something else than it actually says ...

...but that would merely raise the question how a treaty could possibly enforce something it doesnt actually call for in the first place.
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Mon 22 May, 2006 07:41 pm
"Meet the Mastermind of the U.N. Global Gun ban Treaty"

If you have even the least bit of doubt that this threat is real, watch Wayne LaPierre's recent debate with Rebecca Peters, head of the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA)-the organization driving the U.N. Global Gun Ban Treaty.

Peters is the principal spokesman for a coalition of more than 100 nations and 500 organizations�-including the Brady Campaign, the Violence Policy Center and the Million Mom March here in the U.S.�-all determined to ban civilian ownership of firearms�-including YOURS.

Last fall, NRA's Wayne LaPierre took her on in a live televised debate, on her home turf, in London. She is the voice and face of hatred of gun owners and Second Amendment freedoms. Don't take our word for it--listen to her on how the U.N.'s global gun ban treaty is only the first step in a calculated strategy to ban, confiscate and destroy guns and bury our hunting and shooting traditions forever.

This debate will shock you. It will frighten you. It will drive home that this threat won't be defeated unless gun owners stand together and fight with all our courage.

0 Replies
Tue 23 May, 2006 02:47 am
Baldimo wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
The political force behind " gun control "
is the force behind collectivist despotism.

Hitler was very proud of his Gun Control Act of 1938.

If what you say is true then why is it those on the left that are pushing for gun control the most. They are the leaders in the restriction of the 2nd Amendment. Would they support a UN law that made weapons illegal and then also support a left wing President who would also try and push for stronger gun control. I said this back on about page 2 or so but was ignored.

It is foolishness to grade Hitler as being on the " right ".
He, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro
and all other socialists are collectivist-authoritarians.

Their opposite is INDIVIDUALISM,
despised equally by Stalin and Hitler

The heart n soul of INDIVIDUALISM is a domesticly weak n feeble government.
Another way to put it is:
Personal freedom and domestic government power
are inversely proportional

The foundation of the " gun control " philosophy
is abandonment of self-reliance
in favor of unlimited faith n trust in protection
from the collective, or its henchman: government.

If Kitty Genovese is slaughtered with a knife in over an hour of screaming
in the nite in the streets of NY,
if Reginald Denny is stomped in a riot on national TV
all networks, for about another hour,
after the police have fled the scene in L.A.,
well the liberals just hope that we will all forget about that
and continue our infinite faith in government anyway.
0 Replies
Tue 23 May, 2006 03:00 am
cjhsa wrote:
"Meet the Mastermind of the U.N. Global Gun ban Treaty"

If you have even the least bit of doubt that this threat is real, watch Wayne LaPierre's recent debate with Rebecca Peters, head of the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA)-the organization driving the U.N. Global Gun Ban Treaty.

Peters is the principal spokesman for a coalition of more than 100 nations and 500 organizations�-including the Brady Campaign, the Violence Policy Center and the Million Mom March here in the U.S.�-all determined to ban civilian ownership of firearms�-including YOURS.

Last fall, NRA's Wayne LaPierre took her on in a live televised debate, on her home turf, in London. She is the voice and face of hatred of gun owners and Second Amendment freedoms. Don't take our word for it--listen to her on how the U.N.'s global gun ban treaty is only the first step in a calculated strategy to ban, confiscate and destroy guns and bury our hunting and shooting traditions forever.

This debate will shock you. It will frighten you. It will drive home that this threat won't be defeated unless gun owners stand together and fight with all our courage.


Its WORSE than that.

That is the first step: rendering the future victims helpless.
Then, after microsurveillance is fully ubiquitous,
personal freedom can be curtailed, in the degree
that government chooses, incrementally most likely,
until society is sculpted into what government desires.

The leftists' whole idea is to SUBORDINATE
the individual to the collective by continual reductions of freedom.
In their minds,
freedom is the root of all problems.
If a problem is identified:
cure it by reducing someone 's freedom,
until no one has any freedom left

Like a Chinese finger trap; u can get in, but u can 't get out.
0 Replies
Tue 23 May, 2006 03:07 am
nimh wrote:
cjhsa wrote:
The U.N. isn't your ally if you are a U.S. citizen. This much is obvious to anyone with half a brain.

So basically, you're not opposing this treaty because it actually says any of the sort that you said it does - but because, well, that darned UN is bad, period, so - yeah, whatever the treaty actually says, its bad news and it should be stopped! ?

Got that right?

This treaty, in combination with the UN 's efforts to get
taxation authority, manifest a dangerous trend toward
a one world government
that ( human nature being what it is )
wud eventually degenerate into a despotism;
( the sooner the better, in the vu of the leftists,
to whom personal freedom is anathema ).
0 Replies
Tue 23 May, 2006 04:16 am
cjhsa wrote:
listen to her on how the U.N.'s global gun ban treaty is only the first step in a calculated strategy to ban, confiscate and destroy guns and bury our hunting and shooting traditions forever.

OmSigDAVID wrote:
This treaty, in combination with the UN 's efforts to get
taxation authority, manifest a dangerous trend toward
a one world government

Allright. So basically both of you oppose the UN treaty not for anything it actually says, but for how it is somehow, in terms of intent and prime movers, a signal for other, actually bad stuff that might still be to come.

The slippery slope argument.

Of course, thats like saying that, say, those who suggest restricting late-term abortion are really proposing "only the first step" in "a dangerous trend" to ban all abortion altogether or, for that matter, take away our condoms. As for the intent of those movers, that might actually even be true, but wouldnt it make more sense to just assess each step on its own merits?

Someone who proposes to, say, stop jailing petty marijuana users might in fact be out to legalise all drugs anytime -- but that doesnt make his actual proposal now any less sensible.

If this is "only the first step", it seems like you'll have plenty of time to stop this "dangerous trend" still, anyway - the whole "shock", "frighten", "fight with all your courage" seems a bit hysterical at this time. What level will they ratchet up the panic and alarm if you'd actually ever get further into this trend?
0 Replies
Tue 23 May, 2006 08:11 am
cjhsa wrote:
The problem is the brain dead libs infesting A2K like friggin trolls. They wear blue tin foil hats.

What are you guys, like 17 years old?

You've been sold a line by your professors.

The U.N. isn't your ally if you are a U.S. citizen. This much is obvious to anyone with half a brain.

Gee, I guess I should have ignored ANYONE that tried to teach me the English language...

Its obvious you don't think English should be practiced in the US cj.
Which language do you prefer?
0 Replies
Tue 23 May, 2006 08:14 am
Preferably one that ignores the word "illicit," it seems.
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Tue 23 May, 2006 08:19 am
How about the official language of Ghana? Laughing
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Tue 23 May, 2006 09:31 am
English, you mean? Well, we've tried that and it doesn't seem to be working for you.
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Wolf ODonnell
Tue 23 May, 2006 11:05 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
If what you say is true then why is it those on the left that are pushing for gun control the most. They are the leaders in the restriction of the 2nd Amendment. Would they support a UN law that made weapons illegal and then also support a left wing President who would also try and push for stronger gun control. I said this back on about page 2 or so but was ignored.

It is foolishness to grade Hitler as being on the " right ".
He, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro
and all other socialists are collectivist-authoritarians.

Their opposite is INDIVIDUALISM,
despised equally by Stalin and Hitler

Actually, Individualism is more the posterboy of the centre and democracy. Both left and extreme right wings despise individualism.

Fascism is right-wing.

The difference between Communism and Fascism is that the former desires to force people to become equal (and therefore non-individuals) for their own good, whilst the latter desires to force people to become non-individuals for the good of the state.

That is an overgeneralisation, of course, but it is no worse than your political overgeneralisation.
0 Replies
Tue 23 May, 2006 08:36 pm
nimh wrote:
Allright. So basically both of you oppose the UN treaty not for anything it actually says, but for how it is somehow, in terms of intent and prime movers, a signal for other, actually bad stuff that might still be to come.

The slippery slope argument.

Of course, thats like saying that, say, those who suggest restricting late-term abortion are really proposing "only the first step" in "a dangerous trend" to ban all abortion altogether or, for that matter, take away our condoms. As for the intent of those movers, that might actually even be true, but wouldnt it make more sense to just assess each step on its own merits?

No it doesn't. When faced with people who want to annihilate our freedom, it is required that we fight to the bitter end with each and every step.

They are only trying to put in place stronger methods for tracking illegal weapons now, but as soon as they get those methods in place, then they'll start trying to classify more and more weapons as illegal.

If we can block measures like this to begin with, and make sure it remains nearly impossible to trace weapons, then we won't have to fight the later battles where the freedom haters try to outlaw our guns.
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Tue 23 May, 2006 08:42 pm
JustanObserver wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
I wish I didn't have to scroll through so much chaff to follow a discussion.

There is no more discussion. cj's assertions have been thoroughly debunked. Now we're just watching him twist in the wind in a desperate attempt to save his argument ("wriggle word," "read it but take out the word that is the main point of the entire proposal," etc).

There's something funny/sad about watching someone who simply refuses to acknowledge that they're mistaken, particularly when they've been proven so wrong so clearly. But he keeps coming back for more... Why? I have no idea.

You don't seriously think that your childish insults have actually debunked anything????
0 Replies
Wed 24 May, 2006 12:48 am
cjhsa wrote:
Peters is the principal spokesman for a coalition of more than 100 nations and 500 organizations-including the Brady Campaign, the Violence Policy Center and the Million Mom March here in the U.S.�-all determined to ban civilian ownership of firearms�-including YOURS.

Ah, so the REAL reason of the thread finally surfaces. It's an anti-UN screed and fearmongering attempt to make people think the government boogyman is coming to take all your guns. You should have just posted that article from the start and saved us all a lot of time.

OmSigDAVID wrote:
Its WORSE than that.

That is the first step: rendering the future victims helpless.
Then, after microsurveillance is fully ubiquitous,
personal freedom can be curtailed, in the degree
that government chooses, incrementally most likely,
until society is sculpted into what government desires.

How ironic.
"after microsurveillance is fully ubiquitous"- what administration is currently vastly increasing their surveillance power, to the point that it could be argued a constitutional violation?

"personal freedom can be curtailed...until society is sculpted into what government desires"- and what administration is currently responsible for classifying more information and using "national security" to censor more than any administration in this countries history?

Now I'll save you some time- Both answers are "The Bush administration."

oralloy wrote:
You don't seriously think that your childish insults have actually debunked anything????

I'm not going to go back through the thread to see what info I contributed, but certainly cj's main argument about the proposal was completely destroyed. If you don't see that by now, you're incapable of comprehending it.

Lastly, I checked out that organization cj mentioned. They have a facinating article on their site. Check it out:

Click here to read article

A few lines from it:

The irresponsible exporting of small arms is made possible by an absence of export controls or a failure to enforce existing controls, or by loopholes in the law.

The trade in small arms takes various forms. The majority of the 7 million to 8 million new guns produced every year form the legal trade in small arms, that is the trade authorised by governments. However, limited controls of this legal trade, and a failure to enforce them, means that many arms are diverted into the illegal sector.

There are currently no universally accepted, legally binding global standards that apply in every country to prevent irresponsible arms transfers.

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Wed 24 May, 2006 05:54 am
JustanObserver wrote:

Thanks for posting that. It shows that the U.N. is fully for disarming the law abiding public. The attitude expressed in that article is exactly what I'm talking about. How could someone be that pathetic?

"It's the guns - not the people!". Right.
0 Replies
Wed 24 May, 2006 06:25 am
oralloy wrote:
nimh wrote:
Allright. So basically both of you oppose the UN treaty not for anything it actually says, but for how it is somehow, in terms of intent and prime movers, a signal for other, actually bad stuff that might still be to come.

The slippery slope argument.

Of course, thats like saying that, say, those who suggest restricting late-term abortion are really proposing "only the first step" in "a dangerous trend" to ban all abortion altogether or, for that matter, take away our condoms. As for the intent of those movers, that might actually even be true, but wouldnt it make more sense to just assess each step on its own merits?

No it doesn't. When faced with people who want to annihilate our freedom, it is required that we fight to the bitter end with each and every step.

They are only trying to put in place stronger methods for tracking illegal weapons now, but as soon as they get those methods in place, then they'll start trying to classify more and more weapons as illegal.

If we can block measures like this to begin with, and make sure it remains nearly impossible to trace weapons, then we won't have to fight the later battles where the freedom haters try to outlaw our guns.

The cry of the brainwashed -"The treaty says no such thing so it MUST be the true purpose."

You are repeating an argument that has NO MERIT oralloy. There is NOTHING in the treaty about making any weapon illegal. Go read the treaty before you make such an argument.
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Wed 24 May, 2006 07:37 am
That's because you're not reading the treaty right, parados. If you stand the document on it's head, read it backwards and eliminate the word illicit, it clearly states the UN wants to confiscate all firearms.

Well, in the paranoid bizarro-world of gun fanatics it does, anyway. The problem here is that you're trying to fight obsessive fear with facts. I just don't think that logic can win out over folks who insist that the absence of proof of a conspiracy is evidence of a conspiracy.
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Wed 24 May, 2006 07:39 am
I'm going to attempt to get another opinion about this. If I can, I will post it here.
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Wed 24 May, 2006 07:56 am
What's all the fuss about? The UN can't enforce laws in ANY country. Those that want guns in the US can still get them, those that have them can keep them.
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Wed 24 May, 2006 08:04 am
The fuss isn't about what the treaty says, but what it doesn't say, which has been misinterpreted by hysterics here to actually mean SOMETHING, even though it clearly means nothing.

The logical contortions that have been gone through to prove nothing means something are downright wildly funny, though.
0 Replies

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