First, in 2004:
Court: Terror suspects can challenge detentions
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court dealt a setback to the Bush administration on Monday, ruling that both U.S. citizens and foreign nationals seized as potential terrorists can challenge their treatment in U.S. courts.
The court refused to endorse a central claim of the White House since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001: That the government has authority to seize and hold suspected terrorists or their protectors and indefinitely deny them access to courts or lawyers while interrogating them.
Some three months after that ruling, this article reports the complaints of the detainee's lawyers.
U.S. Stymies Detainee Access Despite Ruling, Lawyers Say
It's now nearly three YEARS later. What this administration did first was not to serve justice but to re-write the rules. It asked for and got a law passed by Congress - The Detainee Treatment Act signed into law Dec. 30, 2004 --intended to prevent detainees from having access to U.S. courts.
So, here's the lesson for all you students of American Justice, if the Supreme Court rules against you, you, just like if you were some regular brand of autocrat,
change the law you asserted gave you the rights and powers you were found
not to have. Voila, you're not in violation. At least not as long as you are living in the same delusion of grandeur that this President is.
The modus operandi is the same for this guy. If Congress passes a law he doesn't like, he doesn't VETO it, he just doesn't execute it. He's the decider, yah know, not them. And so what if the Supreme Court said the Guantanamo prisoners have the right of habeas corpus? So what? He's the Pres-i-dent and what's a little violation of his oath of office? You remember, the part about 'faithfully execute the office... ."
And if he feels like invading another sovereign nation unilaterally... .
And if he feels like sending people to secret prisons to be tortured... .
And if he feels like tapping your goddamned phone calls and emails...
And if he feels like arresting you because of the way you look or seem.. .
Joe(there's someone at my door)Nation