Tony Snow Prediction

Reply Fri 19 May, 2006 09:38 am
I think that Tony Snow's performance can be adequately critiqued in a couple of months. I am very much afraid that Mr.Snow's former position as a conservative "task show" host may have frightened the left wingers.

I am certain that Mr. Snow's press sessions will not reveal any conservative bias on his part. The job requires that he communicate the Administration's positions on the issue.

That is exactly what he will do.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 May, 2006 05:59 am
I am certain that Mr. Snow's press sessions will not reveal any conservative bias on his part. The job requires that he communicate the Administration's positions on the issue.

Bush opposes English as national language: Gonzales

HOUSTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush has long opposed making English the country's national language, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said on Friday, the day after the Senate voted to do so.

Press Gaggle by Tony Snow

Q I know you said the administration wouldn't take a position on every amendment related to the Senate's dealing with the immigration legislation, but do you have a view on its treatment of the English language amendment?

MR. SNOW: As you know, there were actually a couple of amendments that came up yesterday, an Inhofe amendment and also a Salazar amendment. And what has come out of that is a description of English as the national language. And I think -- and we have supported both of these. So the answer is the administration -- as the President has said, one of the things that you want to make sure is that when at the end of a path, people who wish to become American citizens are ready for that, that they have a command of the English language. And I think both of these amendments are consistent with that stated presidential desire.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 May, 2006 05:08 pm
gaggle? definition- To cackle

Perhaps- I would not use the word
gaggle but so what?
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Reply Sun 21 May, 2006 06:59 pm
I think they need one of those picture thingies of a smiley with wind flowing over it's head. You completely missed the point.

The point is that Gonzales said that Bush was opposed to the measure of having English being the official national language, Snow said he supports it.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 22 May, 2006 05:38 pm
dlowan wrote:
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:
Dlowan to the rescue of her fellow tool!

Bi-po presented a diatribe. Do you really want to tell us it was a cohesive argument? Please feel free to defend an promote his tripe.

If you actually have a position which you would like to advance, how about posting it in your words rather than resorting to tiresome cut and paste productions.

Your ineffectual and boring clap-trap serves little purpose. Seize the issue, if you can, and engage in an intellectual debate.

Come on....

Ah...and you, of course, showed the way to a better and more gracious level of debate.

Not a more gracious level of debate, only a more cogent one.

Oddly enough, Finn, and I know this is a novelty for your world view, I actually told the truth.

I have no knowledge of this Snow fella, though I am suspicious of him as a tool of the current administration.

Well of course you would be, and since BiPo attacked him he must be a tool!

I am interested if you are able to, on a rational basis, assert whether he is a journalist of note, or a spineless lackey.

So it is your position that this argument:

"If he wasn't a lying sack of **** this morning he will be by Monday morning. Job requirement."

Requires a detailed and rational response?

You APPEARED to be defending him in that whatever the hell it was you deposited.....are you doing so?

Do you think him a person of journalistic repute?

If not, why so enbiled?

As a matter of fact I do think him a person of journalistic repute, and if you spent 10 minutes doing simple google research, you would find this, far more so that Bi-Po's calumny, to be the case.

What cause my bile ducts to flow is#1 the rampant and vulgar expressions of pathetic ex-hippies, and #2 the inane support they receive from lock-step Liberals.

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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 22 May, 2006 05:55 pm
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
Ah Finn honey, I don't think you love me. Crying or Very sad

Here is the position I advance. Tony Snow has spoken about your daddy bush like he was ****.... which he is as far as I'm concerned and then takes a job as his chief defender and mouthpiece. I smell pussy. Sell out pussy. There are many who will put it more graciously, but none more accurately.

If you don't like it or me that changes nothing although it does crush my self esteem and make me want to cry. Have a nice day sweetie.

Clearly nothing can crush your self-esteem as, presumably, you read your own posted tripe and proceed.

Snow has criticized Bush. There is no question of that. I suppose this translates to speaking about him "like he was a ****," in your 7th grader's scatological world. More mature worldviews might appreciate that supporting an individual, in general, doesn't preclude criticism on occasion. Of course Bi-Po/Peter Pan has no use for anything approaching "mature."

It is interesting that you and your ilk jump on Bush appointments for their perceived inability to challenge the positions of The Boss, and then jump on those who have. One would imagine that you folks would be welcoming Tony Snow, but then one would also have to imagine that there was any consistency to your arguments.

Where would A2K be without the pithy graffiti of Bi-Po?

"I smell pussy. Sell out pussy."

Indeed, there is no grace in these comments, but accuracy?

Bi-Po, you may, indeed, be an expert on the various odors of the American pussy, but you know shite about much else.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 22 May, 2006 05:58 pm
FreeDuck wrote:
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:

If you actually have a position which you would like to advance, how about posting it in your words rather than resorting to tiresome cut and paste productions.

I believe her position is, according to the first post, that Snow is already a lying sack of **** and that no great transformation will take place before Monday.

Indeed, and from someone who professes not to have any real knowledge of Tony Snow. Quite a leap, don't you think?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 May, 2006 10:57 pm
Ah, yes.

Finn has shown that the 2nd Grade attacks on Tony Snow by the bird from throbland is puerile. Of course. I don't think even 2nd graders would write so poorly in thier attacks on Snow.

But, if we examine the left wing attacks on a person who just began his job, we are inexorably drawn to the conclusion that a furious, unfocused, bitter group of losers will hurl mud at anything or anybody which does not agree with their extreme left wing liberalism.

The left wing, in their attacks on a man who has just began his job, fulfill the aphorism perfectly---
------Fanatics, losing sight of their goals, redouble their efforts!!!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 May, 2006 11:05 pm
Compare Tony Snow's resume with the resume of the hapless DeeDee Myers.


Snow alongside President George Bush and outgoing press secretary Scott McClellanSnow began his journalism career in 1979 in newspapers as an editorial writer for The Greensboro Record in North Carolina, next working as an editorial writer at The Virginian-Pilot in Norfolk, Virginia (1981-82), editorial page editor of The Daily Press in Newport News (1982-84), deputy editorial page editor of The Detroit News (1984-87) and editorial page editor of The Washington Times (1987-91). Also, The Detroit News published his commentary from 1993 to 2000, and he was a Counterpoint Columnist for USA Today from 1994 to 2000.

Snow also wrote a syndicated column for Creators Syndicate between 1993 and 2000. As a nationally syndicated columnist, his commentaries appeared in more than 200 newspapers nationwide. Snow won numerous awards during his print career, including citations from the Virginia Press Association, the Detroit Press Club, the Society of Professional Journalists, the American Society of Newspaper Editors, The Associated Press and Gannett.

He has appeared on radio and television programs worldwide including The McLaughlin Group, The MacNeil-Lehrer NewsHour, Face the Nation, Crossfire, and Good Morning America. Prior to the 1994 elections, Snow was the writer, correspondent and host of a PBS news special, The New Militant Center, which anticipated some of the upsets that shook the political establishment.

In 1991, Snow took a sabbatical from journalism to work in the White House for President George H. W. Bush, first as chief speechwriter (Deputy Assistant to the President for Communications and Director of Speechwriting) and later as Deputy Assistant to the President for Media Affairs (1992-1993).

From 1996 to 2003, he served as the first host of FOX News Sunday, a Sunday morning interview and roundtable program produced by Fox News, airing on affiliates of the Fox Broadcasting Company and later in the day on Fox News Channel.

Snow served as the primary guest host of Rush Limbaugh's program from the mid-1990s on. He was also a frequent commentator on National Public Radio. Snow's own Tony Snow Show on Fox News Radio premiered in late 2003. It ended when he became White House Press Secretary in April 2006.

In April 2006, he was named White House Press Secretary to replace Scott McClellan in the George W. Bush administration. His appointment to the position was formally announced on April 26, 2006. The position of White House Press Secretary has often been filled by individuals from news media backgrounds.

His selection as press secretary has been cast in a negative light by critics of the President.[2] Bush acknowledged Snow's prior criticisms during the announcement of his appointment, stating that Snow was "not afraid to express his own opinions".[3] In his new position, Snow will have input into the administration's policy debates, which was an unwavering requirement for him to take the job.

Snow began his new press secretary duties on May 8, 2006
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 05:48 am
Bush press secretary says gay marriage amendment civil rights measure; Stumbles when asked to define civil rights

WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY TONY SNOW: Whether it passes or not, as you know, Terry, there have been a number of cases where civil rights matters have risen on a number of occasions, and they've been brought up for repeated consideration by the United States Senate and other legislative bodies...

Q You mentioned civil rights. Are you comparing this to various civil rights measures which have come to the Congress over the years?

MR. SNOW: Not -- well, these -- it --

Q Is this a civil right?

MR. SNOW: Marriage? It actually -- what we're really talking about here is an attempt to try to maintain the traditional meaning of an institution that has maintained one meeting for -- meaning for a period of centuries. And furthermore --

Q And you would equate that with civil rights?

MR. SNOW: No, I'm just saying that I think -- well, I don't know. How do you define civil rights?

Q It's not up to me. Up to you.

MR. SNOW: Okay. Well, no, it's your question. So I -- if I --

Q (Chuckles.)

MR. SNOW: I need to get a more precise definition.

(the rest of the transcript of the press conference at link)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 04:52 pm
I am appalled that Tony Snow "Stumbled" when asked to defend his conception of "civil rights" and had the temerity to ask for a more precise definition.

He should review the statements of the greatest orator in American History who would, of course, give him ideas as how to stay out of trouble.

I am speaking, of course, of William Jefferson Clinton who brilliantly responded to the charge that he had smoked Marijuana at Oxford, that while he had tried Marijuana , he hadn't "inhaled".

Finn's comment that left wingers criticized Snow although they did not know much about them, clearly reveals the knee jerk reactions of the left wing. Anything that is within the Bush Administration is, prima facie, inoperable in any way.
0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 05:13 pm
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
Ah Finn honey, I don't think you love me. Crying or Very sad

Here is the position I advance. Tony Snow has spoken about your daddy bush like he was ****.... which he is as far as I'm concerned and then takes a job as his chief defender and mouthpiece. I smell pussy. Sell out pussy. There are many who will put it more graciously, but none more accurately.

If you don't like it or me that changes nothing although it does crush my self esteem and make me want to cry. Have a nice day sweetie.

Clearly nothing can crush your self-esteem as, presumably, you read your own posted tripe and proceed.

Snow has criticized Bush. There is no question of that. I suppose this translates to speaking about him "like he was a ****," in your 7th grader's scatological world. More mature worldviews might appreciate that supporting an individual, in general, doesn't preclude criticism on occasion. Of course Bi-Po/Peter Pan has no use for anything approaching "mature."

It is interesting that you and your ilk jump on Bush appointments for their perceived inability to challenge the positions of The Boss, and then jump on those who have. One would imagine that you folks would be welcoming Tony Snow, but then one would also have to imagine that there was any consistency to your arguments.

Where would A2K be without the pithy graffiti of Bi-Po?

"I smell pussy. Sell out pussy."

Indeed, there is no grace in these comments, but accuracy?

Bi-Po, you may, indeed, be an expert on the various odors of the American pussy, but you know shite about much else.

I know a pissy old grump when I meet one... and I know how to rile 'em up for my amusement and the amusement of others. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 05:30 pm
Finn- You have been eviscerated by the wit and wisdom of the BiPolar one--Give him some leeway because of his admitted afflication, Finn.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 05:32 pm
well bernard I would never accuse you of being a grump. You are devoid of human characteristics.

Some sort of cyber automaton or program of some sort perhaps.
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 05:40 pm
BernardR wrote:
I am appalled that Tony Snow "Stumbled" when asked to defend his conception of "civil rights" and had the temerity to ask for a more precise definition.

He should review the statements of the greatest orator in American History who would, of course, give him ideas as how to stay out of trouble.

I am speaking, of course, of William Jefferson Clinton who brilliantly responded to the charge that he had smoked Marijuana at Oxford, that while he had tried Marijuana , he hadn't "inhaled".

Finn's comment that left wingers criticized Snow although they did not know much about them, clearly reveals the knee jerk reactions of the left wing. Anything that is within the Bush Administration is, prima facie, inoperable in any way.

He wouldn't have stumbled had he not have tried to equate the proposed Gay Marriage Ban with civil rights legislation. Now if he was coming at it from the opposite of banning gay marrige he would be correct.

The rights belonging to an individual by virtue of citizenship, especially the fundamental freedoms and privileges guaranteed by the 13th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and by subsequent acts of Congress, including civil liberties, due process, equal protection of the laws, and freedom from discrimination.

adj. or civĀ·il-rights (svl-rts)
1. Of or relating to such rights or privileges: civil rights legislation.
2. Of or relating to a political movement, especially during the 1950s and 1960s, devoted to securing equal opportunity and treatment for members of minority groups.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 05:42 pm
What are you talking about? You know that they don't allow people with human characteristics into Raleigh. You can't know what human characteristics are. I was in North Carolina once. Most of the state reminded me of the scene from Deliverance. Sub normal men and women with highly retarded banjo playing children!
0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 06:03 pm
BernardR wrote:
What are you talking about? You know that they don't allow people with human characteristics into Raleigh. You can't know what human characteristics are. I was in North Carolina once. Most of the state reminded me of the scene from Deliverance. Sub normal men and women with highly retarded banjo playing children!

well the areas in which you prefer to hang out are your business....
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 08:46 pm
I have never seen a highly retarded banjo so I can't imagine what one would like if it was playing children.

Perhaps you can tell us more about this phenomena Bernard.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 09:23 pm
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
Ah Finn honey, I don't think you love me. Crying or Very sad

Here is the position I advance. Tony Snow has spoken about your daddy bush like he was ****.... which he is as far as I'm concerned and then takes a job as his chief defender and mouthpiece. I smell pussy. Sell out pussy. There are many who will put it more graciously, but none more accurately.

If you don't like it or me that changes nothing although it does crush my self esteem and make me want to cry. Have a nice day sweetie.

Clearly nothing can crush your self-esteem as, presumably, you read your own posted tripe and proceed.

Snow has criticized Bush. There is no question of that. I suppose this translates to speaking about him "like he was a ****," in your 7th grader's scatological world. More mature worldviews might appreciate that supporting an individual, in general, doesn't preclude criticism on occasion. Of course Bi-Po/Peter Pan has no use for anything approaching "mature."

It is interesting that you and your ilk jump on Bush appointments for their perceived inability to challenge the positions of The Boss, and then jump on those who have. One would imagine that you folks would be welcoming Tony Snow, but then one would also have to imagine that there was any consistency to your arguments.

Where would A2K be without the pithy graffiti of Bi-Po?

"I smell pussy. Sell out pussy."

Indeed, there is no grace in these comments, but accuracy?

Bi-Po, you may, indeed, be an expert on the various odors of the American pussy, but you know shite about much else.

I know a pissy old grump when I meet one... and I know how to rile 'em up for my amusement and the amusement of others. Very Happy

Better a pissy old grump than a pathetic old fool clinging to youth and a state of cool he most likely never actually occupied.

You don't rile me, you sadden me.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 11:49 pm
You are correct, Mr. Parados. I will restate the point. North Carolina, as I viewed it, especially in the area around Raleigh, appeared to be filled with subnormal men and women who had mongoloid children who were expert at playing the banjo. It reminded me of the movie, Deliverance.

Thank you for your request, Mr. Parados. I am always happy to comply and hope you will do the same. On another thread, I asked you for documentation about so-called teams who declared that Iraq had no WMD's. I have not yet received your reply.

I do hope you will offer me the same courtesy I gave to you.
0 Replies

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