Tony Snow Prediction

Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 08:16 am
FreeDuck wrote:
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:

If you actually have a position which you would like to advance, how about posting it in your words rather than resorting to tiresome cut and paste productions.

I believe her position is, according to the first post, that Snow is already a lying sack of **** and that no great transformation will take place before Monday.

please freeduck, we are to engage in intellectual debate here....pleae correct your post to read "a large container of falsehoods, misnomers. obfuscation and general misleading statements, so corrupt as to be as foul as human excrement"

Thank you.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 08:25 am
Im sure that John Stewart will be watching Snows daily morph into a partisan. On the radio, I always found Snow to engage his brain before his mouth. He has always been a student of the situation and not the personality, unlike most of the other right wing talking heads.
I think he was tapped for just that reason because guys like Limbaugh, Oreilley, Hannity, Beck,Liddy and Col Ollie are first and formeost, apologists. I havent ever heard Limbaugh accuse Bush of anything stupid, yet evidence to the contrary just hits us smack in the face almost daily.

I can wait and see. Im hoping he actually hangs around so the pundits can compare his past recorded bits with whatever hes forced to squeeze out for the team.
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Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 08:45 am
farmerman wrote:
Im sure that John Stewart will be watching Snows daily morph into a partisan. On the radio, I always found Snow to engage his brain before his mouth. He has always been a student of the situation and not the personality, unlike most of the other right wing talking heads.
I think he was tapped for just that reason because guys like Limbaugh, Oreilley, Hannity, Beck,Liddy and Col Ollie are first and formeost, apologists. I havent ever heard Limbaugh accuse Bush of anything stupid, yet evidence to the contrary just hits us smack in the face almost daily.

I can wait and see. Im hoping he actually hangs around so the pundits can compare his past recorded bits with whatever hes forced to squeeze out for the team.
<italics and bolded mine>

If you think some "morphing" has to happen before Snow is a partisan, you and me ain't been watching the same guy...
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Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 10:31 am
farmerman wrote:
I havent ever heard Limbaugh accuse Bush of anything stupid, yet evidence to the contrary just hits us smack in the face almost daily.

Maybe not, but I'm sure Rush appreciates you being a regular listener and helping to drive his ratings up. Laughing
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Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 12:23 pm
I wish we could go back to the old days when the ever truthful Lanny Davis and James Carville opined about Bill Clinton's Oval Office fellations.

Now there was a team with integrity!!!
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 01:38 pm
I wish we could get back to the good old days when we turned on the tv and people were constanly yapping about Clinton getting his dick sucked instead of 3.00 gas, unwinnable wars, lifetime deficits, constant death of our children, paranoia about nuklar war, death of social security, illegal immigrants doing as they please because the president was pandering to the hispanic voter base.....I could go on but I have to work tonight...........
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Reply Mon 8 May, 2006 12:59 am
I think you may be right, Blue Veined Throbber. Although I have been told that it is a historical mistake to go back to review events that occured before Jan. 19th 2001 when President Bush was elected, I will be so bold as to say that President Clinton was indeed a great president who will be remembered for l. signing NAFTA 2. Giving China a Most Favored Nation Status and 3. signing the magnificent Welfare Reform Bill.

How can anyone criticize a president who pressed for those issues?

and as for the present incumbent. George W. Bush, I can assure you, Blue Veined Throbber, that he will not be re-elected!
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Reply Mon 8 May, 2006 06:04 am
and as for the present incumbent. George W. Bush, I can assure you, Blue Veined Throbber, that he will not be re-elected!

Thank God for small mercies.

Media matter has the links to back up the past quotes of snow which show his false statements. (under related items)


But all that is secondary to the point that merely hiring someone from Fox news is telling whether anyone from the right wants to admit it or not.

Having said all that, who cares really, it's the policies and actions of the administration not the messenger who is at fault.

I predict he won't make any difference one way or another.
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Reply Mon 8 May, 2006 07:38 am
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 8 May, 2006 08:30 am
BernardR wrote:
I think you may be right, Blue Veined Throbber. Although I have been told that it is a historical mistake to go back to review events that occured before Jan. 19th 2001 when President Bush was elected, I will be so bold as to say that President Clinton was indeed a great president who will be remembered for l. signing NAFTA 2. Giving China a Most Favored Nation Status and 3. signing the magnificent Welfare Reform Bill.

How can anyone criticize a president who pressed for those issues?

and as for the present incumbent. George W. Bush, I can assure you, Blue Veined Throbber, that he will not be re-elected!

Captain Literal... I promote you to Colonel Obvious and award you the sevice medal for attempt at sarcasm.....
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 May, 2006 11:31 am
I have been told that it is a historical mistake to go back to review events that occured before Jan. 19th 2001 when President Bush was elected,

I was always under the impression elections were held in November. (The electoral college votes in Dec.) Bernard must be showing us his great understanding of facts again.
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Reply Mon 8 May, 2006 11:57 am
parados wrote:
I have been told that it is a historical mistake to go back to review events that occured before Jan. 19th 2001 when President Bush was elected,

I was always under the impression elections were held in November. (The electoral college votes in Dec.) Bernard must be showing us his great understanding of facts again.

So you don't understand what he said?

He is referring to inaugeration day. You know, the day the President becomes official...

Seems like he does indeed have his facts straight, but you would rather pick a fight.
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Reply Mon 8 May, 2006 01:34 pm
Are you incapable of reading McG?

Jan. 19th 2001 when President Bush was elected,

I know what an inauguration is. It isn't an election.

Bush's inauguration was Jan 20th, 2001. So if he was referring to the day Bush took office he had that wrong too.

Do you really want to defend such a blatant display of not getting facts right McG?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 May, 2006 01:38 pm
I do find it interesting that you profess to know exactly what Bernard is thinking.

I wonder if Bernard knows exactly what you are thinking too. You do seem to have very similar styles.
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Reply Mon 8 May, 2006 02:15 pm
nah - they just defend each other's little insecure backsides.
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Reply Mon 8 May, 2006 02:25 pm
Rolling Eyes

I can't help you with your comprehension skills. You choose to attack and make stupid assed remarks ignoring the point of what BernardR wrote. It's a juvenile effort on your part at best. I understood what he was saying, but then, I am much smarter than you as shown by your inability to grasp his point.

Then, Mr. Black America gets to jump in with his typical childlike slander. I am surprised none of the other juvies have joined in with you guys actually.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 May, 2006 02:59 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Rolling Eyes

I can't help you with your comprehension skills. You choose to attack and make stupid assed remarks ignoring the point of what BernardR wrote. It's a juvenile effort on your part at best. I understood what he was saying, but then, I am much smarter than you as shown by your inability to grasp his point.

Then, Mr. Black America gets to jump in with his typical childlike slander. I am surprised none of the other juvies have joined in with you guys actually.

That's "The Right Honorable Mr Black America" to you, slimeball... Laughing
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 8 May, 2006 03:02 pm
snood wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
Rolling Eyes

I can't help you with your comprehension skills. You choose to attack and make stupid assed remarks ignoring the point of what BernardR wrote. It's a juvenile effort on your part at best. I understood what he was saying, but then, I am much smarter than you as shown by your inability to grasp his point.

Then, Mr. Black America gets to jump in with his typical childlike slander. I am surprised none of the other juvies have joined in with you guys actually.

That's "The Right Honorable Mr Black America" to you, slimeball... Laughing

I'm going to get you a cool spandex suit with a cod piece (not like you black guys need them) and a big B on your chest.... BLACKMAN...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 May, 2006 03:04 pm
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Reply Mon 8 May, 2006 05:47 pm
I did indeed make an error. I said President Bush was elected on Jan. 19th 2001. He was not elected on that day but in the previous November but he did not take office until Jan.19th. My error.

However, I throw myself on the mercy of the court. The reason that Jan.19th sticks in my mind so clearly is that the month before that was the month in which President Clinton took his plea bargain and also made his scandelous pardons of some of the sleaziest criminals in our country's jails.

I learned something in November 2000. Even if a President is elected in November, the scumbag in office until Jan. 19th has a good deal of time to cause mischief.
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