Not a Math test but cheating on a Spanish Test.
Kennedy was unceremoniously booted out of Harvard University for cheating on a Spanish Test.
If you read my post, parados, you will note that the transcript of the hearing for Ted Kennedy indicated that he was charged with a crime of leaving the scene of an accident without making a report and that he was given the minimum jail sentence and that the sentence was suspended on the spot.
You can't deny that. That is part of the official record.
Then, manslaughter --a rant? You may think so but many in Massachusetts did not.
P. 53- Damore-"Senatorial Privilege
"Walter Steele, (special prosecutor for the county of Dukes County-Martha's Vineyard)said: "If I had to do it over again, I probably would have held out for a probable cause hearing for manslaughter and an autopsy"
P. 93- Damore
"Having defended automobile accident cases for insurance companies for many years, Gargan(Lawyer, Ted Kennedy's cousin, and co-host of the party at Chappaquiddick) was certain that Kennedy would be sued. Gargan said: "First, I was thinking of this as a civil case. And, in addition to that, manslaughter definitely had to be considered, since Mary Jo had died in an accident. BECAUSE ITS AUTOMATIC IN MASSACHUSETTS WHEN A PERSON IS KILLED IN AN ACCIDENT FOR THE PROSECUTOR TO BRING AN ACTION FOR CRIMINAL MANSLAUGHTER. YOU HAVE GOT TO HAVE A HEARING"
p. 110- Damore
"Gargan had known of cases of death resulting from automobile accidents which had been prosecuted for manslaughter. "That was quite common. There was nothing exceptional about it. That didn't mean that a lot of times, the person was not acquitted. BUT YOU HAD TO GO THROUGH A TRIAL"
P. 171- Damore
"As to manslaughter, the rule in Massachusetts was clear: "Any person who wantonly or in a reckless or grossly negligent manner did that which resulted in the death of a human being was guilty of manslaughter, although he did not contemplate such a result"
"A further manslaughter charge possibility developed from John Farrar, the Edgartown fire department scuba diver, In a number of interviews, Farrar repeatedly expressed the opinion that Mary Jo Kopechne might have lived for some time under water by breathing a bubble of trapped air, and that she could have been saved if rescue personnel had been promptly called to the scene of the accident"
P. 313-Damore
"Bernie Flynn(State Police Detective Lieutenant in charge of the Cape Cod Office of the District Attorney) indicated that Stan Moore, a participant about drinking on Richards' boat after the Regatta Race and before the party at Chappaquiddick, refused to talk to police about the drinking on Richards' boat, which suggested that Kennedy had half a bag on before the Party at Chappaquiddick, information of vital importance, given a possible manslaughter charge emanating from the request...The Registry of Motor Vehicles was "walking on tiptoes" around the case, Flynn said, because Ted Kennedy's license had expired, information that was common knowledge in the district attorney's office."
P. 323- Damore
"Henry Monaghan filed a brief on behalf of the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts as amicus curiae. Under Boyle's( District Court Judge, Edgartown, Massachusetts) ground rules, Kennedy could stand publicly accused of Mary Jo Kopechne's death. HAVING PLEADED GUILTY TO ONE OFFENCE ARISING OUT OF THE ACCIDENT, KENNEDY COULD BE REPORTED TO BE THE PERSON 'WHOSE UNLAWFUL ACT OR NEGLIGENCE APPEARED TO HAVE CONTRIBUTED THERETO, Monaghan said, "Accordingly, he faces the possibility of a MANSLAUGHTER PROCEEDING>"
and P. 412- Damore
Senator Kennedy granted a two hour interview to a team of investigative reporters to discuss the accident for the first time since the inquest....Kennedy cleared up none of the conradictions involved in the accident or the "nearly 100 discrepancies in the testimony and statements by several key inquest witnesses. PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT BY LAW ENFORCEMENT AND JUDICIAL OFFICIALS HAD SAVED KENNEDY FROM BEING CHARGED WITH SERIOUS CRIMES, INCLUDING M A N S L A U G H T E R, the GLOBE concluded in its four part series"
Manslaughter--a rant? I respectfully submit that it is possible that Parados does not know what manslaughter is and that he is not aware of how it may have applied in the Kennedy case. A "rant" to Parados but not to the people, officials and newspaper quoted above.