What Liberals Wish They Were Reading This Morning ...

Reply Fri 5 May, 2006 08:58 pm
dlowan wrote:
dyslexia wrote:
vote early
vote often
vote Kucinich.

Hey! Gus told us you were being tortured in your basement.....he exaggerated, huh?

It couldn't have been torture. It was sanctioned by the US government. They would never allow torture.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 May, 2006 09:23 pm
Crack, Oxycontin, Meth and Heroin.

This Dope is the most Hardcore **** on the street. I know, I grew up there and I'm still in contact through friends and family.

Limbaugh is on the heavy Hardcore Dope because he is a drug addict. He is a drug addict because he has deep rooted and unresolved emotional and psycological metal problems.

He's a Heroin addict. Thats what Oxycontin is.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 May, 2006 09:32 pm
parados wrote:
dlowan wrote:
dyslexia wrote:
vote early
vote often
vote Kucinich.

Hey! Gus told us you were being tortured in your basement.....he exaggerated, huh?

It couldn't have been torture. It was sanctioned by the US government. They would never allow torture.

I don't think Diane consulted the US government...they would have most likely wanted to take him overseas first.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 May, 2006 09:21 am
Amigo wrote:
Crack, Oxycontin, Meth and Heroin.

This Dope is the most Hardcore **** on the street. I know, I grew up there and I'm still in contact through friends and family.

Limbaugh is on the heavy Hardcore Dope because he is a drug addict. He is a drug addict because he has deep rooted and unresolved emotional and psycological metal problems.

He's a Heroin addict. Thats what Oxycontin is.

That's like saying a toyota prius is a humvee... stop with the exagerrations already.

Just because they are in the same family of drugs hardly makes them the same.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 May, 2006 01:28 pm
2000 Oxycontin pills in six months. Thats what Limbaugh got busted for. Those pills go for 20$ a pop on the street.

Thats $40,000 in Hillbilly Heroin as they call it.

Limbaugh is the highest junkie on the block.

2000 Oxycontins Shocked Jesus!

He's been loaded the whole damn time. He probably doesn't even know what the hell he's saying half the time. He just says whatever he needs to get more DOPE MONEY.
Limbaughs Mexican maid, The first Bust!

Scoring in parking lot

Cline said she went to prosecutors with information about Limbaugh and others after four years of drug deals that included clandestine handoffs in a Denny's parking lot.

She also gave a ledger documenting how many pills she claimed to have bought for him - 4,350 in one 47-day period - and E-mails she claimed Limbaugh sent her.

In one missive, Limbaugh pushed Cline to get more "little blues" - code for OxyContin, the powerful narcotic nicknamed hillbilly heroin, she said

It started after her husband, David, hurt himself in a fall, and Limbaugh asked how he was.

"He asked me casually, 'Is he getting any pain medication?' I said, 'Yes - he's had surgery, and the doctor gave him hydro-codone 750,'" Cline said. "To my astonishment, he said, 'Can you spare a couple of them?'"

Cline said she gave Limbaugh 10 pills the next day and agreed to give him 30 of her husband's pills each month. When the doctor stopped renewing the prescription in early 1999, Limbaugh allegedly went ballistic.
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Reply Sat 6 May, 2006 02:19 pm
Majority Report played a clip of some woman who got past his screeners and nailed him on all his denials of the allegations. He started stuttering and stammering and refused to "dignify her questions" with a response." It was classic.

BTW it is a fact that no one ever gets through to him except dittoheads, on purpose anyway.
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Reply Sat 6 May, 2006 04:09 pm
With so much "evidence" it's amazing he got off with such a sweet deal. No wonder the libs are frothing.
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Reply Sat 6 May, 2006 04:31 pm
About Purdue Pharma
Purdue Pharma is one of the largest privately owned pharmaceutical companies in the world. The company is based in Stamford, CT and employs approximately 3000 people across the U.S. It is dominated by the wealthy Sackler family who bought the company in 1952.

Purdue's Cash Cow: OxyContin
OxyContin was developed and is manufactured by Purdue Pharma. 75% of Purdue Pharma's total sales are derived from OxyContin. OxyContin garnered $25 million in sales its first year on the market in 1995 and sales last year reached $1.9 billion. According to the GAO, OxyContin is the most frequently prescribed brand name narcotic in America. OxyContin prescriptions have skyrocketed from just three hundred thousand a few years ago to more than 7 million.

Rock Bottom for Addicts, The Bottom Line For Purdue
Those who worked for Purdue say profits were pushed over medical prudence. "The company was all about the bottom dollar. Sell OxyContin. Period," Karen White, a former Purdue sales representative told ABC News last October. A former Purdue sales manager in West Virginia said that detailers were instructed to say that OxyContin was "virtually non-addictingÂ…it's not right, but that's what they told us to say."

By 1998, the company's sales force stood at 625, twice the number before Purdue produced Oxy only a few years earlier, according to the book "Pain Killer, A Wonder Drugs Trail of Addiction and Death." The company plied physicians with free trips to high-priced resort seminars in Arizona, California and Florida. The meetings had one key agenda: spread the word that pain was under-treated and doctors needed to address that vacuum by aggressively prescribing drugs like OxyContin, according to "Pain Killer."

Selling the drug was the top priority for Purdue and by last year, 75% of the company's revenues came from OxyContin. Recovering Oxy addicts like Chris Czarnocki of Royal Palm Beach, Fla., blame the drug maker for their troubles.

"They knew the side effects and still they stuck it out on the markets," said Czarnocki, who got hooked after being prescribed OxyContin following an injury. "They said it was non-addictive. They knew that if people got on it, the company would make billions of dollars. Â… It's all about money and power. How could you put that out on the street? I'd like to know what possessed them to put OxyContin on the market."

Several authorities familiar with the growing epidemic say Purdue helped fuel the drug craze through the company's aggressive and highly successful $500 million marketing campaign. U.S Rep. Edolphus Towns (D-NY) has called Oxy a scourge, while speaking on the floor of the House this month. He also said the drug company is not without blame.

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Reply Sat 6 May, 2006 04:32 pm
Lamebrain got a sweet deal on his drug charges because he's a white boy with lots of cash. If he were brown or black, or poor, he'd be in the Graybar Motel as we speak.
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Reply Sat 6 May, 2006 04:50 pm
Lamebrain got a sweet deal because he has lots of cash. OJ, Kobe, & the Jeb Bush offspring dispel the melatonin corollary.
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Reply Sat 6 May, 2006 04:56 pm
The melanin makes the cash threshold much higher.
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Reply Sat 6 May, 2006 05:03 pm
Of course, Kobe and OJ had to actually go to trial.

Rush worked out a deal before he was even arrested.
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Reply Sat 6 May, 2006 07:26 pm
Setanta wrote:
Lamebrain got a sweet deal on his drug charges because he's a white boy with lots of cash. If he were brown or black, or poor, he'd be in the Graybar Motel as we speak.

Is that really true?

Is the book normally thrown at the addict in the US?
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Reply Sat 6 May, 2006 07:36 pm
dlowan wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Lamebrain got a sweet deal on his drug charges because he's a white boy with lots of cash. If he were brown or black, or poor, he'd be in the Graybar Motel as we speak.

Is that really true?

Is the book normally thrown at the addict in the US?

That depends on so many factors. Without doubt, money will get you an easier ride. If for no other reason, hiring one's own attorney goes a lot farther than relying upon a public defender. A man i know killed another man with a shotgun, after that man had kicked in his door, and fired at him with a revolver, missing. He got a PD. The PD saw him twice before trial, and didn't spend even an hour with him on the two occasions combined. At trial, he went aside with the Prosecutor, and, without consulting with his client, plead to manslaughter. My friend was sent up for twelve years. After a year in the pen, his mother got the story from him on a visit, hired an attorney and he was out in one week, and has never gone back. In the end, he had manslaughter on his record, and had to pay a hefty fine. If he had had an attorney to begin with, someone he paid for and who earned his pay working on his client's behalf, he'd have probably walked at the end of the trial.

Being black or brown in this country when you are arrested is a liability certainly. If you are black or brown, and have big bucks for legal talent, you may eventually get off. If you are poor, of any complexion, you're probably looking at long prison time for certain types of offenses. Possession of large quantities of any drug is construed as intent to traffic. It also depends on whether you are up on a state rap or a federal rap. In the Reagan administration, there was a nasty little bit of double-dealing done with cocaine. Federal sentencing guidelines were passed, because the conservatives were screaming that judges were "soft on crime," and the guidelines mandated certain lengths of incarceration upon conviction. Powdered cocaine did not necessarily lead to a prison sentence, and it was possible to get Federal probation. Crack cocaine, however, involved much heavier sentences, and almost a guarantee of prison, except for the smallest quantities. Bascially, powdered cocaine, which is "snorted" is a drug of the affluent, principally white boys. Crack cocaine has become a problem of all races, but it is basically a poor man's drug, and a ghetto drug--far more black and brown boys arrested for crack. Rehab diversion only became attractive to the States and the Feds when their prison populations began to reach the overflow level. I could not say what the situation is today, it has been too long since i did any social work, so i'm not in touch with the boys and girls on the street any more--other than to casually know that the 13 year crack whores are still out there, and cocaine (in powder form) is still readily available from the discrete bartenders at the fashionable watering holes.
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Reply Sat 6 May, 2006 07:54 pm
dlowan wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Lamebrain got a sweet deal on his drug charges because he's a white boy with lots of cash. If he were brown or black, or poor, he'd be in the Graybar Motel as we speak.

Is that really true?

Is the book normally thrown at the addict in the US?
A drug charge can ruin your life. You lose your right to vote if it's a felony. Our jails are full of criminalized addicts. Some have no violent record only drug charges with a lifetime of jail time each drug charges compounding the next jail sentence. The prisons collect money on each prisoner. If you can afford a lawyer you can beat the rap. If your poor, your f**ked. You get stuck in the system. A backround check eliminates any chance of landing a good job. In America money buys "Justice" and if you can't pay the prison system collects from the tax payer.

Cocaine pipeline financed rebels
Evidence points to CIA knowing of high-volume drug network

by Gary Webb
San Jose Mercury News

For the better part of a decade, a San Francisco Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles and funneled millions in drug profits to an arm of the contra guerrillas of Nicaragua run by the Central Intelligence Agency, the San Jose Mercury News has found.

This drug network opened the first pipeline between Colombia's cocaine cartels and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles, a city now known as the "crack" capital of the world. The cocaine that flooded in helped spark a crack explosion in urban America - and provided the cash and connections needed for L.A.'s gangs to buy weapons.

It is one of the most bizarre alliances in modern history: the union of a U.S.-backed army attempting to overthrow a revolutionary socialist government and the "gangstas" of Compton and South-Central Los Angeles.

The army's financiers - who met with CIA agents before and during the time they were selling the drugs in L.A. - delivered cut-rate cocaine to the gangs through a young South-Central crack dealer named Ricky Donnell Ross.

Unaware of his suppliers' military and political connections, "Freeway Rick" turned the cocaine powder into crack and wholesaled it to gangs across the country.

Cont. here http://www.mega.nu:8080/ampp/webb.html
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Reply Sat 6 May, 2006 08:08 pm
That's interesting.

Once upon a time I would have known exactly what was going on re this stuff here, but I really do not know now........I know that possession of over certain amounts would also be considered intent to traffic here, with the defendant having the burden of proving that such was NOT the intent.

I doubt that anyone seriously thought Limbaugh was trafficking, though, surely?

Criminalizing addicts is insane IMO, unless they have committed crimes in getting money for the stuff....I really do not see doctor shopping as an imprisonable offence, though, surely? Better recording in a central data base of subscriptions for the kind of stuff that Limbaugh was addicted to is a better answer. We have a number of Dr Feel Goods trembling in their boots these days because of such recording. Given that doctors are a common addict group themselves, it also protects against self prescription.

I think those saying that use of money and power to get off is common are correct, wrong though it is. That being said, I still think the sentence for Limbaugh is a sane one.

Ony his disgusting hypocrisy makes this newsworthy.

I do hope some of his followers are propelled into critical analysis of his rantings by this...but I won't be holding my breath.


Oh, I DO know that courts here are increasingly using diversion programs...ie not sentencing addicts if they agree to rehab......their progress is assessed over a period of a few years, and if they relapse, or cease rehab, they again face sentencing.

This is very sane, I think...and seems to be exactly how Limbaugh has been treated.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 01:06 am
I agree. Limbaugh is a hypocrite. He has railed against drug use and it is an established fact that he went "doctor shopping" and piled up quite a large cache of "pain killing drugs".

I hope that the populace remembers this if Limbaugh ever speaks of cracking down on addicts.

But sometimes the public has a short memory or the media does not give enough attention to the case at hand.

How many people are aware that the illustrious Ted Kennedy, after his complicity in the death of MAry Jo Kopechne, was only charged with leaving the scene of an accident without reporting it and that charge was immediately suspended?

How many people are aware that the illustrious Ted Kennedy was unceremoniously booted out of Harvard Law School when he cheated on a Spanish test?

Because Rush Limbaugh was hypocritical about the subject of drugs, I can never take his pronouncements on that topic seriously.

Because Ted Kennedy was a cheater at Harvard and clearly evaded justice in his home state, Massachusetts, after the death of Kopechne, I can never take his pronouncements about "Justice" and "Equity" seriously.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 01:38 am
BernardR wrote:
I agree. Limbaugh is a hypocrite. He has railed against drug use and it is an established fact that he went "doctor shopping" and piled up quite a large cache of "pain killing drugs".

I hope that the populace remembers this if Limbaugh ever speaks of cracking down on addicts.

But sometimes the public has a short memory or the media does not give enough attention to the case at hand.

How many people are aware that the illustrious Ted Kennedy, after his complicity in the death of MAry Jo Kopechne, was only charged with leaving the scene of an accident without reporting it and that charge was immediately suspended?

How many people are aware that the illustrious Ted Kennedy was unceremoniously booted out of Harvard Law School when he cheated on a Spanish test?

Because Rush Limbaugh was hypocritical about the subject of drugs, I can never take his pronouncements on that topic seriously.

Because Ted Kennedy was a cheater at Harvard and clearly evaded justice in his home state, Massachusetts, after the death of Kopechne, I can never take his pronouncements about "Justice" and "Equity" seriously.

You need to get over Ted, Massagato....the affair was a looong time ago, and he has forgotten you. Let go...you will feel so much better.

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Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 01:59 am
When Presidential Historians write their Histories, they regularly refer back to previous presidents. They must in order to make comparisions or there would be no benchmark with which to judge the present.

Ted Kennedy should have been charged with manslaughter. Most Historians would agree.

Ted Kennedy did cheat on his Spanish test at Harvard. He was unceremoniously booted out of the University and not even his politically connected father and all his father's wealth could have him immediately reinstated.

The idea that one can make comments on historical occurences without reference to past events is one which only people who are untrained in Historiography would make.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 06:41 am
dlowan wrote:
BernardR wrote:
I agree. Limbaugh is a hypocrite. He has railed against drug use and it is an established fact that he went "doctor shopping" and piled up quite a large cache of "pain killing drugs".

I hope that the populace remembers this if Limbaugh ever speaks of cracking down on addicts.

But sometimes the public has a short memory or the media does not give enough attention to the case at hand.

How many people are aware that the illustrious Ted Kennedy, after his complicity in the death of MAry Jo Kopechne, was only charged with leaving the scene of an accident without reporting it and that charge was immediately suspended?

How many people are aware that the illustrious Ted Kennedy was unceremoniously booted out of Harvard Law School when he cheated on a Spanish test?

Because Rush Limbaugh was hypocritical about the subject of drugs, I can never take his pronouncements on that topic seriously.

Because Ted Kennedy was a cheater at Harvard and clearly evaded justice in his home state, Massachusetts, after the death of Kopechne, I can never take his pronouncements about "Justice" and "Equity" seriously.

You need to get over Ted, Massagato....the affair was a looong time ago, and he has forgotten you. Let go...you will feel so much better.


Hypocrisy has an expiration date?

Your selective moral outrage is hysterical.

<<BTW, this is your cue to redirect with a sigh, eyeroll, & a dissertation on the right's obsession with the Kennedys & Clintons. Lights, camera, action, Deb!!>>
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