emperor where can we find a clue about where to find these sections; also, you didn't answer my question; is that seven God's number?
fingerprints.......hmmm..........do you mean we are making this harder than it is or it has something to do with the word fingerprints or somethin else?
I also found something juicy; are u saying emeperor that there is a chance that something is in the Bible; I read that the bible is filled with the number seven; it means God's perfection maybe that's it
i dont no if this helps but it took God 7 days to make the earth
Hint, Always go 3 to the right.
Is this for the other books in school?
the # 3 is also divine; three persons in one. or is the three a refence to a certain location?
Can you please tell us where the spaces go in this long chain of letters because we cant figure it out.
i dont think it would be location. location to what? the books are done. we need to figure out what the code means. Emperor can you give us the spaces in the code
ok... uh.. does they "key" refer to the keyboard or the internet? what bout 7, paul are you working on decoding it? I will! Also emperor, what do the 3 books...Assassination, Armegeddon ,and Nicholae help? I know that he is the antichrist! Do they lead to one of the books in that series?
Luke 3:1 only talks about the rulers of that time. emperor please give us the spaces.
I repeat, The answer is just beneath your finger tips. 3:1,3:1,3:1,3:1...
it atlks about Pontius pilate; maybe that's it; he was the ANTICHRIST TO CHRIST: he was teh one that condemmed him to death and washed his handñ he was a hypocrite. Is that it emperor
judea, galilee, ituraea, lysanias! LOCATION
Luke 3:1 pontious pilate became governor of judea..He sentenced Jesus to daeth
It also mentions that it was the 15th yr.of the reign
yeah hewas the antichrist of christ! And it talks about locations