Three books (words)
The three words (books) that we found for the puzzle are: The Left Behind Series/ Book #3-Nicolae, Book #6-Assassination, and Book #11-Armaggedon. What are these for?
emperor are you there!
another sms kid
is the emperor here yet???
hey emporer new sms kid are u there
Where are you??
what does the phrase mean?
It must do something with antichrist; is it the only way to fight him?
ok, the phrase is " tell me everybody who is on your team"
By the way, great job Paulie
The Hidden Treasure
So, tell the emperor, who is everyone on your team?
hey emperor, this is who is on our team
nobody or nothing is not on our team beacause whether they are good or bad, we benefit from them. For example, the devil telling us that this puzzle is stupid or to keep the money for yourself. This motivated us to really come together as a team and not be greedy, which is the opposite of this temptation. Or the people who didn't do anything, they made it possible for us to do something. This is why everyone and everything is on our team.
This is what I figured out and we agree that it is the answer.
Correct. would you like the next puzzle?
also, can we have your email???
ryan, I'm waiting!! where are you??
ok so this another puzzle that needs to be decoded. Are there any clues you can give me because right now i am blind to what I need to do to solve this. Are there spaces?? please help!!!
the dashes are the spaces
Is there anything else you need? I'm getting ready to have breakfast and then church with my wife?
haha yeah i'll be doing that tomorrow morning. No nothing else but I will be emailing you from now on with questions. I need to go to bed. It's late here. Thank you.
e-mail me when you have broken the puzzle.
God's speed,