Thu 8 May, 2003 03:51 pm
I used to drink gallons of coffee. Then I developed an allergy to it. Rather than have my throat close up every morning, and rather than cope with the unpleasantness that is caffeine withdrawal, I switched to tea. Every now and then I try to cut down on caffeine or stop drinking it altogether, but that never seems to last very long.
Do you drink coffee? Tea? Soda pop? Do you think you could live without caffeine? Would you want to?
Mountain Dew or Coke
That's it
I have had very little caffeine over the last week and a half, mostly because my tummy has been angry about something. I do miss waking up early to a nice pot of hot tea with milk, though.
Can you wake up early in the morning without soda pop, husker?
Nothing until about noon - I can burn the candles at both end with need fer little in between, but when I'm sleeping I'm 7 feet under and a dreaming fool!
Well, whether or not I want to have it, I must not....I used to drink bucketfuls of coffee, not just any coffee....really really good coffee, home-ground and preference was always for the African and Sumatran coffees....pure bean, no blends. Single Estate true Java was also a fave....then acid reflux came....I quit coffee as I didn't know what was going on, just that my body didn't like it anymore. I kicked the caffeine thing, but the reflux continued to get worse. Only recently did I discover Prevacid
It is a near perfect solution. I can now enjoy a coffee or espresso once in a while, but no longer daily. Tea I never fancied...the higher tannin level made my troubles worse
Three to five cups, usually pretty strong, before lunchtime. Nothing afterward.
Marycat- I am not able to tolerate caffeine. The older I get, the worse it gets. I noticed, about 20 years ago, that sometimes I would get so dizzy, that I literally could not move, for hours. Could not figure out why.
One day I was having a business lunch with a collegue. The waitress kept refilling my coffee cup. I must have had 5-6 cups. We went to my car to drive back to the office. I drove two blocks, and pulled over. My collegue had to drive me back to the office, and I lay on the floor of an office, until the end of the day.
Then one of my staff drove me home, and another followed me in my car.
Ispoke to my ENT doc, and immediately he said it was the caffeine. For awhile I could tolerate a regular cup of coffee in the morning, and a Coke at lunch. Then THAT bothered me, so I went to decaf. coffee. Then the decaf would give me a funny headache that was the precursor to the dizziness. Recently I found that the iced tea derved at my organization's luncheons were starting to give me that headache.
I stopped using any caffeine, including cold pills.
Funny think though, Chinese tea does not bother me.
A sensible approach, SP.
Cav, doesn't it stink when your whole life revolves around food and then there are certain foods you just can't have? Makes me sad...
Wow, Phoenix! That's a strong reaction, and dangerous!
Prevacid....a life saver...I can eat what I want again, enjoy nice coffee once in a while, all in moderation, but at least I am no longer a prisoner to my illness.
Cav, that is all that matters!
Phoenix, I'm sorry to hear that! It must be rough for you. Did the Doc ever say what it was the caffiene was doing to you?
I usused to drink coffee regular, only about 2-3 cups a day though. My mom, in her late 50's coupled with my Dad.. Well lets just say they go though a 1 pound coffee can of coffee in about 2 days. Not to mention they have been smokeing 2 packs a day for about 30 years. Amazingly enough they are still healthy!
Gen- Don't know why, but it's awful! I just have to stay away from the stuff. Maybe it raised my blood pressure(?)
It also may have to do with my inner ear. The only thing that helps is Drammamine!
2 large cups in the morning. I tried to go cold turkey and stop drinking coffee. I was a dead head. So back I went to my coffee.
Bummer Phoenix!
The blood pressure thing seems about right though.
I'm glad that you can stay away from it. I would hate it to do something more perminate to ya!
I'm surprised Drammamine works though! Its great its so easy to come by, just in case!
I drink hot tea all day long ~ and coffee only on occasion. (With chocolate flavoured creamer.....)
Sometimes a cup of tea right before bed, too.
Doesn't bother me.
caffeine gives me an arhythmia called paraxysmal auricular tachycardia. Its a double heartbeat and a pause. Its fairly benign and is common to caffeine ingestion in about (Ive been told, about 10% of people-so theres gotta be a genetic marker)
I drink decaf and stay a way from chocolate (theobromine the stimulant in chocolate is caffeine flipped over , it does the same thing as caffeine)
About 4 cups of coffee daily, in the morning only. Lunch time, a diet coke, then in the evening, diet coke until bedtime, then a nice cup of tea, the answer to all life's problems:) Just ask any Irish person!
There's an old family rumour that all children were given tea in their bottle at bed-time.....Have I mentioned that I come from a family, both paternal and maternal, of heavy sleepers?
I never drank from a bottle, but for another thread.
I am a caffeine addict! I don't drink the stuff throughout the day, but I must have at least one cup of coffee in the morning. If I don't, I'll develop a severe headache by early afternoon.
Until I was about age 25, I was unable to tolerate coffee. It made me so jittery that I would sometimes hyperventilate. I finally learned to drink it as I wanted to appear as an "adult" to all my co-workers who consumed gallons of the stuff every morning.
One day, I decided that caffeine was not good for me. I slowly withdrew from all caffeine and was very proud of myself to be able to rid my body of something I deemed unhealthy.
My life without caffeine had lasted about five years when one day -- from out of the blue -- I had this overwhelming craving for a piping hot cup of coffee.
So, at the supermarket, I bought a jar of instant decaf, thinking it would satisfy the craving. That was my "re-entry" drug. Soon I was back to the real stuff, the stronger the better.
I try to limit my coffee drinking now to the morning hours. If I drink a soda, it's of the decaf variety. In the South, however, especially in the summer, ice tea is the drink du jour. It's hard to escape this soothing beverage when it's 98 degrees outside with humidity levels at 98%.
Years ago, I had business in Wisconsin during the month of March. At a restaurant, I ordered ice tea to go with my burger. The waitstaff explained that ice tea was only available during the summer months. I was dumbfounded.
I asked if hot tea was available, and it was. I asked if ice was available, and it was. So, I ordered a cup of hot tea and a glass of ice and poured the hot stuff over the ice and enjoyed ice tea when it was unavailable to the rest of the populace (true story, I promise!).