Fri 11 Aug, 2006 11:47 am - It was a wonderful meal! And with wonderful company. A great evening.
I forgot to mention the locally grown green and purple peppers, which I sauteed with onions and garlic. Yum!
Yay Friday!... (view)
Fri 11 Aug, 2006 11:24 am - Wow, Mapleleaf! Congratulations!
25 years is a long time.
Dear Diary,
I have a happy, full belly. Last night we had a few friends over, and I served a lemon basil pesto pasta salad with... (view)
Fri 11 Aug, 2006 11:15 am - Cake!
I made a super delicious lemon cake with lemon icing yesterday, which I served with perfectly ripe sliced strawberries. (I wanted raspberries, but the organic strawberries were less than $4... (view)