Slappy, I never tried Jaeger in college, so I didn't have any bad past experiences to fight back when I tried it with the Red Bull. I went to a women's college, you see, where we either drank cheap wine or mixed things with OJ and Peach Schnapps or went to MIT where they had no idea how to mix a drink but tried to make everything really strong and really sweet to get us drunk as quickly as possible. And so I became a beer drinker.
As for the price, I understand. That's why it pays to date the bartender!
I've switched to diet Sprite, right now.
Diet Sprite with Jaeger?
Or just instead of too too much coffee?
I'm heating water for some tea. Then I must begin accomplishing things.
I've been up since 3:30 am, so it's time to start winding myself down from the caeffine.
New Haven<
How long does your "unwinding" process take?
Every now and then, I'll find a soda machine with bottled water in it, but not that often. Usually the water is in a separate machine, and most places don't have that water machine. Alas.
The one we have at work has water bottles, but since we all drink water all day it's usually out. And then we have to drink sugary and/or caffeinated soda.
Its 0920 right now, and having woken up at 0530 - I already have had 4 cups of coffee. I think this much coffee is not good for my health !!
I'm starting my day at work with 3 espressi... no sugar, hold the milk. On an empty stomach. with cigarettes. And a glass of sparkling mineral water.
I feel good.
All I know is, I went out last night for a casual "drink or two," and now my liver is holding it's middle finger up to me.
At least I got solicited for sex.
Caffeine would be perfect right now.
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:
At least I got solicited for sex.
How much money did she offer ???
I don't drink coffee often because I find it too bitter and am afraid I will scald my lips. Iced tea is fine, but my favorite drug delivery system is a can of soda.
I have a very serious diet cola habit. I'm easily over a six-pack a day. I'm trying to cut back, but if I go cold turkey I'm afraid I'll hurt someone. I would drink Jolt Cola, but it is sickeningly sweet to me. If there were a diet Jolt (which kinda defeats its purpose) I would be their best customer.
I drink two cups of black coffee a day, one right after my morning shower and one after dinner. I have a coke or whatnot occasionally, usually with lunch, maybe 3 times a week.
But caffeinated heaven actually exists in these two words - Espresso Martini.
Oh so yummy.....
How much money did she offer ???

So she walks up, grabs my crotch and says "whatcha' been feeding this thing?" I'm like "blondes. Now fetch me a beer."
Or something like that.
Did she expect you'd object Slappy?
Bottled water seems to be the newest selection in vending machines where I shop. Perhaps it's in vogue all across the land.
I still don't understand why I should pay $1.25 for a bottle of water when I could fill up on the local H2O at the water fountain for free!
I lived many decades before spying my first bottle of Aquafina water. As far as I'm concerned, I can live a lifetime without ever having drunk one,
I think the bottled water trend is continuing to be fostered by the war on terror. The mouthpiece through which "normal" water passes may be contaminated by anthrax -- or maybe something worse.
Now, Slappy, don't get excited, but my favorite caffeine of choice right now is the Mellow Yellow Cherry. A soothing blast on a hot spring day.
I just had my 2 cups and I'm ready to go!
Espresso Martini?
Mellow Yellow Cherry?
Where do you find these lovely creatures? I've never seen or tried either one of them.
ok, so hang on. One cup, two cups, three..... How many ounces are we talking here? I have one cup of joe in the morning, but it's a fairly large cup.
Espresso Martinis can be ordered at The Independant in Union Square, Somerville. I do believe that other fine establishments may also serve them. However, my recollection of Austin, Texas is foggy at best so I can not suggest anything there. The last time I was there I was at a place called Joe's on 6th with a Scottish rugby team. And so it goes.....
Your allergic to coffee anyway! Bad marycat!
However, I can suggest a pina colada that I also get at The Independant. No blender - Malibu, pinapple juice..something something...and fresh unsweetened whipped cream for thickening. Shake and serve over ice. I'll ask about the something something.