Bella Dea wrote:OmSigDAVID wrote:
My reaction is that, as I remember,
the Kellerman study was DISCREDITED,
as being fony repressionist, anti-freedom propaganda,
using fony means of statistical analysis, back in the 1990s.
just because some people say it isn't so doesn't make it not so.
On the flip, just because Kellerman says it's so doesn't make it so.
His leftist statistical foibles were exposed
( if I remember accurately, by John Lott ) making a scandal for Kellerman.
I am not sure if it was the Kellerman study,
or an earlier one,
that did such things as asserting that PEOPLE WITH GUNS IN THEIR HOMES
met a high number of violent deaths,
including suicides,
when upon investigation it turned out that they
included in their count,
folks who drowned in the ocean, or
people who jumped off of buildings,
or were eletrocuted on-the-job, or were killed in traffic accidents,
with their guns at home; outrages like that.
I read about this some time back in the 1990s,
hence, I 'm sorry for my imprecise memory on the subject.
However, if you could provide me with accurate figures, then we can put this whole thing to rest.
CAN, do it,
but it will take time and work.
I possess Lott 's work, several of his books,
but it wud take some digging.
In the last decade,
I had the information at hand;
as of now, I don 't remember what became of it,
tho I did not throw it away.
Statistical analysis was never my strong point,
nor have I ever been a real swift researcher; for this I 'm sorry.
Otherwise, I will go with the study that is out there.
U mean to tell me
that there is only
ONE study " out there " ?