i just tried calling all stars?
and .. uh..
i didnt get an answer
if you want them to help you , you better put in the right number..
Quote:I wonder if I should play up the religious angle. Maybe I should add something about "for forty days and forty nights I've toiled with this matter..."
I think I'd just stick with the nice, polite, secular note. :wink:
shewolfnm wrote:i just tried calling all stars?
and .. uh..
i didnt get an answer
if you want them to help you , you better put in the right number..
Oh, I thought the stars were just kicky swearing again...
Quote:Okay, so I've composed a letter to my neighbors finally. I thought it would be better to do this while I'm not home, so I won't write anything that could possibly be interpreted as obnoxious or as$hole-ish.
you gonna mail it to them?
if you have their address, you might as well just call 'em...
Or fold up the letter into a little paper aeroplane, and whizz it through their window, while you stand there naked, shouting "F-L-O-U-N-D-E-R!"
i'm sure kicky's already been contemplating doing that.
what he needs here are fresh new ideas...
Hang on a jiff, the BBC have just announced that it is going to stop raining for ten minutes. I'm therefore going to mow me lawn. I'll try to think of something while I mow.
Actually, I went in there yesterday to find a person to personally hand my letter to, but no one was around. It was just a hallway and a little temple/meeting room thingie. Empty. I found a clipboard on a podium which was like a sign-in sheet and clipped it to that. I hope they get the damn thing so I don't have to start exposing myself to little children. Although, that might be fun too.
do you think this is going to create some " i hate you " neighbor behavior?
good grief, I miss the Kick. He must be either very depressed, very annoyed, or ******* his sweet self alive. My guess is he's irritated, stands to reason.
he has not posted in almost a month.
You don't suppose the neighbours chopped him into little pieces?
Get a strobe light and dance around in leopard spandex.
Kicky, did your neighbors ever cover their windows?????
Another old thread revived........... this one was fun.
Let's give it another go so we don't have to think about the corrupt SOBs who are screwing this country into the ground.