may they stay firm and nit get all mushy like those yella ones.
Tonite , for supper I made bacon and eggs (we have been on a sort of "cookie decontamination cleansing" since Christmas night.
I got some Weiss Bourbon bacon (its sweet but smoky good, and its thick cut)
I learned a new little trick from ALton Brown for eggs
1Get butter bubbking in a pn
2For each person break two eggs sunny-side up into separate shallow dessert dishes,
3As the butter begins bubbing, lt the eggs slide into the pan and turn the heat up to full
4cook in an open pan for about 30 seconds
5 after about 30 seconds put a lid on the frying pan and let it cook another 10 seconds
6 turn off heat and let the lid on for about a minute
The eggs will be done perfectly sunny-wside up with all the yolk nicely white and no snot on the top, yet the eggs dont look like they have cataracts
They just slide into the plate with a minimal of spatulation.
BAcon, eggs, and Mrs F was in charge of fried sliced red skin potatoes crispily done with a garlic pepper dusting
Supper was like breakfast and it was mahvelous
LApsang tea afterwardsand we were nicely gruntled