Okay, so here's the result. Unmitigated disaster! It was RARE, RARE, RARE! I went in at 5:00 (20 minutes before it supposed to be "done") and put a thermometer in it and touched it. Cool. Uh oh. Not a good sign. Looked 5 minutes later and nothing registering on the thermometer. Uh oh. I now had 20 minutes before serving. I had to saw through the raw roast and microwave the slices. Next time, I would do it for 8 or 10 minutes at 500 deg per pound instead of 5. It tasted great in the end, but my lesson was Never Ever Ever experiment On The Job! Not with dinner, anyway.
This job has been all about roasts and pies... not turning out. Oh well!
And while I'm here, I'll give an update on my daughter. They're still separating but because they can't afford to separate (too expensive), they're still living together. He would have to pay nearly or just over $900/month in child support, PLUS one child's daycare, which is $780/month, PLUS his rent, utilities, food, gas, etc., so they're basically on hold. I think they each bring in about $3,000/month, so he would be left with very little. Anyway, she's going to a counsellor once every so often, has been to a lawyer and a financial manager, and they're trying to be friends. I'm all for creative thinking and have given her some suggestions, but this is for them to work out. She's upbeat but worried about the future (she's a worrier, I am not, so we're on different wavelengths). I say PLAN but don't WORRY about it. It usually all works out. Anyway, that's the update.
And don't ever follow that roast recipe if you have a deadline

Big NO-NO!