ehBeth wrote:
we need more details! while we have a decent Koreatown here, I haven't seen a lot of those dishes
That blackish dish is blood sausage. It's stuffed with rice, diced veggies, spices and, of course, blood. It reminded me of Cajun boudin. In the South, they use rice noodles instead of whole grain, so the northern version is more like boudin.
The tannish wraps stuffed with rice are the 인조고기밥, which means 'fake meat with rice.' It resembles southern dishes less than the others. I'm pretty sure it's unique to the North.
You can barely see a dish with red dipping sauce in the top of that first photo. It's got 고추장 (gochujang), chopped chili peppers, sesame oil and some other things I couldn't recognize. It had a decent bite to it, but not what I'd call all that spicy. The refugee showed us that you dip the blood sausage in it, but for the other dishes, you pick some up with your chopsticks and rub it on. That's so that the rice doesn't fall out in the sauce, I suppose.