I made two things yesterday - ricotta gnocchi, a different recipe than usual, more tedious, tasted the same as my old easier way, more or less, and then I had some of it yesterday evening with a tomato and hot ital sausage sauce. Good.
I also made carrot soup yesterday, which was what the ricotta gnocchi was meant for . Tasted the soup later when cool, eh.
Today I added a little more black pepper to the soup and a what the hell few shakes of turmeric.
Heated the soup with the remaining un-tomatosauced gnocchi, and lo and behold, that tasted great and I had a nice big bowl full.
I'll be making that soup again. Here's the link:
Very good carrot soup -
Nigel Slater mentions that you can substitute ginger for the cardomon, and I can tell that would be good too.
(I used a Martha Stewart ricotta dumpling recipe instead of Slater's. Slater's was probably fine, I just didn't want to deal with the baking powder thing).
Martha's ricotta dumplings -
Here's my old ricotta gnocchi recipe, that made part of good meals for me and snacks for Katy dog:
On review, Martha Stewart's is a better recipe. I just don't always feel like fiddling. Of the three gnocchi recipes, this one on theKitchn website is the simplest.