I made my pork tenderloin medallions in marsala sauce. It was amazing.... If I do say so myself. My mom and dad in law were very happy with it. I made a salad with strawberries and romaine, feta and candied ramen noodles and pecans. A wonderful little red wine vinegrette.
and a big ol' bottle of cabernet sauvignon.
I was pleased.
that sounds yummy.
Ima have a tuna salad sammcih and some noodle soup and go back to working...
My prawns(shrimps) are being marinated in chilli/garlic sauce for tonights dinner, and wifey is preparing a lovely salad to go with it. About to dive in the wine cellar to find a nice white fruity wine to polish it all off.
Got to keep the boss happy.
Dinner tonight was bacon & eggs on toast.
Too pooped to create a culinary masterpiece on this Friday evening.
Tomorrow, perhaps?
We were suppose to meet some friends for din din tonight but my pal Anthony had a little fender bender on his way home today. Nobody was hurt, just his car. He wanted to stay in after that so we just stayed home and ordered Chinese take-out.
Pizza and beer.
That's our normal Friday night fare. fair? fare.
I am having a hard time with that word today.

That is the second time I have used that word today Msolga. And both times I had a moment of confusion.
My pleasure, missy.
What sort of pizza?
Which brand of beer?
Always fascinated by these details from non-Oz countries!
Just a pepperoni and a cheese. The kids are not into the veggies on their pizza. I had gourmet white pizza last week that was amazing. Tonight's is just a 4 cheese hand tossed. I ordered it.
It is pretty!
Wish I could try some!
Thanks for obliging me, missy.
Cheers girls, I'm settling for a good old local brew, West End Draught.
G'day there, Dutchy.
When I fancy a cold one (which is not all that often, I confess) my brew of choice is a chilled
Second choice:
How can anything made with clear, clean Tasmanian waters possibly be bad for you?
Good choices msolga, will have a couple this arvo at my mates BBQ.
I hope it's not as wet in Adelaide (for your barbecue) as it is here today, Dutchy.
Cats & dogs!
Leftover soup - pinto beans, brown rice, adobado sauce, beef sausage, presauteed onions, kale - still good.
(glad Anthony's ok)