Fox News: Iran May 'Pull Nuclear Trigger' Tomorrow
Reported by Judy - August 21, 2006
Fox News' Juliet Huddy broadcast a claim Monday (August 21, 2006) that Iran may fire a nuclear weapon as early as tomorrow, despite a lack of any evidence that Iran actually possesses one.
Huddy, co-host of 'Dayside,' was promoting a story updating developments surrounding the deadline set by the U.N. for Iran to comply with U.N. resolutions on nuclear inspections when she said, 'A defiant Iran says it will not stop its nuclear program. And there's firey talk that they may be itching to pull the nuclear trigger as early as tomorrow.'
Iran has a uraniuim enrichment program but unlike North Korea, is
still years away from actually having a weapon. Huddy did not make that clear.
Nor did Fox News reporter Kelly Wright, who reported that Iran had conducted military maneuvers over the weekend, firing 10 Thunderbolt surface to surface weapons capable of traveling up to 150 miles, but not able to carry a nuclear warhead, Wright said.
Wright was followed by an expatriate Iranian woman, Ghazal Omid, who claimed that Iran is on the verge of attacking Israel, because of the maneuvers. Omid's evidence was sketchy to non-existent, but she appeared to be saying that a war with Israel would bolster support for the current regime in Iran, which now hovers around only 15 percent. "This would keep them going," she said.
But Omid did not cite any evidence that Iran has a nuclear bomb ready to launch "as early as tomorrow."