oralloy wrote:I can accept sanctions, if they are possible.
But it looks to me like China and Russia plan to prevent any sanctions from taking place.
That is possible, but it is not known at the present. At all events, sanctions or none, i consider that it would be illegal for the United States to take military action without a UN resolution, and that we do ourselves far more harm acting alone illegally than "allowing" Iran to develop nuclear weapons. Once again, whether or not it is palatable to the cowboys among us, it is reality that there is much in the world we are unable to control. Given that we likely cannot end their program without the use of nuclear weapons to attack them, the stakes are far too high, with any putative benefits far outweighed by the harm done to all and sundry.
Quote:Regarding Israel, if the world fails to prevent Iran from gaining nukes, we should ditch the NPT and give direct aid to Israel's nuclear program, to make sure Iran has a strong deterrent against attacking Israel.
Why? Isreal has no special claim on our protection and aid. Do you assert that we should give such aid to any state which can make a claim upon our beneficence? You once again indulge your penchant for making statements from authority rather than offering an opinion.