I've been away, not had the inclination to wade through 30 pages, especially when my post directly addressed thread topic.
I didnt say a nuclear first strike was certain, only a distinct possibility.
atom bombs up the Thames?

The only way that would happen is if we joined in a pre emptive strike with the US which, on this occasion, we are not going to do. Potomac?
If Iran threatens to wipe out Tel Aviv, then thats a problem for Israel. Perhaps they would not get threatened if they did not behave in such a beligerent manner themselves.
I dont believe the Iranians tell the truth, only that they have up till now abided by the NPT. Do you think the American British French or Israeli governments are familiar with the concept of truth?
I quite believe Iran would threaten Israel, especially if Israel continues with its policy of territorial land grab and colonial expansion in the middle east.
Murder a few million Londoners? Our foreign secretary has described Iran as a peaceful and democratic country. Why would Iran bomb London any more than Israel or Pakistan, except of course if we bombed Tehran first. hell we even went along with the pretence that Lockerbie was perpetrated by Libya, not to upset Iran.
It would not be on my conscience if Tel Aviv or Los Angeles was wiped out, but on the consciences of those who did such a foul deed, and those whose policy of military aggression led directly to such retalliation.