No reason to feel that way. We're all friends here.
edgarblythe wrote:No reason to feel that way. We're all friends here.
You are truly a good friend (((((((((((((Hug))))))))))))
The go ahead was to Lion..
Montana, it was a general statement, although I know Edgar has been dealing with stuff.
I sort of link fear of pink meat with total fear of bacteria. For most people that is inappropriate fear. We have natural bacterial flora as it is. Bacterium is not an evil word. Immune systems are arguably helped in early years by exposure to various antigens, though not as very early babies, pre six months, I think, if they are not breast fed, but that may be old info on my part.
For people who are immune compromised, very serious conditions, pathogens are really a problem. So those people shouldn't eat the very relatively rare production hamburger pattie with e.coli of a certain particular number (the other e. coli are ok, they are part of our natural stomach flora).
Ok, ok, I'm wrong, I'm wrong! flukes appear in cattle.
So, do you like liver?
Yeah, I know but it still is taking a chance I think. I know the main risks are with the elderly and immune systems that have been compromised, but I personally won't take that chance, especially now when my immune system isn't doing that great either. I've had stomache problems in the past 2 months and I'm going through tests now to find out what's going on.
I barely eat and with my stomache feeling like this, I'm being extra careful in cooking my meat
I dunno, Montana. I hope you will be fine soon.
I think for the average person, fear of a medium rare steak is silly. If on the other hand all the people who choose that like cardboard for a lot of money...
Burger and steaks are in a different category for me. Hamburger is my main concern when it comes to beef, so those are well done, but I like my steaks med rare.
My meat is never like cardboard.
I should say that I like my burger med well, because I don't burn them or cook them long enough for them to dry out.
There.. we go. If I was where I thought I was immune compromised, I'd just skip the burger rather than have a medium well one.
We all have our yuckies.
Food fight!!!!!
And I wouldn't dream of eating raw burger.
<Whips a hand full of mashed potato at Osso>
Osso grabs potato pellet, checks it out for garlic and butter...
I've practiced cooking the meat so it does not dry out. It helps to buy a bit of fat. I think that's why ground sirloin is so good.
Raw ground steak ... mmmmmmmm ... yummmmm. That was one of my favourite treats when I was in my teens.
I like poultry fairly well-done, but I want beef to be drippy and pork to be pink. I make some fine fine faces when pork and beef are not meat-coloured anymore.
Me too, and meat color is GRAY.
meat should be just done enough to where the blood is leaking off of it in a mild pink color..
yum yum yum